ORPHANS COURT: Account of Christian GINGRICH, Administrator of Jacob GINGRICH, Deceased, 1853, Dauphin County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Barbara Rivas brivas1@cox.net Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/copyright.htm http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/pa/dauphin/ _______________________________________________ 1852 30 Nov 1852 Dauphin County Misc. Book C Vol 1 Page 329 David M. Gingrich Guardn. to Christian Gingrich Adms. Know All men by these presents Whereas Christian Gingrich Administrator of Jacob Gingrich late of Londonderry township Dauphin County dec'd on 30 day of August 1852 filed his Account in the Registers Office of Said County Which was confirmed by the Orphans Court of Said County on the 30th Nov 1852 Showing a balance in the hand of said Administrator of one hundred and si Dollars and Eighty Seven Cents Now Know that we the Children of Said dec'd. Namely Cyrus Gingrich by his Guardian David M. Gingrich and Catharine Gingrich by her Guardian David M. Gingrich have each Received the Sum of Fifty three dollars and forty three and one half cents Our Shares in Said balance In Consideration Whereof We the Said Cyrus Gingrich and Catharine ______ by their guardians Do hereby relase Said Christian Gingrich of and from all demands Concerning the Same Witness our hand and Seal this 30thh day of Nov 1852 Witness present David M. Gingrich seal C. W. Churchman David M. Gingrich Seal Dauphin County Before Me the Subscriber one of the Justices of the Peace in and for the said County personally came the within named Guardian David M. Gingrich and acknowledged the Within Written Release to be his Act and deed And desired that it might be recorded as Such In Testimony whereof I have hereunto Set mhy hand and Seal the thirtieth day of November AD 1852 C W Churchman J.P. Recorded January 17t 1853