DEED: Executors of Christ'n GINGRICH to Joseph GINGRICH, 1812, Dauphin Co., PA File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Barbara Rivas Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ 1812 20 March 1812 Dauphin County Deed Book T Vol 1 Page 84 The Executors of Christ'n Gingrich to Joseph Gingrich To all People to whom this presents shall come or may come John Hochstetter and John Reist and Anna Gingrich, Executors of the last will and testament of Christian Gingrich late of Annvil Township in the County of Dauphin and in the state of Pennsylvania yeoman deceased send Greeting Whereas the said Christian Gingrich was by virtue and in pursuance of divers Conveyences and assurances to him duly made seized in his Demesne as of Fee and lawfully possessed __________ contiguous Tracts or Pieces of Land situate in the township of Lebanon in the County of Dauphin aforesaid containing Three hundred and forty cacres and the usual allowance for Roads and being so as a foresaid seized and possessed of died having ___ made his last will and Testament writing dated the first day of August Anno Domini 1808 and therein and hereby did give and devise the said Land unto his two sons, Joseph Gingrich and Christian Gingrich their Heirs and assigns that is to say the one half part thereof unto the said Joseph Gingrich in the following words to wit Item I give and devise unto Joseph Gingrich my son his heirs and assigns forever all the undivided half part of my land and Plantation both Woodland and Clear land with all my buildings and appurtenances ____ ___ situate in said Anvill ttownship adjoining Lands of the Heirs of John Gingrich deceased, Henry and Michal Meyer and others the whole tract of my land and plantation containing three hundred and forty acres to the same more or less and the allowance for which _____ I empower and order my Executor and Executors herein after named to Petition to the Orphans Court to appoint a jury of twelve men to appraise or value the said undivided half part of my land and Plantation as divised unto my son Joseph Gingrich as will suit or answer best when he comes to his age of twenty one years and in another clause of his said will did impower his executors to sign and Execute Deeds for his Sons in the following words to wit and I do hereby authorize and impower my Executors hereinafter named or any of them and the surviver of them to make and execute such Deeds or conveyences for my said lands and Real Esate as will vest a Fee simple Esate in my said Sons or the purchaser or purchasers there of and of his said last will and testament did nominate and appoint the said John Hochstetter, John Reist and his wife Anna Executors as in and by the said last will and testament duly proven and remaining in the registers office ____ there as to ___ more fully appear And Whereas of an order of the orphans court of the 30th day of January 1810 the sheriffs Inquest of twelve men did divide the said Land and Real Esate of the said Christian Gingrich deceased into two parts that part thereof of which is devised to the said Joseph Gingrich and by the last Will and testament aforesaid is in the Inquisition aforesaid described as follows to wit: Beginning at a Post in the great Road then by land of Henry and Ellizabeth? Meyer South thirty five and one quarter degrees East twenty three perches to a hickory south two degrees and a half East one hundred and thirty perches toa post by a chesnut oak thence by land of Henry Long South eighty three degrees East ninety two perches to a white oak thence by Lands of the Heirs of John Gingrich deceased for the twenty one degrees and a half East two hundred and ten perches to a Hickory thence by land of Abraham BUrckholder North twenty two degrees West twenty one perches and a half to a post in the great Road aforesaid thence by the said Road South Eighty six degrees and a half West two hundred and nine perches to the place of Beginning Containing one hundred and seventy two acres and forty seven perches and the usual allowance for Roads and the said Inquest or Jury did value and appraise the said last described Tract or piece of land at and for the sum of ten thousand three hundred and thirty seven dollars and fifty cents one half thereof to be paid on the confirmation of the Inquisition and the residue in ten equal annual payments the first to commence on the first day of Aprile eighteen hundred and eleven and so yearly untill paid which said Inqistion being presented to the Orphans COurt held at Harrisburg on the 5th day of March 1810 was read and oconfirmed by the said Court and the Court directed distribution of the said valuation as follows to the Widow the interest arising from and growing due on the sum of one thousand seven hundred and twenty two dollars and ninety one cents being the one third part of the one half of the said valuation directed to be paid in cash and to cash and to each and every of the children of the said deceased the sum of three hundred and forty four dollars and fifty eight cents and to the said Widow the Interest of the like sum and to each and every of the other CHildren aforesaid the like sum of the other half part as the annual payments become due as aforesaid as by the orders and proceedings of the said orphans court at Harrisburg may appear and WHereas the said Joseph Gingrich paid to such of the Children of the said deceases as are of lawfull age and to the guardians of those that are not of lawful age ________________ of the money now due & the interest accruied thereon and having given Bonds with good and sufficient securities for the annual payments of the said valuation and appraisement money excepted their several and respective shares of the one third part of the said valuation money of which the Interest is payable to the Widow aforesaid and the principal becomes due to the heirs of the said after the marriage or death of the said Widow and which remains a __ or __ on the said tract of land and until paid Now know ye that the said John Hochstetter, JOhn Reist and Anna Gingrich executors aforesaid In consideration of the Premises as also of the sum of five shillings Lawful money of Pennsylvania tothem in han paid by the said Joseph Gingrich at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents the Receipt and payment whereof is hereby acknowledged and in compliance with the directions of the said will Have granted bargained sold released and confirmed and by virture of the power authority and ___ to them given in and by the said Will and Last Testament by these Presents Do grant bargain sell release and confirm unto the said Joseph Gingrich his heirs and assigns all the above described Tract or piece of Land containing one hundred and seventy two acres and forty seven perches and the usual allowance for Roads...all and singular the BUildings and improvements thereon erected and being Ways, Woods, Waters, Watercourses, Rights, Liberties Privelages Hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any way appertaining and the reversins and remainders thereof and also all the esates right title use trust property possession interest claim and demand whatsoever of the said Christian Gingrich and before the time of his death of and on the same or any part thereof To have and to hold the above described tract or Piece of Land Hereditaments and PRemises hereby granted and relased or mentioned and intended so to be with the __________ unto the said Joseph Gingrich his heirs and assigns to the only ___ use benefit and behoof of the said Joseph Gingrich his heirs and assigns forever under and subject to the Payment of the yearly interest payable to the said Widow during her widowhood and to the payment of the principal sum or third part of the said valuation or appraisment to the Heirs or legal representatives of the said Christian Gingrich ___ after the death or marriage of the said Widow according to the said WIll and the orders of the said COurt In WItness thereof ___ John Hochstetter John Reist and Anna Gingrich have hereunto set their hands and seals the 20 day of March AD one thousand eight hundred and twelve Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us Anna (her X mark) Gingrich (Seal) Henry Mayor Jn. Gloninger John Reist (seal) John Hosteter (seal) Dauphin County Before me the subscriber one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas for the said COunty came John Hochstetter, John Reist and Anna Gingrich and acknowledged the within written Deed to be _______ for their act and deed and desired that the same may be recorded _____ In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the twenty eight day of March on the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twelve Jn' Gloninger (seal) Recorded June 3rd 1812