OBIT: Eleanor Mary MCGRANN, 1897, Lancaster, Lancaster County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Abby Bowman Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ Eleanor Mary McGrann, eldest daughter of Richard J. McGrann, the well known railroad contractor, died this morning at St. Joseph's hospital after a ten days illness from typhoid fever. She was in the twenty-sixth year of her age, and prior to her last illness enjoyed the most vigorous health. Her death, therefore, in the full flush of young womanhood comes with a painful shock not only to her family, by whom she was idolized, but also to that wide circle of friends whose lives were cheered by the brightness of her sweet disposition and the unsullied purity of her character. She was born in this city and was educated at St. Mary's academy, completing her studies in the famous Visitation academy at Georgetown, D.C. Her talents were of a high order and she was dowered with a mind of unusual capacity. If, however, one who had the privilege of knowing her intimately might be permitted to recall her most remembered attributes, it was the perfect sweetness of her disposition. Life was joyous to her. Happy in her home, tenderly devoted to her church, her presence brought sunshine, her departure left regret. Mere words are idle to express the beauty of this life that has closed with such suddenness. Like the shell on the seashore whose music can only be heard by those who take it up and listen, so this sweet young character will be mourned most by those who knew her best. Besides her father, she leaves surviving her three sisters, Hattie, Grace and Mary, and two brothers, Richard and Hugh McGrann. The funeral will be held on Thursday morning; services at St. Mary's church at 9 o'clock. Lancaster Intelligencer, Monday, March 22, 1897