NEWS: Elizabeth RHOADS, 1856, Harrisburg, Dauphin County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Ray Rhoads Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ Harrisburg Telegraph December 8, 1856 On Saturday evening last, a young female named Elizabeth Rhoads, a grand- daughter of Mr. Rhoads, whose sudden death is announced in another part of to- day’s Telegraph residing in Chestnut street, next door to the female school house, met with a serious accident, caused by the upsetting of a fluid lamp. She had been setting in the front room beside a table upon which the lamp was stationed, conversing with another female and a couple of young gentlemen, when by a careless movement of one of her arms, she upset the lamp, the contents of which, in an ignited state, ran upon both of her sleeves, setting them on fire, and burning the flesh of her arms into a crisp. One of the young men who was present, hastily sized a quilt from a bed in the room and wrapped the flaming dress of the unfortunate young lady within it, which timely intervention prevented the flames connecting with other parts of her dress, and thus perhaps saved her life. Medical attention was promply rendered to the suffering girl, and, we believe she is now doing as well as the circumstances of the case will permit. This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.6 Kb