DEED: John ELLIOTT to Joseph GINGERY, 1811, Dauphin County, PA File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Barbara Rivas Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ 1811 10 June 1811 Dauphin County Deed Book R Vol 1 Page 566 John Elliott and Joseph Gingery Articles of Agreement entered made concluded and agreed upon the tenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Eleven Between John Eliot of the Township of Derry in the County of Dauphin and State of Pennsylvania Yeoman of the one part and Joseph Gingery of the Township of Swatara in the County & State aforesaid yeoman of the other hand whereas the said John Elliot and Joseph Gingery now stand severally and respectively seized as of fee of and in two certain contiguous Plantations or tracts of Land situate in the Township of Swatara aforesaid and Whereas the said parties have fairmly and fully concluded and agreed to make ordain establish and complete one alley lane or passage of the dimensions herein after particularly described and set forth between and along the division line of these said respective plantations or tracts of Land Now this agreement Witnesseth that the said John Elliot and Joseph Gingery each for himself his heirs exectuors administrtors and assigns have voenanted promised and agree and by theese presents do covenant promise grant and agree each of them his heirs Executors administrators and assigns unto the other his Heirs Executors administrators and assigns in maner? and form fllowing (to wit) First that they the said John Elliot and Joesph Gingrey shall and will as soon as possible and _________ by may or can be the time not exceed one year after the date thereof make ordain establish and accomplish on a alley lane or passage between and along the division line of their said respective Plantations and tracts of Land to begin and commence at the Road leading from Middletown to Harrisburg and wherever the said division line shall meet or intersect the said Road and thence along the said division line (___ bearing) South twenty three degrees East and to extend to Susquehanna River and to be the full breadth or width of twenty two feet. twelve full feet of the breadth or width thereof is and shall be given and taken off and from the land of the said Joseph Gingrey amd the residue viz ten full feet of the breadth or width thereof is and shall be given and taken off and from the land of the said John Elliot and further each of the said parties his heirs executors administrators and assigns ______ promise and agree unto the other his Heirs executors administrators and assigns that either of them and their heirs and assigns shall and lawfully may from time to time and at all times hereafter peaceably and quietly have hold and occupy possess and enjoy the liberty privilege advantige and benefit of the said alley lane or passage hereby agreed to be made and completed whatsoever can or may be _____ and ___ from and _____ without the lawfull ____ Esates of the other person or persons whatsoever without the lawfull _____ his their or either of their acts ____ or _____ IN Witness whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto interchangeably set their hands & seals the Day and year first above written NB Before signing in the Twelfth John Elliot (seal) and twenty first lines ____ Joseph Gingery (seal) Later signed in presence of us E. Heller Cha. Brandon Dauphin County Before me the subscriber one of the Justices of the peace in and for said County ______ the parties above mentioned and acknowledged the above to be their act and deed and desired that the same may be recorded as such according to law In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the tenth Day of June AD 1811 Cha. Brandon Recorded September 11, 1811