U.S. Army, Adjutant general's office lists: 1833, casualties and resignations. ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. http://www.usgenwebarchives.org ************************************************************************ This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: S. Ferrall Email: ferrall@mtaonline.net June 18, 2000 ================================================================= Casualty & resignation lists extracted from: Niles' Weekly Register; Fourth Series. No. 12--Vol. IX. Baltimore, Nov. 16, 1833 Vol. XLV. Whole No. 1,156. Edited, Printed & Published by H. Niles. The Army -- Official. Order, No. 97. R. Jones, adj't gen'l. Head Quarters of the Army, Adjutant general's office, Washington, Oct. 31, 1833. The following list of casualties/resignations in the army of the United States, made by the president since the publication of "Order" No. 60, of July 6, 1833, is published for general information: Major. George Bender, 5th infantry, 31st October, 1833. ------ Captains. Walter Smith, 1st artillery, 30th September, 1833. Wm. S. Harney, 1st infantry, 11th July, 1833. Stephen H. Webb, 3d infantry, 31st August, 1833. Robert A. McCabe, 5th infantry, 1st October, 1833. ------ 1st Lieutenants. Jonathan Presscot, 1st artillery, 30th September, 1833. Alexander H. Morton, 7th infantry, 12th July, 1833. ------ 2nd Lieutenants. George E. Chase, 3d artillery, 31st August, 1833. Charles. W. Hackley, 3d artillery, 30th September, 1833. William A. Norton, 4th artillery, 30th September, 1833. Eras. F. Covington, 1st infantry, 30th September, 1833. ------ Brevet 2d Lieutenants. William H. Sidell, 1st artillery, 1st October, 1833. John E. Bracket, 2d artillery, 31st August, 1833. Henry Waller, 2d artillery, 9th October, 1833. William N. Pendleton, 4th artillery, 31st October, 1833. Joel Riggs, 1st infantry, 9th October, 1833. Lewis Howell, 7th infantry, 31st October, 1833. Nathaniel W. Hunter, 7th infantry, 1st October, 1833. ------ Surgeon. Robert McMillian, to take effect 1st December, 1833. ------ Assistant surgeons. Henry Stevenson, 31st August, 1833. Sobert. E. Kerr, 31st August, 1833. ------ Died. Assistant surgeon. Jos. D. Harris, 26th September, 1833. ------ Brevet 2d lieutenant Benjamin E. Dubois, of the 3d regiment of infantry, a graduate of 1833, having failed to join his regiment on the 1st day of October, is, in conformity with the regulations, dropped from the rolls of the army, to take effect from that date. By order of major general Macomb. end