OBIT: James M. RHOADS, 1916, Hummelstown, Dauphin County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Ray Rhoads Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ The Patriot, Harrisburg, PA, December 1, 1916 Brick Manufacturer and Pioneer River Coal Dealer, Stricken When Taking Turkey to Family Speeding along in his automobile bound for Sand Beach, Where he was taking a Thanksgiving turkey as a present to one of his employees who is the father of a family of nine. James M. Rhoads, a prominent brick manufacturer and former river coal dealer of this city, was stricken with heart failure Wednesday afternoon. He died before medical could [reach] him. Mr. Rhoads left Harrisburg shortly after 3 o’clock. About a mile and a half south of Hummelstown he was obliged to stop his car and climb slowly into a rear seat. He said he was faint and wanted to rest. Mrs. Frank wife of the foreman at the brick plant, who was accompanying him on his visits to his employees started for a physician. When she returned Mr. Rhoads was dead. Coroner Eckinger said death was due to heart failure. Mr. Rhoads who was 63 years old, was actively engaged in the manufacture of bricks for the last 24 years with the Bigler interests. Before that time he operated a fleet of boats on the river, dredging sand and coal. He was among the first persons to engage in the present extensive coal dredging industry on the Susquehanna. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs Lida J. Keffer and Miss Irene Rhoads, and a son James C.B. Rhoads, all of this city. Funeral services will be held from his home 2112 Green street, tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock. The Rev Dr, J. B. Markward will officiate. Burial will be in Paxtang Cemetery. This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.1 Kb