DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - NEWSPAPERS - Washington Post April 4, 1910 --------------¤¤¤¤¤¤-------------- Washington Post April 4, 1910 Church News Page 3 MISSION TO LAST TWO WEEKS. Inaugurated at Morning Mass at St. Mary's Church. A mission which will continue two weeks, began in St. Mary's Catholic Church, Alexandria, at the 10:30 o'clock mass yesterday, in charge of Father Waters, State missionary for Virginia., assisted by the Rev. A. P. Doyle and the Rev. John Handley, of the apostolic mission house, Brookland, D. C. It was announced that the first week of the mission will be for Catholics, and the second week for non-Catholics. Father Doyle preached at the morning service yesterday and Father Waters at the evening service. The order of daily exercises for this week will be as follows: Mass followed by short instruction at 5:30 a. m.; children's mass and short instruction at 8 a. m.; answering of questions placed in question box; instruction on some point of Christian doctrine, recitation of the rosary, and a sermon and benediction of the blessed sacrament every evening at 8 o'clock. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oratorio Sung at St. Paul's William G. Hammond's "Messiah Victorious" was sung by the choir of St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church at the evening services yesterday before a large congregation. The oratorio was given under the direction of Sherman B. Fowler, the organist, assisted by S. Frank Field. The soloists were Mrs. Elizabeth De Dier and Mrs. William Woolls, sopranos; Mrs. Sherman B. Fowler, alto; Edward R. Witman, tenor; Richard Wirt, bass; and Wilmer Waller and J. Harris Franklin, baritones. Assisting the choir was an orchestra composed of T. Brooke Amiss, jr. and Miss Nannie Mason, first violins; Miss Carolina Kast, second violin; Henry Nalls, viola, and Miss Ethel L. Lee, cello. This was the first rendition of "Messiah Victorius" by an Alexandria choir. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pastor's Farewell Sermons. The Rev. Charles DeHaven Bulla, for the past four years pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, Alexandria, yesterday preached his farewell sermons before large congregations. At the recent church conference held in Washington, the Rev. Mr. Bulla was assigned to the editorship of the Baltimore Methodist, and will assume his new duties this week. His successor in Alexandria, the Rev. H. M. Canter, will preach his first sermon here next Sunday. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pastor's Wife Makes Address. Before the Young Peoples' Religious Union in the lecture room of all Soul's Church last night, Mrs. Florence L. Pierce, wife of the pastor of the church delivered an address on 'Religious Instruction of the Young." Mrs. Pierce pointed out that present day Sunday schools are not taken seriously.