DEED: ESHELMAN-NICHEY-THOMA to HOGSTATER and GINGRICH, 1786, Dauphin County, PA File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Barbara Rivas Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ 1785 16 December 1785 Dauphin County Deed Book A Vol 1 Page 197 Elizabeth Eshelman, Christina Nichey, and Catharina Thoma (heirs of John Hogstater) to John Hogstater and Christian Gingrich This Indenture made the Sixteenth day of December in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty five between Henry Eshelman of the Township of Londonderry in the County of Dauphin and in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania yeoman and Elizabeth his wife; George Nichey of the township of Rapho in the County of Lancaster and in the Commonwealth aforesaid yeoman and Christina his wife and Jacob Thoma of the Township of Lebanon in the Count of Dauphin and Commonwealth of Pennsylvannia aforesaid yeoman and Cathrina his wife; the said Elizabeth, Christina and Catharina being daughters of John Hogstater late of the Township of Londonderry in the then County of Lancaster and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania aforesaid yeoman deceased of the one part and John Hogstate son of the said deceased and Christian Gingrich one of the sons in law of the said deceased boty of the Township of Lebanon in the County of Dauphin aforesaid Yeomen of the other part Whereas the said John Hoghstater was in his life time and immediately before his death the home of his decease Lawfully seized and possessed of and in a certain Tract or piece of warranted Land situate in the Townships of Londonderry and Mount Joy in the COunties aforesaid bounded or adjoining the Lands of James Foster, William More, JOhn Kennedy and others Containing two hundred and twenty acres bet he same more or less and being so as aforesaid seized and possessed thereof Died having first made his Last will and Testament in writing bearing date the twenty fourth day of February in the Year one thousand seven hundred and seventy seven and therein and thereby ___ order and direct that after his debts and the Legcies in the will mentioned were paid the remainder of his Estate should be equally divided amongst his eight children by his last wife in the words following: And all the remainder of my Estate I leave to my eight children of my Last wife to be equally divided amongst them as soon as sale can be made as in and by the said Testament duly proved and remaining in the Registers office at Lancaster reference thereto being had moe fully and at large appears And Whereas there is another clause in the said will _____ in the words following: Imprimise I leave and bequest to Barbara Hosteter my dearly beloved wife the third part of all I now possess of al my real and personal Estate. I also leave to Barbara Hostater my wife thirty acres of Land on the upper end of my Estate joining the LInes of James Foster and Jacob Eshelman and her heirs forever and assigns And Whereas Christian Hoghstater eldest son of the said John Hoghstater deceased since the death of his said Father also died intestate unmarried and without issue he the said Christian being of full age at the time of his death Now this Indenture Witnesseth that the said Henr Eshelman and Elizabeth his wife, George Nichey and Cristiana his wife and Jacob Thoma and Catharine his wife for and in consideration of the Sum of one pound two shillings and six pence Lawfull Money of Pennsylvannia to them in hand paid by the said John Hoghstater and Christian Gingrich at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt and payment whereof are hereby acknowledge and for divers other good causes and considerations unto them usually moving Have and each of them Hath and by these presents they the said Henry Eshlemand and Elizabeth his wife, George Nichy and Christina his wife and Jacob Thoma and Catharine his wife do and each of them Doth grant bargain sell alien ____ enfeoff and confirm unto the said John Hoghstater and Christian Gingrich and to their heirs and assigns all that their several and respective parts shares dividants and portions of and in the said Tract or piece of warranted Land containing about two hundred and twenty acres by the same more or less as well under the said John Hoghstater deceased as under the said brother? Christian Hoghstater deceased Together also with all and singular the Buildings and Improvements ways woods waters watercourses rights liberties privilages hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise apprtaining and the reversiions and remainders thereof and also all the Estate Right Title Interest Use Trust Property Claim & Demand whatsoever of them the said Henry Eshelman & Elizabeth his wife George Nichey and Christiana his wife and Jacob Thoma and Catharine his wife and each ___ of them in pursuance of the said in part ___ Last will and testament both at Law and in Euity or otherwise ____ of in and to the same premisses and ever ypart thereof To Have and To Hold each and every the said parts shares dividands and portions of and in the said improvement and Tract of Land hereditaments and Premisses hereby granted and ___ with the appurtenances unto the said John Hoghstater and Christian Gingrich their heirs and assigns that is to say the one full equal and undivided moiety a half part of the same Premises with the appurtenances wunto the said John Hoghstater his heris and assigns forever and the other one full equal and undivided moiety or half part of the said premises with the appurtenaces unto the said Christian Gingrich and to his heirs and assigns forever to and unto the only proper use benefit and behoof of them the said John Hoghstater and Christian Gingrich their heirs and assigns forever under and subject to the remainder of the purchase money Interest and Quit Rent now due & hereafter to beocme due and payable for the same and also under and Subject to the Estate or thirds of Barbara Hoghstater widow of the said John Hoghstater deceased in the Premisses and other the liberties and privileges that she is entitled to by the Last will and testament of the said deceased so that neighter the said Henry Eshelman and the said Elizabeth his wife, George Nichey and Christiana his wife and Jacob Thoma and Cahtarina his wife nor their several and respective heirs nor any other person or persons in their or in any of their place or stead shall ask challange or demand any further Estate or Share in the hereby granted prefmisses with the appurtenances but of and fromthe same and every part thereof shall be utterly barred and forever secluded by these presents In Witnes whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto Interechangeably set their hands and seals the day and year first in the beginning written. Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us Elizabeth Eshelman (Her O Mark) (seal) ___ Eshelman (seal) Jno Gloninger Christina (her O Mark) Nichey (seal) George Nichey (seal) Mattias? ___? Catharina (her O mark) Thoma Jacob Thoma (seal) Received on the day of the date of the above written Indenture of and from the above named John Hoghsator and Christian Gingrich the Sum of one pound seven shillings and six pence being the full Consideration Money for the above Indenture mentioned We say received the same per us Witnesses present at signing Henry Eshelman Jno Gloninger George Nichy Jacob Thoma Dauphin COunty Be it Remembered that on the 16th day of December Anno Domini 1786 before me John Gloninger Esquire one of the Justices of the COurt of Common Pleas came the above named Henry Eshelman and Elizabeth is wife, George Nichey and Christina his wife and Jacob Thoma and Catharaine his wife and acknowledge the above written Indenture to be their act and deed and desired that the same may be recorded as such the said Elizabeth Christiana and Catharine being severally of full age by me seperately examined and and thereto freely consenting the Contents thereof being first made known unto them In Testimony whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal the day and year aforesaid Jno. Gloninger