ORPHANS COURT: Estate of John GINGRICH, 1811, Dauphin County, PA File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Barbara Rivas brivas1@cox.net Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/copyright.htm http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/pa/dauphin/ _______________________________________________ 1811 5 March 1811 Orphans Court Dauphin Co PA pps 460-63 In pursuance of an order of this court of the second day of January last past, for the partition or evaluation of the real estate of John Gingrich late of Annville township, in the county of Dauphin, yeoman, deceased, The Sheriff of Dauphin County, to wit, Henry Wolf Esquire returned the said order, with an Inquisition thereunto annexed, taken by the oaths of Levi G. Hollingsworth Esquire, Peter Jontz, Jacob Bowman, Henry Moyer, William Sayer, Christopher Reichert and Frederick Wolfersberger and the solemn affirmations of John Reist, Felix Burkholder, Jacob Thoma, Abraham Burkholder and Henry Reichest, twelve free, honest and lawful men of his Bailiwick, who on their oaths and affirmations aforesaid, respectively Do Say that they went to the the messuages and tracts of land whereof John Gingrich in the said order named lately died, seized, being three in number, and containing in all, by actual measurement, two hundred and fifty acres and ninety two perches neat measure of patented land, and then and there did find that the same could not be parted and divided to and among all the parties in the said writ named, without prejudice to or spoiling the the whole thereof, and did then and there further find that the same will conveniently accommodate two of the children of the said intestate without prejudice to or spoiling of the whole, that is to say That the tract or part marked in the diagram annexed to the Inquisition, No. 1 and with the letter A, bounded by lands of Joseph Gingrich, Abraham Burkholder and others and containing one hundred and twenty-seven acres and thirty-eight perches, strict measure, will conveniently accomodate one of the children of the said intestate and which they value and appraise, with the appurtenances, at and for the sum of six thousand, seven hundred and fourty-four dollars ready money, in gold or silver coin, lawful money of the United States. And that the tract or part marked No. 2 and with the letter B in the said diagram, bounded by lands of John Horsteter, Abraham Burkholder and others, and containing one hundred and twenty- three acres and fifty four perches, will convieniently accomodate one other of the children of the said intestate and which with the appurtences, they value and appraise at and for the sum of Five thousand and fifty six dollars and fifty cents ready money in gold or silver coin, lawful money of the United States; which said sum of money making in the whole the sum of Eleven thousand eight hundred dollars and fifty cents like money aforesaid they the said request upon their oaths and affirmations aforesaid, respectively do value and appraise the aforesaid premises, subjecting each part and tract to the water-rights and privilages expressed in the title papers of said lands. Which Inquisition being read and heard on the fifth day of March A.D. 1811 is approved and confirmed and it is ordered and decreed that the same be and remain firm and stable forever. Jacob Gingrich the eldest son of the said intestate, appears in court and prays the court to award the said tract or part marked in the said diagram No. 1 and with the letter A valued at six thousand seven hundred and forty-four dollars, to him at the valuation aforesaid. Whereupon it is ordered and decreed by the court. That the said Jacob Gingrich on paying or securing to be paid unto the widow and other children and legal representatives of the said John Gingrich deceased within one year their several and respective distributive shares of the valuation aforesaid, of the said Jacob's allotments, do hold, possess and enjoy the said tract or part of land with the appurtenances hereby allotted to him, his heirs and assigns forever, in as full, free and ample a manner as the said dec'd had and held the same in his life time at and immediately before the time of his death. The Court direct the distribution of the valuation of that part of the estate allotted to the said Jacob Gingrich, to be in the manner following to wit, Gross valuation of Jacob Gingrich's allotment $6744.00 Deduct his prportional part of the costs of these proceedings 38.72 _________ $6705.28 Jacob Gingrich pays to Elizabeth Gingrich the widow of the said intestate during her natural life, the interest of $2235.09 _________ Jacob Gingrich in his own right retains $957.89 3/4 Pays to John Gingrich in one year $638.60 1/2 Pays to same at the the widow's death 319.29 3/4 ___________ 957.89 3/4 Pays to Magdalena Gingrich in like manner 957.39 3/4 Pays to Elizabeth Gingrich in like manner 957.89 3/4 Pays to Anna Gingrich in like manner 957.89 3/4 Pays to Mary Gingrich in like manner 957.89 4/5 And pays to Barbara Gingrich in like manner 957.89 3/4 _____________ $6705.28 1/4 And the said Jacob Gingrich offering himself, together with John Hostetter as security for the payment of the shares and dividends of the other heirs and legal representatives of the said deceased, of the valuation aforesaid, who are approved and accepted by the court. The said Jacob Gingrich and John Hostetter are bound each unto the Honorable Walter Franklin Esq. President of this court and his successors in office, in the sum of Thirteen thousand five hundred dollars, Conditions that the said Jacob Gingrich do and shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the widow and other heirs and legal representatives of the said deceased, their several and respective distributive shares and dividends of the valuation aforesaid, agreeably to the foregoing distribution. And John Hostetter as guardian for John Gingrich the second son of the said John Gingrich dec'd. appears and prays that he may be permitted take the said tract or part of land marked in the said diagram No 2 and with the letter B, as the guardian of the said John Gingrich, which is valued at the sum of Five thousand anf fifty six dollars and fifty cents, at the valuation aforesaid . Whereupon it is ordered and decreed by the Court that the said John Hostetter as guardian for the said John Gingrich, on paying or securing to be paid unto the widow and other heirs and legal representatives of the said deceased their several and respective distributive shares of the valuation aforesaid in such manner as the court shall award, order and direct, do hold, posses and enjoy the said tract or part of land with the appurtenances,in as full, free and ample a manner as the said deceased had and held the same in his life time at and immediately before the time of his death. The court direct the distribution of the valuation of the tract or part of land marked in the said diagram No 2 and with the letter B, to be in the manner following to wit Gross valuation of the said John Gingrich's allotment $5056.50 Deduct his proportion of the costs of these proceedings 38.72 ________ $5017.78 John Hostetter as guardian aforesaid pays to Elizabeth Gingrich the widow of the said dec'd yearly and every year during her natural life the interest of $1672.59 _________ John Hostetter, guardian of the said John Gingrich, in right of the said John Gingrich, retains $716.82 1/2 Pays to Jacob Gingrich in one year $477.88 1/2 Pays to same at widow's death 238.94 ___________ 716.82 1/2 Pays to Magdalena Gingrich in like manner 716.82 1/2 Pays to Elizabeth Gingrich in like manner 716.82 1/2 Pays to Anna Gingrich in like manner 716.82 1/2 Pays to Mary Gingrich in like manner 716.82 1/2 And pays to Barbara Gingrich in like manner 716.82 1/2 __________ $5017.77 1/2 And the said John Hostetter, guardian of the said John Gingrich, offers himself, together with Jacob Gingrich as security for the payment of the shares and dividends of the widow and other heirs and legal representatives of the said deceased of the valuation aforesaid, who are approved and accepted by the court. The said John Hostetter as guardian aforesaid, and Jacob Gingrich are bound each of them jointly and severally unto the Honorable Walter Franklin Esquire, President of this court and his successors in office, in the sum of Ten thousand dollars, Conditioned that the said John Hostetter, guardian as aforesaid shall and do well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the widow and other heirs and legal representatives of the said John Gingrich deceased, their several and respective distributives shares and dividends of the valuation aforesaid agreeably to the foregoing distribution. Taken and acknowledged in open court March 5th 1811