DEED: Christian KINGERY and wife to Christian BAUGHMAN, 1798, Dauphin County, PA File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Barbara Rivas Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ 1796 16 Dec 1796 Dauphin Co Deed Book K-1 Page 307 Christian Kingery & wife to Christian Baughman This Indenture made sixteenth day of December Anno Domini one thusand seven hundred and ninety six Between Christian Kingery of Lebanon township Dauphin County and State of Pennsylvania Yeoman and Ann his wife of the one part and Christian Baughman of the same place yeoman of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Christian Kingery and Ann his wife for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred pounds in gold or silver and lawful money of Pennsylvania to the said Christian Kingery well and truly in hand paid by the said Christian Baughman at and before the ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt and payment he the said Christian Kingery doth hereby acknowledge and thereof and of every part and parcel thereof doth acquit and forever discharge the said Christian Baughman his heirs and assigns by these presents hath granted bargained sold aliened enfoeffed released and confirmed and by these presents doth grant bargain sell alien release enfoeff and confirm unto the said Christian Baughman his heirs and assigns all that certain tract of land situate in Lebanon township Dauphin County aforesaid and is bounded and described by the lines as follows to witt Beginning at a stone thence by land of Curtis Grubb South forty six degrees West one hundred and forty two perches to a stone corner thence by the same South eighty one degrees East thirty five perches to a stone corner thence by land of John Wounderlich North forty six degrees East one hundred and twenty perches to a white oak thence by land of Reinhard Young North forty degrees West thirty perches to the place of Beginning containing twenty five acres and allowance of six percent? for roads __ It being the same tract of land which John Wounderlich and Elizabeth his wife b their deed or Indenture bearing date the twenty sixth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty three for the consideration therein mentioned did grant bargain sell releasee and confirm unto the said Christian Kingery his heirs and assigns forever all the above mentioned bounded and described tract of land containing twenty five acres and allowance for roads as by the said deed or Indenture may more fully and at large appear Together with all and singular the houses and houses edifices and buildings thereon erected and built and all ways woods underwoods waters watercourse Meadows orchards Gardins profits commodities advantages emoluments hereditiments and appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining and the reversions and remainders rents issues and profits thereof ___ also all the estate right title interest use trust property posession claim and demand whatsoever of him the said Christian Kingery of in and to the same or every or any past thereof and also all deeds evidence and writings touching or concerning the same or any part thereof & now in the custody & possession of him the said Christian Kingery or which he can or may come by without quit at law or equity To have and to hold the said described tract of twenty five acres and allowance hereditament and premises hereby granted with the appurtenances unto the said Christian Baughman his Heirs and assigns to the only proper use benefit and behoof of the said Christian Baughman his heirs and assigns forever. Under & Subject to the purchase money Interest and quitrent now due and hereafter to become due and payable for the hereby granted premises to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania And the said Christian Kingery and Ann his wife & their heirs executors and administrators doth covenant promise and grant to & with the said Christian Baughman his heirs and assigns that he the said Christian Kingery & his heirs and all and every other person and persons his or their heirs anything having reclaiming in the said premises above granted or meant mentioned or intended so to be or any part thereof by from or under him them or any of them shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter repose the reasonable request and at the proper cash and charges of the said Christian Baughman his heirs and assigns make do and execute or cause and proceed? to be made done and executed all and every such ___ and their lawful and reasonable act and ___ thing & things conveyances and assuances in the law whatsoever for the further bettor more sure and perfect granting conveying and assuring of all and singular the said premises with the appurtenances unto the said Christian Baughman his heirs and assigns forever as by the said Christian Baughman his heirs and assigns his or their council learned in the law shall be reasonably advised devised or required. And the said Christian Kingery & Ann his wife & their heirs of the said twenty-five acres and the allowance as above described and premises unto the said Christian Baughman his heirs and assigns against him the said Christian Kingery and his heirs and against all and every other person or persons whatsoever lawfully claiming said premises or an part thereof by from or under him them or any of them shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents. In Witness whereof the said parties to these presents have interchanged & set their hands and Seals thereunto dated the day and year first above written. Sealed & delivered in the presence of Christian Gingrich (seal) Thomas Clark, ___ Bachman(sp?) Ann (her X mark) Gingery (seal) Received on the day of the date of the above Indenture of and from the above named Christian Baughman the sum of one hundred pounds gold or silver in full for the consideration abovesid. Witness present at signing: Thomas Clark Janns? Coufman? Christian Gingrich Dauphin County On the sixteenth day of December Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and ninety six before me the subscriber on(e) of the Justices of the peace for said County personally came the above said Christian Kingery & Ann his wife & acknowledged the above Indenture to be their act & deed & desired the same may be recorded as such. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the day and year first above written Recorded 12th June 1798 Thomas Clark (seal)