DC Deeds from NIDIFFER COLLECTION - WASHINGTON, D.C. DEEDS FOLDER LISTING ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. http://www.usgenwebarchives.org ************************************************************************ Box: 3 Fold: 75 Deed - Jones & Callan 07/31/1852 DESCRIPTION: 1 AMsS indenture: deed of trust of Square 344, Lot 2 by Charles S. & Elizabeth R. Jones to Nicholas Callan in trust for debts owed by Jones to Felix D. Queen. Signed by Samuel Grubb and John L. Smith, Justices of the Peace, and John A. Smith, Clerk of the Circuit Court. DC Deed from NIDIFFER COLLECTION - WASHINGTON, D.C. DEEDS FOLDER LISTING http://www.library.georgetown.edu Box: 3 Fold: 84 Deed - May & Marshall 08/30/1852 DESCRIPTION: 1 typset indenture filled in by hand: deed of sale of a portion of Square 290 by William May to William Marshall. Signed by Samuel Norris and Edward G. Starr, Justices of the Peace in Baltimore, MD; Edward Dowling, Clerk of the Superior Court of Baltimore City; and John A. Smith, Clerk of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia. Box: 3 Fold: 81 Bill of Sale/Inventory - Fisher, Walker & Kimmel 08/11/1852 DESCRIPTION: 1 AMsS indenture: bill of sale in trust of listed furniture and housewares by Elwood Fisher to Edwin Walker and Abraham F. Kimmell, acting as Walker & Kimmel, in trust for debts owed by Fisher to Walker & Kimmell. Signed by Benjamin K. Morsele and Isaac Weed, Justices of the Peace, and John A. Smith, Clerk of the Circuit Court. "NIDIFFER COLLECTION - WASHINGTON, D.C. DEEDS FOLDER LISTING http://www.library.georgetown.edu/dept/speccoll/fl/f96%7d6.htm; 01-12-99: Box: 3 Fold: 64 Deed - Hite & Blair 06/28/1852 DESCRIPTION: 1 AMsS indenture: deed of sale of Square 76, Lot 11 by David Hite to J. H. M. Blair. Signed by Samuel Drury and William Waters, Justices of the Peace, and John A. Smith, Clerk of the Circuit Court" DC Deed from NIDIFFER COLLECTION - WASHINGTON, D.C. DEEDS FOLDER LISTING http://www.library.georgetown.edu Box: 1 Fold: 23 Deed - Gray & Sherriff 05/06/1833 - 07/08/1833 DESCRIPTION: 1 AMsS indenture: deed of sale of a tract of land "Eastward of the Eastern Branch" of the Potomac in Washington County, a portion of "Beall's Adventure Enlarged" and "Fife Enlarged," by George and Lucy Gray to Levi Sheriff. Signed by William Brent, Clerk of the Circuit Court. Box: 1 Fold: 85 Deed - Georgetown - Jones & Carr 11/15/1838 DESCRIPTION: 1 AMsS indenture: deed of sale of Lot 16 on Bridge Street (M Street) at the corner of Rock Street (at 27th Street) in Holmstead's Addition of Georgetown by Mary E. Jones to her mother, Susan Carr. Signed by James Gettys, Justice of the Peace. Box: 1 Fold: 86 Deed - Forrest & Marshall 11/16/1838 DESCRIPTION: 1 AMsS indenture: deed of trust for a farm in the District of Columbia, the name of which has broken off the document (Haddock or Highland Hill?), by Andrew Forrest to James Marshall. Signed by Clement Coote and Nathan Brady, Justices of the Peace, and William Brent, Clerk of the Circuit Court. Box: 2 Fold: 2 Deed - Bradley & Lambill 02/14/1839 DESCRIPTION: 1 AMsS indenture: deed of sale of Square 327, Lots 5 & 6 by Joseph H. Brady to Kellelium H. Lambill. Signed by George Naylor and S. H. Wittberger, Justices of the Peace. Box: 2 Fold: 31 Deed - Pettit & Naylor 09/14/1839 DESCRIPTION: 1 AMsS indenture: deed of trust of Square 488, Lot 3 by Charles Pettit to Henry Naylor in trust for debts owed by Pettit to Andrew Small. Signed by B. K. Morsele and Gilbert L. Giberson, Justices of the Peace. Box: 2 Fold: 32 Deed - Selden & Jones 09/21/1839 DESCRIPTION: 1 AMsS indenture: deed of sale of Reservation 10, Lot 35 by Cary Selden to William Jones. Signed by Clement Coote and B. K. Morsele, Justices of the Peace, and William Brent, Clerk of the Circuit Court. Box: 2 Fold: 33 Deed - Townley & Jones 09/21/1839 DESCRIPTION: 1 typeset indenture filled in by hand: deed of sale of Reservation 10, Lot 35 by James Townley to William Jones. Signed by W. Thompson and B. K. Morsele, Justices of the Peace. Box: 2 Fold: 65 Deed - Sengstack & Norris 03/12/1841 DESCRIPTION: 1 typeset indenture filled in by hand: deed of sale of Square 199, Lot 6 and Square 325, Lot 5 by Charles P. Sengstack to William B. Norris. Signed by Vincent King, Justice of the Peace. Box: 2 Fold: 89 Bill of Sale/Inventory - Hill & Hill 03/13/1843 DESCRIPTION: 1 AMsS bill of sale of furniture and housewares listed and itemized by price by George Hill, Jr. to William Hill. Signed by Thomas P. Holtzman, Justice of the Peace, and William Brent, Clerk of the Circuit Court. Box: 3 Fold: 81 Bill of Sale/Inventory - Fisher, Walker & Kimmel 08/11/1852 DESCRIPTION: 1 AMsS indenture: bill of sale in trust of listed furniture and housewares by Elwood Fisher to Edwin Walker and Abraham F. Kimmell, acting as Walker & Kimmel, in trust for debts owed by Fisher to Walker & Kimmell. Signed by Benjamin K. Morsele and Isaac Weed, Justices of the Peace, and John A. Smith, Clerk of the Circuit Court. Box: 3 Fold: 84 Deed - May & Marshall 08/30/1852 DESCRIPTION: 1 typset indenture filled in by hand: deed of sale of a portion of Square 290 by William May to William Marshall. Signed by Samuel Norris and Edward G. Starr, Justices of the Peace in Baltimore, MD; Edward Dowling, Clerk of the Superior Court of Baltimore City; and John A. Smith, Clerk of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia. Box: 4 Fold: 14 Bill of Sale/Inventory - Lamb & Potter 11/27/1852 DESCRIPTION: 1 typset indenture filled in by hand: bill of sale in trust of listed furniture and housewares by Theodore L. Lamb to Thomas L. Potter in trust for debts owed by Lamb to Nathaniel M. McGregor. Signed by Benjamin K. Morsele, Justice of the Peace, and John A. Smith, Clerk of the Circuit Court. Box: 4 Fold: 50 Deed - Perry & Fisher 04/01/1853 DESCRIPTION: 1 typeset indenture filled in by hand: deed of trust of Square 424, Lots 7, 8 & 9 by Louis F. Perry to Thomas J. Fisher intrust for debts owed by Perry to Andrew Coyle. Signed by Samuel Grubb and John L. Smith, Justices of the Peace, and John A. Smith, Clerk of the Circuit Court. Box: 4 Fold: 58 Deed - Gladman & Fisher 04/08/1853 DESCRIPTION: 1 typset indenture filled in by hand: deed of trust of Square 424, Lots 7, 8 & 9 by Aza & Ann Gladman to Thomas J. Fisher in trust for debts owed by the Gladmans to Andrew Coyle. Signed by Thomas C. Donn and B. Wilburn, Justices of the Peace, and John A. Smith, Clerk of the Circuit Court. Box: 4 Fold: 59 Deed - Gladman & Fisher 04/09/1853 DESCRIPTION: 1 typeset indenture filled in by hand: deed of trust of Square 424, Lots 7, 8 & 9 by Addison B. & Amanda Gladman to Thomas J. Fisher in trust for debts owed by the Gladmans to Andrew Coyle. Signed by Thomas C. Donn and Benjamin K. Morsele, Justices of the Peace, and John A. Smith, Clerk of the Circuit Court. Box: 4 Fold: 70 Deed - Lazenby & Fisher 04/14/1853 DESCRIPTION: 1 typeset indenture filled in by hand: deed of trust of Square 424, Lots 7, 8 & 9 by Elisha & Mary Ann Lazenby to Thomas J. Fisher in trust for debts owed by the Lazenbys to Andrew Coyle. Signed by Thomas C. Donn and Samuel Grubb, Justices of the Peace, and John A. Smith, Clerk of the Circuit Court. Box: 4 Fold: 81 Deed - Fowler & Pigott 04/30/1853 DESCRIPTION: 1 AMsS indenture: deed of sale of Square 296, Lot 8 by James Fowler to Jennings Pigott. Signed by Thomas C. Donn and Benjamin K. Morsele, Justices of the Peace, and John A. Smith, Clerk of the Circuit Court. Box: 5 Fold: 6 Deed - Hellen, Adams & Noyes 06/03/1853 DESCRIPTION: 1 AMsS indenture: deed of release of Square 466, Lot 10 by Johnson Hellen and James Adams to William Noyes. The lot was held by Hellen and Adams in trust for debts owed by James H. Jones to William Gunton. Signed by William McCormick and Benedict Wilburn, Justices of the Peace, and John A. Smith, Clerk of the Circuit Court. Box: 5 Fold: 35 Deed - Donn & Calvert 02/14/1859 DESCRIPTION: 1 typeset indenture filled in by hand: deed of release of Square 351, Lot 7 by John Y. Donn to Charles Calvert, trustee of Jane Smith. The lot was held in trust for debts owed by Calvert & Smith to Thomas Holtzclaw and Richard W. Bruff of Holtzclaw & Bruff. Signed by Thomas C. Donn and F. S. Murphey, Justices of the Peace. Box: 5 Fold: 77 Deed - Burdette & Utermehle 08/25/1860 DESCRIPTION: 1 AMsS indenture: deed of trust of Square Square 427, Lot 9 by Walter W. Burdette to Charles H. Utermehle in trust for debts owed by Burdette to George W. Utermehle. Signed by Gilbert L. Giberson and John H. Johnson, Justices of the Peace, and John A. Smith, Clerk of the Circuit Court. Box: 5 Fold: 86 Deed - Chew & Taylor 09/13/1860 DESCRIPTION: 1 AMsS indenture: deed of sale of Square 427, Lot 2 by Martha J. Chew to Harrison Taylor. Signed by Thomas C. Donn and Francis J. Murphey, Justices of the Peace, and John A. Smith, Clerk of the Circuit Court. Box: 5 Fold: 89 Deed - Ward, Woodward & West 09/25/1860 DESCRIPTION: 1 AMsS indenture: deed of conveyance of Square 463, Lots E, G & K by William H. Ward and William R. Woodward to William H., John T., Hester A., Elizabeth L., Charles E. and Albert C. West, heirs of John P. West. Signed by Thomas C. Donn and Francis J. Murphey, Justices of the Peace, and John A. Smith, Clerk of the Circuit Court. Box: 5 Fold: 95 Deed - Georgetown - Blake, Jones & Matthews 10/04/1860 DESCRIPTION: 1 typeset indenture filled in by hand: deed of trust of Lot 161 in Beatty & Hawkins' Addition to Georgetown on 3rd Street (P Street) near Wisconsin Avenue by George W. Blake to Charles M. Matthews and Frederick W. Jones in trust for debts owed by Blake to James W. Deeble, Treasurer of the West End Building Association of Georgetown. Signed by Henry Reaver, Notary Public, and John A. Smith, Clerk of the Circuit Court. Box: 6 Fold: 21 Deed - Georgetown - Young, Jones & Matthews 11/15/1860 DESCRIPTION: 1 typeset indenture filled in by hand: deed of trust of Lot 65 on Jefferson Street (Thomas Jefferson Street) near Water Street (K Street) by William Young to Frederick W. Jones and Charles M. Matthews in trust for debts owed by Young to James W. Deeble, Treasurer of the West End Building Association of Georgetown. Signed by Henry Reaver, Notary Public, and John A. Smith, Clerk of the Circuit Court. Box: 6 Fold: 30 Deed - Brown, Thomas, Newton & Lloyd 12/01/1860 DESCRIPTION: 1 typeset indenture filled in by hand: deed of trust of "Mount Maria" in Washington County, D.C. by Basil Brown, Benjamin Newton and Thomas W. Thomas, Trustees of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, to Ashbury Lloyd in trust for debts owed by the Trustees to Samuel Norment. Signed by Thomas C. Donn and Francis J. Murphey, Justices of the Peace, and John A. Smith, Clerk of the Circuit Court. Box: 6 Fold: 57 Deed - Cheshire, Piper, Ford & Miller 02/13/1861 DESCRIPTION: 1 AMsS indenture: deed of sale of Square 952, Lot 2 by Rosina Cheshire; J. R. & Mary Piper; Alexander M., Stephen C. & Anne Ford and Richard Morsell to Charles Miller. Signed by Gilbert L. Giberson and John H. Johnson, Justices of the Peace, and John A. Smith, Clerk of the Circuit Court. Box: 6 Fold: 72 Deed - Callan & Posey 03/16/1861 DESCRIPTION: 1 typeset indenture filled in by hand: deed of release of Square 184, Lot 20 by John F. & James N. Callan to Middleton Posey. The lot was held by the Callans in trust for debts owed by Posey to Thomas F. Semmes. Signed by Nicholas Callan, Notary Public, and John A. Smith, Clerk of the Circuit Court. Box: 6 Fold: 78 Bill of Sale - Slave - Hinman & English 03/30/1861 DESCRIPTION: 1 AMsS indenture: bill of sale in trust of a slave, Lucy, by Coleman C. Hinman to Charles S. English in trust for debts owed by Hinman to David English. Signed by John A. Smith, Clerk of the Circuit Court. Box: 6 Fold: 83 Deed - Culhan(e) & Jones 07/02/1861 DESCRIPTION: 1 typeset indenture filled in by hand: deed of trust of Square 719, Lot 2 by Michael & Margaret Culhan (Culhane) to F. W. Jones in trust for debts owed by the Culhanes to Charles J. Uhlmann. Signed by Thomas C. Donn and Francis J. Murphey, Justices of the Peace, and John A. Smith, Clerk of the Circuit Court. Box: 7 Fold: 6 Deed - Utermehle & Utermehle 12/20/1861 DESCRIPTION: 1 typeset indenture filled in by hand: deed of sale of Square 447, Lot 12 by George W. & Sarah Utermehle to Charles H. Utermehle. Signed by J. W. Barnacle and J. H. Goddard, Justices of the Peace, and John A. Smith, Clerk of the Circuit Court. Box: 7 Fold: 31 Deed - Fisher & Jones 09/27/1862 DESCRIPTION: 1 typeset indenture filled in by hand: deed of release of Square 344, Lots 1 & 2 by Thomas J. Fisher and John C. Kennedy to Charles S. Jones. The lots were held by Fisher in trust for debts owed by Jones to Joseph F. Brown. Signed by W. B. Webb and Thomas A. Lazenby, Justices of the Peace, and John A. Smith, Clerk of the Circuit Court. Box: 8 Fold: 40 Deed - Drury & Philip 01/24/1865 DESCRIPTION: 1 AMsS indenture: deed of trust of Square 168, Lot 17 by Terence Drury to William H. Philip in trust for debts owed by Drury to Charles W. Van Ness. Signed by Nicholas Callan, Notary Public, and Nathaniel C. Towle, Register of Deeds. Box: 7 Fold: 84 Deed - Sykes, Chadwick & Chew 07/23/1863 DESCRIPTION: 1 AMsS indenture: deed of trust of a portion of Square 221 by James & Martha Sykes and Henry A. & Eleanor M. Chadwick to Robert S. Chew in trust for debts owed to Richard Cutts. Signed by Nicholas Callan and T. G. Clayton, Justices of the Peace, and Nathaniel C. Towle, Register of Deeds. Box: 8 Fold: 11 Deed - Towles & Clements 12/04/1863 DESCRIPTION: 1 typeset indenture filled in by hand: deed of release of Square 140, Lot 20 by James Towles to Harriett C. Clements. The lot was held by Towles in trust for debts owed by Harriett & Sophia Clements to Benjamin & Alexander Clements and James Daly. Signed by Samuel Drury and Samuel E. Douglass, Justices of the Peace. Box: 8 Fold: 8 Deed - Bennett, Nairn, Deeble et al. 11/14/1863 DESCRIPTION: 1 AMsS indenture: deed of release of Square 285, Lot 7 by Clement W. Bennett to Joseph W. Nairn, Joseph A. Deeble, David McClelland and William McLean. The lot was held by Bennett in trust for debts owed by the above parties to Daniel S. Harkness. Signed by Edgar H. Bates and John H. Johnson, Justices of the Peace, and Nathaniel C. Towle, Register of Deeds.