BIO: HORACE C. BARNER, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Joe Patterson OCRed by Judy Banja Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. _____________________________________________________________ >From Biographical Annals of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Chicago: The Genealogical Publishing Co., 1905, page 413 _____________________________________________________________ NOTE: Use this web address to access other bios: HORACE C. BARNER, who has resided for a number of years upon the farm known as the John L. Barner place, in Southampton township, Cumberland county, was born Aug. 6, 1865, in Juniata county, Pa. His father, George L. Barner, was also born in Juniata county, and was a successful farmer for many years. He married Mary Miller, a native of Perry county, Pa. George Barner, the grandfather of Horace C., was among the early settlers of Juniata county. He was twice married, his second wife being Leah Miller, and he was the father of ten children, five sons and five daughters, all of whom lived to maturity. One resides in Cumberland county, J. L. Barner. Horace C. Barner received his primary education at the district school, and supplemented the instruction there given withstudy in the select school at Millerstown, Perry county. He subsequently taught country school two years in Juniata county, and then farmed for two years before moving to his present home, in Southampton township, Cumberland county, which comprises 140 acres of choice land, and is one of the model farms of the neighborhood. The buildings are large and substantial, arranged with an eye to convenience, and are kept in excellent repair. During the eighteen years of his residence upon this place Mr. Barner has won a high place for himself among the enterprising farmers of the county, and he has proved himself an honest and reliable citizen of his adopted community. In addition to general farming he has carried on stock raising to some extent. Mr. Barner has been twice married, his first union having been with Miss Ida M. Secrist, of Juniata county, who died Nov. 7, 1896. On Oct. 22, 1901, he married Miss Mary A. Clugston, of Franklin county, Pa., daughter of Howard and Christina Clugston. Mr. and Mrs. Barner have one child, John L. They are members of the Presbyterian Church at Shippensburg, Pa., and he is serving as superintendent of the Oak Grove Union Sabbath-school, being an earnest church worker. Politically, he affiliates with the Democratic party.