DEED: Jacob HOGSTETTER to Jno. HOGSTETTER and Christian GINGRICH, 1787, Dauphin County, PA File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Barbara Rivas Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ 1787 18 August 1787 Dauphin County Deed Book C Vol 1 Page 48 Release Jacob Hogstetter to Jno. Hogstetter & Christion Gingrich This Indenture made the eighteenth day of August one thousand Seven hundred and eighty seven Between Jacob Hogstetter of Lebanon Township in the COunty of Dauphin and in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Yeoman of the one part And John Hogstetter and Christian Gingrich both of the same place Yeoman of the other part Whereas John Hogstetter was in his life time and immediately before the time of his decease Lawfully Seized and possessed of and in a Certain Tract or parcel of Land situate in the Townships of London Derry and Mount Joy in the cCounty of Dauphin and Lancaster bounded or adjoining the Land of James Foster William Moore John Kenneday and others Containing two hundred and twenty acres be the same more or less and being so as aforesaid Seized and possed Died having first made his last Will and Testament in Writing bearing Date the Twenty seventh day of February in the Year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and Seventy Seven and therein and thereby did order and direct that after his Debts and the Legacies in the said Will mentioned were paid the remainder of the Estate should be equally divided amongst his Eight Children by his last Will. In the words following: And all the remainder of my Esate I leave to my Eight Children of my last Wife to be Equally divided amongst them as Soon as Sale can be made as in and by the said Testament duly proved & remaining in the Registers office at Lancaster Relation being there unto had may moe fully and at large appear. And Whereas Christian Hogstetter Eldest Son of the said John Hogstetter Deceased Since the Death of his said Father dec'd Intestate unmarried and without issue he the said Chris'n Hogstetter being of full age at the time of his death. Now this Indenture Witnesseth that the said Jacob Hogstetter for and in Consideration of the sum of one pound & two Shillings and six pence in Gold & Silver Money of Pennsylvania to him in hand well and truly paid by the said John Hogstetter and Christian Gingrich their heirs and assigns all their share part & parcell of and in the said Tract of Land Containing about two hundred and twenty acres be the same more or less Together with all and Singular the Buildings and Improvements Ways Woods Water WaterCourses Rights Liberties Priviledges Hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in anyway appertaining & the Reversion & Remainders thereof. And all the Estate Right Title Use Trust property possesion Claim and Demand whatsoever of him the said Jacob Hogstetter both at Law and in Equity _____ _____ of in and ______ premises or any part thereof To have and to hold the said Part and Portion of and in the said Tract or parcell of Land and PRemises hereby granted (or mentioned and Intended so to be with the appurtenance unto the said John Hogstetter and Christian Gingrich their heirs and Assigns That is to say the one full equal Moiety or undivided half part of the said premises to the only proper use benefit and Behoof of him he said John Hogstetter his heirs and assigns for ever and the other moiety or undivided half part of the Premises as the only proper use benefit and behoof of him the said Christian Gingrich his heirs and assigns for ever as Tenants in Common. So that Neither the said Jacob Hogstetter or his heirs or any other person and persons in his Name or in the Name place or stead of any of them shall or will by any ways or means here after have Claim Challange or Demand any further share part or Estate in the hereby granted Premises with the appurtenances or any part thereof but of and from the same and from any part thereof they & every of them Shall be Utterly Barred and forever Secluded by these presents In Witness whereof the said Jacob Hogstetter hath hereunto set my hand and sSeal the day & year aforesaid Sealed & Delivered Jacob Hostetter Jr? (Seal) in the presence of us Anna (Her X mark) Hogstetter J? Fisst? Gorden? R? Received on the day of the Date of the above written Indenture of and from the above named John Hogstetter and Christian Gingrich the sum of one pound two Shillings and six pence money aforesaid it being the Consideration money in the said Indenture mentioned in full. Witness Present at Signing Jacob ___Dow? ___ ____ Dauphin County The 13th Dayof August 1787 Before me the Subscriber one of the Justices of the Court of Common pleas for the said County Came Jacob Hogstetter and Acknowledged the within Indenture to be their act & Deed & Desired that the same may be recorded as Such. In testemony whereof I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal the day & year aforesaid. Recorded August 25 1787 John Gloninger