CHURCH: Hill Lutheran Church, Derry Township, Dauphin County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Abby Bowman Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. ________________________________________________ RECORDS OF THE "HILL" LUTHERAN CHURCH IN DERRY TOWNSHIP, DAUPHIN COUNTY Edited by E. W. S. PARTHEMORE HARRISBURG, PA HARRISBURG PUBLISHING COMPANY, 1892. "HILL" LUTHERAN CHURCH Records of Baptisms, etc. Although it has been the prevalent opinion of many that the territory now comprising the county of Dauphin was settled almost, if not wholly, by the Scotch-Irish, it is a fact worthy of notice that from the earliest period of settlement the followers of Luther were near neighbors of the adherents of John Knox. With the advent of the Scotch-Irish immigration were established Derry, Paxtang and Hanover meeting houses; while shortly after came the Lutheran minister and school teacher. St. Peter's church, of Middletown, has generally been considered as the first German church north of the Conewago, but the records which follow show that the first house of worship erected by the Lutherans was the "Berg" church, in Derry township, built in 1756, nine years prior to St. Peter's. The church is located upon the sand hills near the brownstone quarries, two miles southeast of Hummelstown. The original structure was surrounded by a fine grove of chestnut and oak trees, on an unfrequented public road, and stood upon the northwest side thereof, in the grave yard, until the year 1875, a period of one hundred and nineteen years. The representation given is from a photograph taken prior to its being pulled down. The present building was erected on the southeast side of the road, and is built of red sandstone, having a small belfry upon which is a bell which Sabbath after Sabbath peals forth its sweet strains, calling its remaining worshipers to the sanctuary. Two years ago it was the writer's privilege and pleasure to pay a visit to this ancient church and grave yard, and make a transcript of the tombstones. In the church is the old communion set which has been in use one hundred and seventeen years. This consists of a pewter tankard and two platters. Upon the first is engraved "U. Hipsher and W. Poh- 1758," and upon the latter "U.H.-W.P." In the records of the church proper, we translate from the original entry: "A. D., 1758, the cup and the plates were put into this church by Ulrich Hubscher and Wendel Poh. The basin for baptism was bought with alms-money, likewise the cover on the table. A napkin to cover over this cup was given by Wendell Poh. An inkstand of brass paid out of the alms-money. The bell [bell tongue (?) handle (?) ]. April 19th, 1767, Wendel Poh's wife gives five shillings as alms." (signed) REV. F. THEOPHILUS ENGELAND. The church book contains also the records of baptism of many who were early inhabitants in the locality, and other surnames recognized as the citizens of Paxtang, Swatara and Susquehanna Valleys, who came the great distance in obedience to the commands of the church of their fathers, until Lutheran churches at Middletown and Hummelstown were erected. The parish record is not the only one said to have been in the possession of the church, for we learn that a number of years ago, a gentleman from Lancaster (since deceased), secured a fuller record, which was never returned. It is more than probable that it was not the "Hill church" record proper, but that of Zion's Lutheran church, Hummelstown, and which should by all means be searched for, as it would give interesting historical information relating to that town and its people. The records in existence we have had transcribed and translated, and thus do our share in preserving somewhat of the historic gleanings of that landmark of German settlement in Pennsylvania. E.W.S.P. (The following points in the civil history of Sand Hill church are herewith given: "April 6, 1791. Articles of incorporation were drawn and the following trustees incorporated therein: Jacob Books, Michael Wall, John Bender, John Walty, John Fuhrman, Anthony Beersley, Philip Beersley, Henry Sta-cs and Thomas Smith. Feb. 15, 1817. Amos Elimaker, Attorney General, pronounced them lawful. March 19, 1817. They are passed as "lawful" by William Tilghman, Chief-Justice, and John B. Gibson, Associate Justice, both of the Supreme Court. April 26, 1817. James Trimble, Deputy 4. "HILL" LUTHERAN CHURCH. Secretary of the Commonwealth, enrolled the same. April 20, 1817. The great seal of Pennsylvania with the undecipherable rolling hand of Gov. Simon Snyder is attached. Oct. 16, 1839. The same is recorded by John Houser, Recorder, and thus are the five articles pretty well secured from the sins of the body politic.) [Abbreviations: dau., daughter; s., son; b., born; bap., baptized; d., died.] WOLFLEY, ELIZABETH, dau. of John Conrad Wolfley, b. October 4, 1757; bap. October 8, 1757; witnesses, Jacob Lenz and wife. ARMBRUSTER, JOHN GEORGE, s. of John Armbruster, b. September 24, 1757; bap. October 8, 1757; witnesses, George Slener and wife. DEISS, CHRISTIANA, dau. of J. Deiss, b. October 3, 1757; bap. October 8, 1757; witnesses George Brumbach and wife. BRAUN, JOHN GEORGE, s. of Daniel Braun, b. September 2, 1757; bap. October 8, 1757; witnesses George Schuz and his sister. LENZ, ANNA MARIA, dau. of Jacob Lenz, b. November 28, 1757; bap. January 29, 1758; witnesses, Jacob Schutz and wife and Ann Maria Lenz. SPENGLER, GEORGE, s. of Peter Spengler, b. January 15, 1758; bap. February 26, 1758; witnesses, George Bombach and wife. RETZEL, CATHARINE ELIZABETH, dau. of John Henry Retzel, b. January 26, 1758; bap. January 29, 1758; d. May 20, 1758; witnesses, Philip Fishborn and wife. BRAUN, CATHARINE MAGDALENA, dau. of John Braun, b. February 25, 1758; bap. March 26, 1758; witnesses, Michael Fensel and wife and George Frey and wife. DUEN, SUSANNA, dau. of William Denn*, b. November 10, 1754; bap. March 26, 1758; witnesses, Stoffel Mauz and wife. (*Transcriber's note: The name Denn has an upside-down e.) BRAUN, VINCENT, s. of John Braun, b. October 4, 1757; bap. October 8, 1758; witnesses Vincent Kieffer and wife. GENTER, CATHARINE ELIZABETH, dau. of Philip Genter, b. year 1758; bap. October 8, 1758; witnesses, Philip Fishborn and wife. GENTER, JOHN PETER, s. of Philip Genter, b. December 9, 1760; bap. December 28, 1760; witnesses, Peter Gunther and wife. Ettle, Christina, d. of Gottlieb David Ettle, b. July 24, 1752; bap. Dec. 31, 1752; witnesses Michael Kessinger and Catherine Margaret Shaul. Ettle, Jno. Phillip, s. of Gotlieb David Ettle, b. Apr. 22, 1755; witnesses, Ulrich Hubscher and Wife. Ettle, Conrad, s. of Gottlieb David Ettle, b. May 31, 1757; witnesses, Conrad Wolffie and Wife. Ettle, Catherine Elizabeth, d. of Gottlieb David Ettle, b. Mar. 8, 1759; witnesses, Phillip Fishburn and wife. Ettle, David, s. of Gottlieb David Ettle, b. Jan. 30, 1762; bap. Dom. Esto. Mihi, 1762. Wunderich, John Dietrich, s. of John Wunderich, b. Nov. 11, 1757; bap. Dec 4, 1757; witnesses, J. Dietrich Morrell and wife. LeRuh, Margaret, d. of Jonas LeRuh, b. Sep. 29, 1757; bap. Oct. 8, 1757; witnesses, John Newcomer and wife. Huber, Matthew, s. of Michael Huber, Jr., b. Apr. 18, 1757; witnesses, Matthew Wenner and wife. Hummel, Eva, d. of Frederick Hummel, b. Nov. 7, 1756; bap. Non Multo post; witnesses, Simon Brey and Eva Oberline. Alleman, George Nicholas, s. of Christian Alleman, b. Jan. 16, 1758; bap. Feb. 26, 1758; witnesses, George Fry and wife and Nicholas Stauch and wife. Alleman, Herman Henry, s. of Chrisitan Alleman, b. April 15, 1759; bap. April 29, 1759, witnesses, George Fry and wife. Alleman, Catharine, d. of Christian Alleman, b. Feb. 14, 1761; bap. March 22, 1761; witnesses, George Fry and wife. Albrecht, [Albright] Anna Regina, d. of Jacob Albrecht, b. April 10, 1756; witnesses, Franz Newcome and wife. Albrecht, Francis Phillip, s. of Jacob Albrecht, b. July 10, 1757; bap. Sept. 10, 1758; witnesses, Phillip Parthemer and Anna Maria Eyweiler. Albrecht, John Christopher, s. of Jacob Albrecht, b. Nov. 20, 1758; bap. Dec. 25, 1760; witnesses, Stoffel Schupp and wife. Albrecht, John Peter, s. of Jacob Albrecht, b. Aug. 16, 1761; bap. Sept. 6, 1761; witnesses, John Peter Gunter and wife. Albrecht, Jacob, son of Jacob Albrecht, b. Dec. 26, 1764; witnesses, Anthony Blessie and wife. Albrecht, Christina, d. of Jacob Albrecht, b. May 15, 1767; bap. June 12, 1767; witnesses, Matthew Stahl and wife. Boresch, John Phillip, s. of John Boresch, b. March 14, 1758; bap. May 20, 1758; witnesses, Phillip Gunther and wife. Boresch, Catharine, d. of John Boresch, 5. "HILL" LUTHERAN CHURCH. b. Dec. 25, 1759; bap. June 2, 1760; witnesses, Phillip Fishburn and wife. Boresch, John Frederick, s. of John Boresch, b. Feb. 18, 1762; bap. Dom. esto Mihi, 1762. Gansle, J. Adam, s. of Michael Gansle; b. May 18, 1758; bap. May 20, 1758; witnesses, Adam Delker and wife. Flerspach, John Christopher, s. of Melchior Flerspach; b. May 27, 1758; bap. June 18, 1758; witnesses, Stoffel Schupp and wife. Hummel, John Frederick, s. of Frederick Hummel; b. Oct. 5, 1758; bap. Oct. 8, 1758; witnesses, John Adam Keller and wife. Hummel, David, s. of Frederick Hummel; b. Jan. 9, 1761, bap. Jan. 25, 1761; witnesses, Anthony Blessing and wife. Cassell, Anna Catherine, d. of Michael Cassel; b. Oct. 5, 1758; bap. Nov. 8, 1758; witnesses, Frederick Cassell and Anna Weimer. Cassell, Frederick, s. of Michael Cassell; b. Aug. 26, 1758; bap. Dom. 4 post Trinitatis; witnesses, Frederick Cassell and Anna Weimer. Cassel, John Michael, s. of Michael Cassel, b. Mar. 4, 1761; bap. 4th Sunday after Trinity; witnesses, Jacob Leny and wife. Baumann, Geo. Jacob, s. of Jacob Baumann, b. after his Father's death, Oct. 16, 1758; bap. Nov. 8, 1758; witnesses, Geo. Gross and wife. Wolfle, Phillip Jacob, s. of Conrad Wolfle, b. Jan. 24, 1759; bap. Feb. 25, 1759. Braun, John, s. of Daniel Braun, b. Aug. 20, 1759; bap. Nov. 4, 1759; witnesses, J. Cassell and wife. Deiss, John, s. of John Deiss, b. Nov. 29, 1758; bap. Nov. 4, 1759; witnesses, J. Newcomer and wife. Forster, Barbara, d. of Frederick Forster, b. March 8, 1759; bap. May 29, 1759; witness, Phillip Fisher. Forster, Phillip Frederick, s. of Frederick Forster, b. Feb. 26, 1761; bap. Mar. 22, 1761; witnesses, Phillip Fisher and Wife. Forster, John Henry, s. of Frederick, b. Feb. 17, 1763; bap. April 2, 1763; witnesses, Henry Scheffer and Wife. Stoll, Margaret, d. of Mathias Stoll, b. April 4, 1759; bap. April 29, 1759; witnesses, Maxim Hian Speidel and wife. Kermanne, Anna Margaret, d. of Joseph Kernanne, b. May 15, 1759; bap. June 17, 1759; witnesses, Frederick Morrell and wife. Kermanne, Julianne d. of Joseph Gennanne, b. Dec. 8, 1761, bap. dom. ex post; witnesses, John Corbin and wife. Kermanne, Catharine Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Kermanne, b. March 28, 1765; bap. April 16, 1765; witnesses, Henry Ditzel and wife. Trabler, Anna Margaretta, d. of Ludwig Trabler, b. July 12, 1759; bap. eodem ut seq; witness, John Phillip Gunter. Jesupp (?), Geo. Frederick and John Phillip, sons of Christopher Jesupp (?), b. May 27, 1759; bap. June 17, 1759; witnesses, Frederick Hummel and wife, and Phillip Parthemore and wife. Jesupp (?), Phillip Frederick, s. of Christopher Jesupp (?); b. July 12, 1760; bap. 10th Trinitatis, 1760; witnesses, Philip Parthemore and wife, and Frederick Hummel and wife. Blessle (Blessing), George Frederick, s. of Anthony Blessle; b. Nov. 1, 1759; bap. Dec. 27, 1759; witnesses, Frederick Hummel and wife. Blessle, Antonius, s. of Anthony Blessle, b. March 27, 1762; witnesses, Anthony Hemperly and wife. Blessle, Christian, s. of Anthony Blessle, b. November 29, 1765; witnesses, Anthony Corbin and wife. Bolty, J. Michael, s. of Michael Bolty, b. July 22, 1758; witnesses, Andrew Vel and wife. Bolty, Jacob Frederick, s. of Michael Bolty, b. March 7, 1760; bap. Dom Judica; witnesses, Geo. Jacob Bolty and Catherine Meyer. Kristler, Samuel, s. of John Kristler, March 29, 1759; witnesses, Frederick Hummel and wife. Kristler, Frederick, s. of John Kristler, b. March 15, 1761; bap. dom laetare, 1761; witnesses, Frederick Hummel and wife. Wolfle, John, s. of Conrad Wolfle; b. March 30, 1760; bap. April 20, 1760; witnesses, Jacob Lenz and wife. Dauckmann, ------, d. of Michael Dauckmann; b. March 30, 1760; bap. 3d Trinity, 1760; witnesses, John Cassell and wife. Fishburn, Maria Margaret, d. of Philip Fishburn, b. July 24, 1753; bap. 6th Sunday after Trinity, 1760; witnesses, Phillip Bolty and wife. Fishburn, John Phillip, s. of Philip Fishburn, b. Nov. 15, 1754; bap. 6th Sunday after Trinity, 1760; witnesses, Philip Fishburn and wife, in whose absence Wenceslaus Bolty served as their proxy. Fishburn, Ludwig, s. of Philip Fishburn, b. Sept. 3, 1756; bap. 6th sunday after Trinity, 1760; witnesses, Ludovicus Bolty and wife. 6. "HILL" LUTHERAN CHURCH Fishburn, JOhn Pietrich, s. of Philip Fishburn, b. June 29, 1760; witnesses, John Peitrich Morrell and wife. Fishburn, Peter, s. of Philip Fishburn, b. April 16, 1758; bap. July 4, 1762; witnesses, Peter Aler and Maria Hoffman. Fishburn, Anthony, s. of Philip Fishburn, b. June 1, 1762; bap. July 4, 1762; witnesses, Anthony Ochler and wife. Fishburn, Maria Magdalen d. of Philip Fishburn, b. Feb. 10, 1765; bap. dom. paulo post; witnesses, Peter Gunther and wife. Fishburn, Catherine, Elizabeth d. of Philip Fishburn, b. Aug. 12, 1767; bap. 16th Trinitatis 1767; witnesses, Henry Dietzel and wife. Mayer, Magdalena, d. of Henry Mayer, b Nov. 25, 1757; bap. 6th Trinitatis 1760; witnesses, Frederick Cassell and Magdalena Kristler. Mayer, Henry, s. of Henry Mayer, b. Dec. 20, 1759; bap. 6th Trinitatis 1760; witnesses, Nicholas Cassell and Anna Maria Sheffer. Kermanne (Carmany), John Philip, s. of Anthony Kermanne, b. Dec. 2, 1758; bap. July 13, 1760; witnesses, Philip Fishburn and wife. Kermanne, John, s. of Ant ony Kermanne, b. June 15, 1760; bap. July 13, 1760; witness, John Kermanne. Kermanne, Anthony, s. of Anthony Kermanne, b. Nov. 14, 1764; bap. Oct. 4, 1766; witnesses, Anthony Blessing and wife. Kermanne, John Martin, s. of Anthony Kermanne, b. Sep. 12, 1766; bap. Oct. 4, 1766; witnesses, John Martin Collmer and wife. Parthemore, John Philip, son of Philip Parthemore; b. Dec. 16, 1760; bap. Jan. 25, 1761; witnesses, Philip Fishburn and wife. McKallens, John, s. of ------- McKallens; b. June 10, 1761; bap. Sept. 6, 1761; witnesses, Ludwig Traber and wife. Speidel, John Adam, s. of Jacob Speidel; b. Feb. 11, 1762; bap. Com. esto mihi, 1762; witnesses, John Adam Schneider and wife. Speidel, Margaretha, d. of Jacob Speidel; b. Feb. 24, 1767; bap. March 23, 1767; witnesses, Frederick Stahl and Margaretha Speidel. Speidel, Maximilian, s. of Jacob Speidel, b. Feb. 22, 1770; bap. March 1, 1770; witnesses, Maximilian Speidel and wife, Margaretha. Speidel, John, s. of Jacob Speidel, b. Dec. 6, 1776; witnesses, Peter Buchs and wife, Margaret. Speidel, Jacob, s. of Jacob Speidel, b. Feb. 15, 1777; witnesses, Max. Speidel and wife, Carra (Caroline). Speidel, Christina, d. of Jacob Speidel, b. July 17, 1779; witnesses, Frederick Stall and wife, Elizabeth. Speidel, John and George, sons of Jacob Speidel, b. Jan. 22, 1782; bap. Feb. 17, 1782; witnesses, Maximilian Speidel and wife, Barbara and Philip Blessing, and Magdalina Speidel. Baab, Anna Catharine, d. of Rudolph Baab, b. April 18, 1761; bap. Ascension Day; witnesses, Adam Waler and wife. Unschild, Maria Elizabeth, d. of John Unschild, b. May 20, 1759; bap. Festo Trinitatis, 1761; witnesses Jacob Speidel and Elizabeth Greb. Unshild, Christina, d. of John Unschild, b. June 6, 1762; bap. Sept. 9, 1762; witnesses, Jacob Speidel and wife. Unschild, Andrew, s. of John Unschild, b. Oct. 3, 1766; bap. Nov. 2, 1766; witnesses, John Goez and Christiana Schumacher. Staud, Rosina, d. of Nicholas Staud, b. June 6, 1761; bap. xii Dom. Trinitatis, 1761; witnesses, Frederick Hummel and wife. Weeber, Elizabeth, d. of George John Weeber, b. Jan. 19, 1761; bap. 8th Trinitatis, 1761; witnesses, Jno. Huber and Susanna Schey. Willms, Susanna, d. of Chas. Willms, b. Sept. 1755; bap. 8th Trinitatis, 1761; witnesses, John Albright and wife. Willms, John Wilhelm, s. of Charles Willms, b. April 1757; bap. 8th Trinitatis, 1761; witnesses, Jacob Burkhard and Salome Huber. Zeiter, Margaret, d. of Jacob Zeiter, b. May 19, 1754; bap. Dom. esto mihi, 1762; witnesses, Philip Ginter and wife. Zeiter, John Jacob, s. of Jacob Zeiter, b. Sept. 7, 1727; bap. same time as above; witnesses, Jacob Albright and wife. Zeiter, Maria Christina, d. of Jacob Zeiter, b. Nov. 8, 1760; bap. same time as above; witnesses, Wm. Stricker and wife. Zeiter, John, s. of Jacob Zeiter, b. June 20, 1762; bap. same as above; witnesses, John Boretsch and wife. Cassell, Maria Magdalena, d. of Frederick Cassell, b. Jan. 25, 1762; bap. Dom. esto mihi, 1762; witnesses, Jacob Koenig and Anna Maria Kessinger. Cassell, Maria, Eva, d. of Frederick Cassell, b. Sept. 22, 1762; bap. Oct. 14, 7. "HILL" LUTHERAN CHURCH 1762; witnesses, Michael Cassell and wife. Mayer, Adam, s. of Adam Mayer, b. April 9, 1762; bap. dom. Quasimodo, 1762; witnesses, Frederick Foster and wife. Beel, Maria Barbara, d. of Ludwig Beel, b. Feb. 23, 1762; bap. July 4, 1762; witnesses, Dietrich Morrell and wife. Beel, William, s. of Ludwig Beel, b. Aug. 24, 1760; bap. 8 weeks after birth; witnesses, Ludwig Beel and wife. Uehler, Catherine Elizabeth, d. of Anthony Uehler, b. Dec. 26, 1762; bap. July 4, 1762; witnesses, Phillip Fishburn and wife. Mater, John, s. of Jacob Mater, b. July 1, 1762; bap. July 4, 1762; witnesses, John Mater and wife. Bucks (Bucks) John Jacob, s. of Peter Bucks, b. June 1, 1761; bap. May 20, 1763; witnesses, George Weeber and wife. Books, John Conrad, s. of Peter Books, b. August 4, 1763; bap. August 23, 1763; witnesses, John Deiss and wife. Bauer, Rosina, d. of George Bauer, b. January 26, 1763; bap. May 1, 1763; witnesses, Frederick Hummel and wife. Huber, Catharine, d. of George Huber, b. April 10, 1761; bap. May 1, 1763; witnesses, Casper and Catharine Earnest. Huber, Rosina, d. of George Huber, b. March 27, 1763; bap. May 1, 1763; witnesses, John Cassell and wife. Yoder, John Peter, s. of Joseph Yoder, b. March 16, 1763; bap. May 1, 1763; witnesses, Peter Pfannenkuchen and wife. Ditzel, John Philip, s. of Henry Ditzel, b. July 6, 1763; bap. Dom. ex post (the day after, witnesses, Philip Fishburn and wife. Ditzel, John Henry, s. of Henry Ditzel, b. December 25, 1766; bap. December 28, 1766; witnesses, Philip Fishborn and wife. Ditzel, Catharine, d. of Henry Ditzel, b. December 28, 1771; bap. January 6, 1772; witnesses, John Carmany and wife. Ditzel, John, s. of Henry Ditzel, b. October 26, 1768; bap. Nov. 1, 1768; witnesses, Philip Fishborn and wife. Ditzel, Barbara, d. of Henry Ditzel, b. April 26, 1773; bap. April 30, 1773; witnesses, Jacob Kettering and Catharine Weber. Carminie (Carmany) Catharine Elizabeth, d. of John Carmany, b. October 10, 1763; bap. November 6, 1763; witnesses, Henry Ditzel and wife. Carmany, Rebecca, d. of John Carmany, b. April 14, 1765; bap., Festo Adscensionis, 1765; witnesses, Michael Carmany, and Rebecca, d. of Peter Genther. Carmany, Maria Barbara, d. of John Carmany, b. July 29, 1766; bap. November 1, 1767; witnesses, Anthony Blessing and wife. Carmany, John, s. of John Carmany, b. October 19, 1767; bap. Nov. 1, 1767; witnesses, Anthony Carmany and wife. Lampert, Loisa, dau. of John Henry Lampert, b. August 30, 1766; bap. October 4, 1766; witnesses, John Eberhard Kettering, Catharine D. and Loisa Ginther. Bass (?), John Philip, s. of Nicholas Bass, b. October 12, 1767; bap. November 1, 1767; witnesses, Michael Deebler and wife. Speitel (Speidel), Susanna, dau. of Maximilian Speidel, Jr., b. Jan. 9, 1771; bap. Jan. 13, 1771; witnesses, Frederick Eberhard and Elizabeth, a single person. Speidel, Maximilian, son of Maximilian, Jr., b. March 19, 1772; bap. March 22, 1772; witnesses, Maximilian Speidel, Sr. and wife Margaret. Speidel, Jacob N., s. of Maximilian Speidel, Jr., b. October 17, 1773; bap. Nov. 14, 1773; witnesses, Jacob Bettering (?) and Margaret Speidel. Speidel, Margaret, d. of Maximilian Speidel, Jr., b. April 14, 1776; bap. April 21, 1776; witnesses, Peter Bucks and wife Margaret. Speidel, Elizabeth, d. of Maximilian Speidel, Jr., b. Jan. 14, 1778; witnesses, Jacob and Elizabeth Speidel. Speidel, John George, s. of Maximilian Speidel, Jr., b. August 22, 1779; witnesses, George Frey and wife Catharine. Speidel, John Peter, s. of Maximilian Speidel, Jr., b. April 13, 1781; witnesses, Peter and Margaret Buchs. Staal, Anna Maria, d. of Frederick and Margaret Elizabeth Staal, b. November 2, 1770; bap. January 2, 1773; witnesses, Henry and Maria Fritz. Staal, N. Matthew, s. of Frederick and Margaert Elizabeth Staal, b. November 2, 1773; bap. January 2, 1773; witnesses, grandparents. Staal, Jacob Frederick, s. of Frederick and Margaret Elizabeth Staal, b. June 10, 1774; witnesses, Jacob and Margaret Bethring. Kobach (Cobough), Abraham, s. of Abraham and Magdalena Kobach, b. January 3, 1770; bap. April 28, 1770. Krieger, John Henry, s. of Henry Krieger, b. Janaury 18, 1773; bap. Febru- 8. "HILL" LUTHERAN CHURCH ary 1, 1773; witnesses, Mr. Ditzel and wife. Fishborn, Elizabeth, d. of Margaret Fishborn, b. April 24, 1773; bap. May 20, 1773; witnesses, Henry and Catharine Ditzel. Shupp, Maria Barbara, d. of George and Louisa Shupp, b. July 1, 1775; bap. August 13, 1775; witnesses, John and Catharine Parthemore. Shupp, Elizabeth, d. of George and Louisa Shupp, b. February 20, 1777; bap. March 23, 1779; witnesses, Christopher and Anna Margaret Shupp. Shupp, Daniel, s. of George and Louisa Shupp, b. December 28, 1778; bap. February 21, 1779. Shupp, Maria Sara, d. of George and Louisa Shupp, b. January 17, 1782; bap. March 29, 1782; witnesses, Christopher and Rosina Shupp. Stahl, Christina, d. of Augustine and Anna Elizabeth Stahl, b. July 25, 1775; bap. September 10, 1775; witnesses, William Kross and Catharine. Fromin, Elizabeth, d. of David and Rosina Fromin, b. January 13, 1776; bap. March 24, 1776; witnesses, Maximilian Jr., and Catharine Barbara Speidel. Buchs (Books) Margaret, d. of John George and Elizabeth Books, b. February 9, 1776; bap. March 24, 1777; witnesses, Peter Sr., and Margaret Books. B--ks, J hn Daniel, s. of J hn George and Elizbeth B--ks, b. August 22, 1777; bap. September 7, 1777; witnesses, John and Agnes Daniel. Crab, Catharine, d. of William and Catherine Crabb, b. October 29, 1776; bap. November 5, 1776; witnesses, Augustus and Anna Stahl. Crab, John, s. of William and Catharine Crab, b. August 19, 1779; bap. September 5, 1779; witnesses, Jacob and Elizabeth Speidel. Crab, Jacob, s. of William and Catharine Crab, b. August 25, 1781; bap. September 9, 1781; witnesses, Frederick and Elizabeth Stahl. Bucks (Books) John, s. of John and Margaret Books, b. Sept. 7, 1779; bap. December 1, 1779; witnesses, Peter Books and wife. Books, Elizabeth, dau. of John and Margaret Books, b. August 9, 1781; bap. September 7, 1781; witnesses, Jacob Book and Elizabeth Bower. Books, John Peter, s. of John and Margaret Books; b. August 9, 1783; bap. Sept. 14, 1783; witnesses, Peter Books and wife. Blessing, Anthony, s. of Philip and Magdalena Blessing, b. April 25, 1783; bap. May 18, 1783; witnesses, Anthony Blessing and wife Salome. Blessing, Anna Margaretta, dau. of John and Catharine Blessing, bap. February 1782; witnesses, Anthony Blessing and Margaret Kruger. Kobach (Cobough), Abraham, s. of Abraham and Magdalena Kobach, b. January 3, 1770; bap. April 28, 1770. Books, John Peter, b. September 2, 1787; bap. November 5, 1787; witnesses, John Peter Books and wife. Senger, Catharine, d. of Conrad and Catharine Senger, b. March 30, 1788; bap. December 13, 1788. Speidel, Elizabeth, dau. of William and Sabina Speindel, b. March 5, 1788; bap. March 30, 1788. Books, Jacob, s. of John and Margaret Books, b. September 20, 1787; bap. March 30, 1788. Miller, John, s. of Jacob and Christina Miller, b. March 15, 1788; bap. May 25, 1788. Herauf, Salome, dau. of Andrew and Elizabeth Herauf, b. March 20, 1788; bap. May 25, 1788. Speidel, John George, s. of John Speidel, b. May 15, 1788; bap. May 25, 1788. Speidel, Daniel, s. of Maximilian and Barbara Speidel, b. May 21, 1788; bap. June 16, 1788; witnesses, Augustus and Anna Stahl. Books, Anna Maria, dau. of Jacob and Anna Maria Books, b. December 25, 1788; bap. Jan. 4, 1789. Senger, Maria Elizabeth, dau. of Mathew Senger, b. November 11, 1788; bap. November 13, 1788. Bretz, Susanna, dau. of Andrew Bretz, b. October 3, 1789; bap. November 29, 1789. Speid, (Spayd?) Susanna, dau. of John Speid, b. March 11, 1792; bap. June 23, 1792. Books, George Frederick, s. of Jacob Books, b. October 17, 1790; bap. October 24, 1790. Speidel, Magdalena, dau. of William Speidel, b. February 14, 1792; bap. February 19, 1792. Creiger, Henry, b. April 24, 1770; bap. April 29, 1770. [Baptisms performed by the pastor, Rev. John Paul Ferdinand Kramer.] Carnicken (?), William, s. of Robert and Maria Carnicken, b. November 16, 1809; 9. "HILL" LUTHERAN CHURCH bap. May 13, 1810; witnesses, Jacob and Catharine Miller. Miller, Jacob, s. of Jacob and Catharine Miller, b. January 27, 1811; bap. Feb. 17, 1811. [Baptisms performed by the pastor, Rev. J. H. VanHoff.] Schneider, Elizabeth, dau. of John and Maria Magdalena Schneider, b. June 29, 1811; bap. July 21, 1811; witnesses, John Conrad and wife Rosina. Schweigert, Martin, s. of Martin and Christina Schweigert, b. July 16, 1811; bap. August 18, 1811. Sesseman, Elizabeth, dau. of Matthew and Esther Sesseman, b. September 22, 1811; bap. November 24, 1811; witness, Anna Maria Sesseman. Christel, John, s. of James M. and Catharine Christel, b. February 4, 1811; bap. November 24, 1811; witness, Christina Spring. Engel, -------, child of Frederick and Julianna Engel, b. May 2, 1811; bap. June, 1811. Fuhrmann, ---------, dau. of John and Magdalena Fuhrmann, b. October 31, 1811; bap. April 12, 1812; witness, Anna Bender. Smith, Thomas, s. of John and Susan Smith; b. August 28, 1812; bap. November 22, 1812; witnesses, Michael Woltz and wife. Martin, Christian, s. of John and Elizabeth Martin; b. August 8, 1812; bap. August 29, 1813. Hamilton, Henry, s. of William and Margaret Hamilton; b. November 26, 1812; bap. August 29, 1813; witness, Hanna Bender. Thompson, William, s. of William and Hanna Thompson; b. October 14, 1806; bap. August 28, 1813; witness, Jacob Books. Thompson, Elizabeth, dau. of William and Hanna Thompson; b. September 23, 1803; bap. August 28, 1813; witness, Dorothea James. Thompson, Anna, dau. of William and Hanna Thompson; b. October 6, 1808; bap. August 28, 1813; witness, Maria Books. Thompson, John, s. of William and Hanna Thompson, b. September 2, 1810; bap. August 28, 1813; witness, Christina Spring. Thompson, James, s. of William and Hanna Thompson, b. April 8, 1812; bap. August 28, 1813; witness, Christina Spring. Haack, Barbara, dau. of Henry and Magdalena Haack, b. Christman, 1812; bap. September 26, 1813; witnesses, Jacob Books and wife. Fuhrman, Joseph, s. of John and Molly fuhrman, b. August 17, 1813; bap. September 26, 1813; witness, Hanna Bender. Miller, John, s. of Jonathan and Maria Miller, b. October 2, 1813; bap. October 24, 1813; witnesses, John and Elizabeth Miller. Miller, Julianna, d. of Jacob and Catharine Miller, b. September 5, 1813; bap. October 24, 1813; witness, Hanna Bender. Kraus, George, s. of Joseph and Magdalena Kraus, b. September 7, 1814, bap. December 18, 1814. Carper, Sarah, dau. of Adam and Catharine Carper, b. May 15, 1814; bap. Apr. 9, 1815; witness, Sarah Blessing. Ellinger, Barbara, dau. of George and Barbara Ellinger, b. February 1, 1815; bap. June 11, 1815; witness, Anna Maria Books. Ellinger, John, s. of George and Barbara Ellinger, b. July 15, 1813(?); bap. June 11, 1815; witnesses, John Books and wife. Klopper, Adam, s. of Ludwig and Barbara Klopper, b. August 3, 1813; bap. June 11, 1815. Klopper, Martin, s. of Ludwig and Barbara Klopper, b. March 31, 1815; bap. June 11, 1815; witness, Philip Blessing. Schweigert, Leah, dau. of Martin and Christiana Schweigert, b. October 21, 1812; bap. July 2, 1815. Schweigert, Jacob, s. of Martin and Christina Schweigert, b. October 9, 1814; bap. July 2, 1815. Hiestand, Catharine, dau. of Jacob and Elizabeth Hiestand, b. November 20, 1814; bap. July 2, 1815. Grun, Elizabeth, dau. of George and Nancy Grun, b. November 10, 1809; bap. August 27, 1815; witness, Susan Speidel. Grun, George, s. of George and Nancy Grun, b. June 10, 1815; bap. August 27, 1815; witnesses, Thomas and Susan Schmidt. Schneider, Rebecca, dau. of John and Maria Schneider, b. January 22, 1815; bap. October 21, 1815; witness, Elizabeth Conrad. Singer, David, s. of Daniel and Elizabeth Singer, b. September 17, 1809; bap. October 21, 1815. Singer, Jacob, s. of Daniel and Elizabeth Singer, b. June 21, 1814; bap. October 21, 1815. Singer, Maria, dau. of Daniel and Elizabeth Singer, b. June 22, 1807; bap. October 21, 1815, by Rev. J. H. Van Hoff. 10. "HILL" LUTHERAN CHURCH Singer, Elizabeth, dau. of Daniel and Elizabeth Singer, b. June 22, 1812; bap. October 21, 1815. Wolf, Elizabeth, dau. of Daniel and Barbara Wolf, b. Nov. 12, 1803; bap. February 11, 1816. Wolf, Daniel, s. of Daniel and Barbara Wolf, b. April 18, 1805; bap. February 11, 1816. Wolf, Maria, dau. of Daniel and Barbara Wolf, b. July 17, 1807; bap. February 11, 1816. Wolf, Catharine, dau. of Daniel and Barbara Wolf, b. February 10, 1812; bap. February 11, 1816. Miller, Simon, s. of Jacob Miller, b. March 1, 1816; bap. May 5, 1816; witness, Catharine Wolz. Fuhrman, Sarah, dau. of John and Magdalena Fuhrman, b. May 7, 1816; bap. July 7, 1816; witnesses, John Wals and wife. Riegel, Samuel, S. of John and Barbara Riegel, B. October 6, 1815; bap. November 17, 1816. Wolz, Elizabeth, dau. of Michael and Mary Wolz, b. November 16, 1816; bap. December 15, 1816; witnesses, Michael and Elizabeth Wals. Gerke, George, s. of George and Regina Gerke, b. November 24, 1816; bap. February 9, 1817. Hiestand, Elizabeth, dau. of Jacob and Elizabeth Hiestand; b. April 14, 1816; bap. May 5, 1816. Blessing, Elizabeth, dau. of Anthony and Jemima Blessing; b. April 24, 1817; bap. June 29, 1817. Ellinger, Conrad, s. of George and Barbara Ellinger; b. May 10, 1811; bap. June 29, 1817. Blessing, Catharine Ann, dau. of Christian and Catharine Blessing; b. July 12, 1817; bap. August 24, 1817; witnesses, Philip Blessing and wife. Koppa, (?) Abraham, s. of Ludwig and Barbara Koppa; b. December, 1816; bap. August 24, 1817; witness, Christian Blessing. Kraus, Ludwig, s. of Ludwig and Magdalena Kraus; b. December 26, 1816; bap. August 24, 1817. Cunningham, Rebecca, dau. of Robert and Maria Cunningham; b. Sept. 2, 1818; bap. May 9, 1819; witness, Barbara Wolz. Grunden, David, s. of Charles and Magdalena Grunden; b. October 2, 1818; bap. May 20, 1819; witness, Barbara Wolz. Hiestand, Margaret, d. of Jacob and Elizabeth Hiestand; b. October 16, 1818; bap. May 20, 1819. Koph (?), Sarah, d. of Abraham and Magdalena Koph; b. January 23, 1819; bap. May 20, 1819. Koph, John, s. of Adam and Nancy Koph; b. April 13, 1819; bap. May 20, 1819; witness, John Fuhrman. Blessing, Michael, s. of Frederick and Elizabeth Blessing; b. September 4, 1818; bap. May 20, 1819; witness, Sarah Wolz. Camp, Eva, d. of Jacob and Margaret Camp; b. April 20, 1812; bap. May 20, 1819; witness, Barbara Wolz. Finney, Thomas, s. of John Finney and wife, Sarah Wolz; b. July 15, 1815; bap. May 20, 1819; witness Catharine Wolz. Woltz, Elizabeth, d. of Sem. and Catharine Woltz; b. May 26, 1819; bap. July 4, 1819. Camp, Esther, d. of David Camp and wife, Barbara Woltz; b. October 9, 1821; bap. June 25, 1822; witness, Sarah Wolz. Stucke, Eliphas William, s. of Michael and Catharine Stucke; b. October 6, 1824; bap. May 10, 1825. Minutes of the Church, Etc. The early minutes of the congregation are not to be found, but no doubt are contained in the book referred to in an earlier article. Following we find such minutes as have been preserved. The reader will notice that the church was very careful of its poor, judging from the frequency the alms money is accounted for. 1771 - March 18th. In presence of trustees, Henry Fritz, & Peter Buchs, & members of the congregation here, rendered the church accounts to Michael Enderlein, pastor. 1. After a correct balancing of the receipts & expenditures the congregation owes the church: Maximilian Speitel still owes. . 1 0 2 Christ. Gerber still owes. . . . 0 11 4 Casper Betherhold still owes . . 0 6 9 ------- £1 18 3 Henry Fritz still owes . . . . . 0 15 0 2. Likewise, after a correct balancing of receipts and expenditures, the congregation still owes the follwing: Henry Ditzel. . . . . . . . . . 0 12 6 William Grab. . . . . . . . . . 0 1 5 Philip Fischborn, for bill of Sale and the warrant. . . . . 1 13 16 -------- Owing 2 16 5 The church is still indebted a Total of . . . . . . . . . .£0 5 2 11. “HILL” LUTHERAN CHURCH We also confirmed for another year Peter Buchs as Trustee, and again elected Henry Fritz, by a majority of the congregation’s votes, Trustee of the congregation for two years. Mr. Fischborn gave 13 6 out of the 1 13 6 to the church as an alms-gift, so that there is yet owing him £1 0 0. Mr. Ditzel received 7 6, so that the church owes him yet 5 s., which he also donated to the church. William Grab also donated the 1.5. Which was owing him from the Church . . . . . . . . . . . .1.5. 1773. Jan. 2d. We, Peter M. Buchs & Hen. Fritz, Trustees, Philip Fischborn, Hen. Ditzell, Max. Speitel, rendered the church accounts to Mich. Enderlein, pastor. 1. Casp. Betherhold’s debt of 6s. 9 was remitted. £. s. d. 2. From the former treasure There is on hand . . . . . . 1 4 6 But also indebtedness to P.F.. . 1 0 0 ------- Remains over. . . . 4 6 3. To-day Max. Speitel also Paid the above debt of 1£ 2d . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 2 As also Christian Gerber the 11. 4. he owed . . . . . . . 0 11 4 4. Money was received for alms . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 19 11 ½ Henry Ditzel also donated wine to the church . . . . . 0 8 8 ------- Total . .£4 0 1 ½ 5. The congregation also paid Phil. Fischborn the £1 Owing him. . . . . . . . . .£1 0 0 Other expenses of the con- gregation. . . . . . . . . . 1 13 10 ------- Total . .2 13 10 Receipts . . . . . . . 4 0 1 ½ Expenses . . . . . . . 2 13 10 Therefore the con- gregation still has in its treasury a -------- Balance . . . . £ 1 6 3 ½ We also elected as Trustees instead of the present ones, by a majority of votes, Henry Ditzel, Jacob Speitel. We also entrusted the church treasury £1 6 3 ½ to Henry Ditzel, Trustee. N. B. – Henry Fritz has not paid his last year’s (1771) debt of 13 shillings, but owes it to the congregation. There is cash in the hands of Henry Ditzel . . . . . . £1 6 3 ½ Henry Fritz owes . . . . 0 13 0 ---------- Total in treasury £1 19 3 ½ The sum which Henry Ditzel had in hand was to-day, Feb. 28th, 1773, handed to the Trustee, a total of £1 6 3 ½, to Frederick Staal. Febr. 18, 1775. We, Frederick Staal, Trustee, & Peter Buchs, Max Speitel, sr., Henry Fritz, Jacob & max Speitel, jr., rendered the church accounts to Michael Enderlein, pastor. 1. The treasury of the church which Henry Fritz & Frederick Staal Have in hand is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£1 19 3 ½ 2. The receipts in alms gifts are. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 12 2 For 250 rails sold at 6s. pr 100. . . . . . . . . . . 0 15 0 --------- £4 6 5 ½ 3. The expenditures until now. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 11 8 --------- Balance £3 14 9 ½ Henry Ditzel in the time that the alms money was not deceased donated in wine 4s. 6d. Henry Fritz has the aforementioned, Jan. 2, 1773, 13s. as cash in trust. Paid the above, 13 shillings. Frederick Staal now also holds the £1 6 3 ½ mentioned Feb. 28th, 1773, as cash in trust, with what has since been added to it . . . . . £3 1 9 ½ ----------- In the church treasury . . . 3 14 9 ½ Jan. 25th, 1777, we Fred’r Staal & David From, Trustees, rendered the church accounts to pastor Stober. There remains in the treasury. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 5 1 May 26th, 1782, we rendered the church accounts, There remains cash in the treasury . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£0 18 3 ½ May 26th, 1782, old Maximilian Speidel rendered Account, & handed in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 March 14th, 1789, we rendered the church account, And there was returned Total £1 4 1 ½ January 1st, 1795. – We made out the church accounts, and there remained a penny in the bag; and there is due to William Grab 14 shillings & 6 pence. May 5th, 1796. – We made out the church accounts, & there remains in cash 7s. 6d. 0. 7. 6. 1810, March 18th. – Trustee Frederick Schlotterbach rendered account, & paid 12. “HILL” LUTHERAN CHURCH over to Elder Jacob Buchs as alms-money the sum total of $4 96 ½ cents. JOHN PAUL FERDINAND KRAMER, Pastor loci. DERRY, March 19th, 1811. To-day, in presence of several members and the pastor, J. P. F. Kramer, Elder Jacob Buchs & Trustee Michael Walls, rendered their accounts, and after deducting all expenses, their remained $8 70 ½ in the hands of Jacob Buchs, with the understanding that the above $4 96 ½, which Jacob Buchs received from Schlotterbach, are included in this receipt. (Attest:) JOHN PAUL FERDINAND KRAMER, $8 70 ½. Pastor of Above Congregation. To-day, May 27th, 1813, in presenceof several members & of the pastor, T. H. VonHoff, the Trustee, Mich. Walls, rendered his accounts, & after deduction of all expenses, he owed $8 72 cents. This money, as well as the above sum, was handed over to Elder Jacob Buchs; so that the total amount which Jacob Buchs has in hand is $17 42 ½ cents. Attest: T. H. VAN HOFF $17 42 ½. Pastor loci. How often the communion of the Lord’s Supper was administered by the pastor of the church to the members we know not. We give the communion for the year 1812 on record as follows, showing who the members were fifty-six years after the organization of the church: On the 2d Sunday after Easter, therefore April 11th, 1812, the Holy Communion was celebrated at which the following were present: Jacob Buchs, wife & daughter . . . . . . . . . . 3 Michael Walz, wife & daughter. . . . . . . . . . 6 John Bender & daughter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Rosina Conrad. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Catharine Muller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Julianna Engel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 July 4th, 1813, 3d Sunday after Trinity: Jacob Buchs, wife & daughter . . . . . . . . . . 3 Michael Walz & wife. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 John Bender. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Jacob Muller & wife. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Christina Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Juliana Kissinger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Dorothea James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Sarah Plessly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Hanna Bender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 July 3d, 1814, the 4th Sunday after Trinity, the Holy Communion held: Jacob Buchs & wife & daughter. . . . . . . . . . 3 Michael Walz & wife. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 John Bender. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Dorothea James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 John Singer & wife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Magdalena Furhmann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Christina Haack. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Elizabeth Hiestand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Christina Schweigert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Hanna Bender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ---- 14 Inscriptions in the Graveyard. [Abbreviations: - b., born; d., died; w., wife; s., son; dau., daughter.] Bucks [Books] Peter, b. May 7, 1730; d. April 17, 1776. Bucks, Anna Margaretha, b. June 21, 1727; d. March 25, 1807. Bucks, Jacob, b. June 21, 1761; d. June 19, 1819. Bucks, Macks, b. January 28, 1766; d. July 14, 1830. Bucks, J. Jacob, b. November 5, 1794; d. May 2, 1875. Books, Elizabeth, w. of Henry, b. 1797; d. March 28, 1847. Bucks, Maria, b. December 14, 1801; d. December 28, 1827. Books, Julia, w. of Jacob, b. May 16, 1813; d. April 25, 1850. Bucks, Peter, s. of Jacob, b. October 5, 1821; d. January 9, 1828. Bucks, Anna M., b. April 2, 1843; d. August 28, 1879. Blessing, Antony, b. April 25, 1783; d. April 7, 1784. Blessing, Christian, b. January 18, 1797; d. February 21, 1850. Blessing, Magdalena, b. October 5, 1800; d. August 12, 1802. Blessing, Frederick, s. of Antony, b. October 25, 1823; d. February 15, 1824. Black, Frances, b. 1767; d. January 14, 1838. Bowman, Peter, b. June 8, 1717; d. August 11, 1792. Behl, John Ludwig, b. 1736; d. November 3, 1789. Bender, Eliz., w. of Jacob, b. 1768; d. Oct. 2, 1846. Buser, Elizabeth, b. April 5, 1810; d. October 29, 1825. Bechtel, Mary Ann, w. of Solomon, b. February 25, 1817; d. February 22, 1878. Clendenen, John, b. April 14, 1794; d. Sept. 11, 1824. Connelly, Susan, w. of Michael, b. April 8, 1825; d. October 29, 1861. Dunckel, Peter, b. February 11, 1788; d. March 31, 1859. Dunckel, Jacob, s. of Peter, b. March 17, 1816; d. Aug. 2, 1838. 13. “HILL” LUTHERAN CHURCH. Dizel, Phillip, b. July 6, 1763; d. September 2, 1769. Duey, Simon, b. December 11, 1784; d. October 12, 1867. Duey, Mary, w. of Simon, b. January 16, 1789; d. November 29, 1863. Duey, Sarah Ann, b. January 8, 1828; d. February 9, 1846. Emrich, Sam’l, b. March 3, 1806; d. 5, 1888. Eppler, Mary Ann, w. of Abraham, b. December 11, 1809; d. October 30, 1839. Espenshade, Anna, w. of Jacob, b. January 6, 1848; d. March 24, 1879. Farney, Susan, dau. Of Jacob and Emma, d. May 12, 1824. Furman, John, b. September 18, 1775; d. April 22, 1856. Furman, Mary, w. of John, b. April 27, 1777; d. March 7, 1871. Furman, Jos., b. August 17, 1813; d. September 27, 1870. Furman, Mary, w. of J., b. January 15, 1823; d. March 1, 1871. Fox, Susanna, d. April 15, 1777, aged 5 months, 12 days. Fox, Elizabeth, d. October 13, 1782; aged 8 days. Foltz, Christian, b. October, 1765; d. August 25, 1856. Foltz, Christianna, w. of C., b. February 24, 1770; d. December 28, 1855. Foltz, Anna Maria, w. of C., b. August 6, 1792; d. February 2, 1839. Foltz, Christian, b. July 12, 1802; d. March 27, 1863. Foltz, Naria, dau. of J. and C., b. December 28, 1819; d. December 30, 1821. Foltz, Susanna, dau. of Jno. And Catharine, b. September 16, 1827; d. November 11, 1833. Groul, Martin, b. April 22, 1773; d. December 16, 1832. Grader, George, b. August 18, 1812; d. July 17, 1866. Gipe, John L., b. February 22, 1849; d. March 3, 1889. Gipe, William L., s. of Henry and Catharine; b. January 12, 1859; d. February 17, 1885. Hier Ruhet in Gott, John Casper Horner, Evanglichter Bretlider, ist Gebohren 1738, Den 24 Aug., Gestorben 1794, 5 June. Hier Ruhet in Gott, Anna Marien, Gebohren Genden, Des J. Casper Horner. Evangelical Brediger, sein Frau ist Gestorben in Jahr 1794, 2 Feb., 63 Jahr. Hacken, Magdalena, b. August 10, 1720; d. October 26, 1814. Hawk, Christian, b. December 10, 1796; d. August 5, 1886. Hawk, Anna, w. of C., b. May 15, 1796; d. September 8, 1864. Hawk, Jacob, b. January 8, 1821; d. November 17, 1854. Hawk, Margaret, w. of Phillip, b. May 27, 1843; d. March 1, 1869. Kemmer, Christian, b. September 9, 1734; d. September 24, 1804. Kemmer, Christian, b. July 1, 1770; d. June 6, 1807. Keller, Elizabeth Sprig, w. of Michael, b. August 9, 1794; d. December 17, 1853. Kofe, Mary, w. of Abraham, b. June 8, 1856; d. March 13, 1887. Lower, Elizabeth, b. June 17, 1821; d. June 3, 1852. Meckley, John, b. December 19, 1826; d. May 24, 1887. Meckley, Elizabeth, b. February 12, 1861; d. March 20, 1878. Martin, Johann, b. September 12, 1790; d. March 8, 1855. Martin, Elizabeth, b. March 9, 1796; d. November 9, 1847. Martin, Daniel, d. November 9, 1863, aged of 72 years. Marquart, Catharine, w. of Samuel, b. February 12, 1806; d. August 17, 1845. Ney, Jacob, b. July 22, 1790; d. November 19, 1862. Ney, Elizabeth, b. September 17, 1791; d. January 29, 1874. Ruth, John, b. February 22, 1795; d. July 25, 1855. Speidel, Max., b. 1710; d. 1798; aged 77 yrs, 9 mos, 5 days. Speidel, Margaretta, b. 1708; d. 1781, aged 72 yrs, 9 mos, 3 weeks. Speidel, Elizabeth, w. of Jacob, d. January 21, 1782. Speck, Johannes, Ev. Luth. Pretiger, b. in Lancaster Co., Pa, 23 Aug., 1796; d. 27 April 1830. Slocer (?), Elizabeth, d. April 28, 1797; aged 33 yrs. Singer, John, b. January 28, 1773; d. April 16, 1829. Schmidt, Jacob, b. January 16, 1785; d. December 16, 1834. Schmidt, Sarah, w. of J., b. July 13, 1785; d. July 18, 1824. 14. “HILL” LUTHERAN CHURCH Stoll, Christian, b. February 29, 1817; d. July 7, 1858. Stoll, Margaret, b. January 16, 1817; d. March 20, 1865. Urich, Samuel, b. September 14, 1799; d. April 11, 1861. Urich, Sarah, w. of S., b. October 22, 1811; d. April 19, 1886. Walters, Christian, b. August 13, 1794; d. September 13, 1822. Walters, Catharine, dau. of C. and Anna, b. July 18, 1820, d. September 6, 1822. Walters, Dorothy, w. of John, b. April 7, 1823, d. February 26, 1867. Wagner, Barbara, b. September 15, 1790; d. October 16, 1858. Waltz, John, B. September 25, 1790; d. December 27, 1843. Witmer, Elizabeth, b. April 10, 1822; d. February 16, 1882. Witman, Rebecca, w. of Jacob, b. September 25, 1824; d. March 11, 1848. Witman, Mary, w. of Henry, b. July 15, 1831; d. February 16, 1855. E.W.S.P.