ROLL OF OFFICERS OF THE BRITISH AMERICAN OR LOYALIST CORPS Contributed by: R. Wallace Hale [] ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ************************************************************************ A. D. 1775 - 1783 Roll of Officers of the British American or Loyalist Corps Compiled from the original Muster Rolls and arranged alphabetically By W. O. Raymond, LL. D. (Published in Collections of the New Brunswick Historical Society Vol. 2, 1899) The Roll of the Officers of the Loyalist regiments, to be found in the pages that follow this brief introduction, does not pretend to include all who served the King in arms in the course of the American Revolution. The muster rolls of the various corps that have been employed in the compilation of this Roll of Officers, voluminous as they may seem to be in the aggregate, are not sufficiently complete to enable one to obtain the name of every individual officer who served at one time or another during the war, and this remark is particularly true as regards the military corps organized in Georgia, Florida and the Carolinas. It must also be remembered that many of the Loyalists who bore arms for the King served in the Northern, or Canadian, Division, and of these none are included in the list that follows. The Northern Division included such corps as these: 1. King's Royal Regiment of New York (or Royal Greens), two battalions, commanded by Sir John Johnson, raised in 1776 and 1777. 2. Butler's Rangers, raised in 1776 and 1777 and commanded by Lieut. Col. John Butler. 3. Queens Loyal Rangers, raised early in 1777, and commanded by Lieut. Col. John Peters. 4. Royal Americans, organized early in 1777 by Lieut. Col. Ebenezer Jessup. 5. Rogers Kings Rangers, of which corps the larger part (raised in 1781-2) was enrolled in the Northern Division. 6. Major McAlpine's Royal Americans. 7. Major Holland's Loyal Yorkers. 8. Mackay's Loyal Volunteers. 9. Capt. Robert Leake's Independent Company. 10. The 1st Battalion of the 84th, or Royal Highland Emigrant Regiment, raised by Colonel Allen Maclean in 1775. Another large military corps that served during the war was the Royal American Regiment, or 60th of the British line, consisting of 4 battalions organized in America about the year 1750, and in which many natives of the old colonies were enrolled. On the other hand it is but fair to state that the officers in the Loyalist regiments were not in all cases American Loyalists. In some cases officers were transferred to these regiments from the British regulars. Often, as in the case of Lieut. Col. John Graves Simcoe, Col. Banistre Tarleton and others, those so transferred were very competent, but in some instances the appointments were not so satisfactory, and no less an authority than the muster-master-general of the Provincial Forces, Lt. Col. Edward Winslow, goes so far as to assert in a letter, written November 13, 1778, that Coxcombs, Fools and Blackguards (presumably from the British regulars) had been provided as officers in the Provincial Line. Again, in 1781, he complains that "till very lately there have been to all the Provincial regiments recommendations of officers which were next to positive orders from the Commander in Chief." In the same letter he observes, "I know that experience is necessary to complete a military character, but that only men who have risen through all the gradations of military rank are fit to be trusted with military commands is an idea which I would hope was originally formed in the head of Sir Wm. Howe and would never descend further than to his immediate successor. I would not detract one iota from the respect due to veterans, but in Heaven's name when a state is in danger should men of capability, liberal education and extensive knowledge remain unemployed until all the serjeants of the army are provided for?" In addition to the officers thus appointed to the Provincial regiments, who were not American Loyalists, there were a couple of military organizations that were not properly speaking Loyalist Corps at all, though attached to the British American regiments and mustered by Edward Winslow. These were Baron de Diemar's German Hussars, attached to the Queens Rangers, and the Royal Garrison Battalion, the major part of whose officers were invalided officers of the British Line. However the percentage of those who were not American Loyalists compared with the whole was relatively small. The list that follows will be found to include 1 Major General, 5 Brigadier Generals, 10 Colonels, 39 Lieut. Colonels, 58 Majors, 30 Chaplains, 52 Surgeons, 47 Surgeons-Mates, 98 Quarter Masters, 59 Adjutants, 345 Captains, 30 Capt- Lieutenants, 412 Lieutenants, 31 Second Lieutenants, 51 Cornets, 370 Ensigns, 15 Mates of Naval Corps. Total 1,653. But in this total the names of 276 officers appear more than once in consequence of promotions, so that the actual number of individuals mentioned in the list is 1,377. The date (month and day of the month) of every commission is given wherever found in the muster rolls. Where the month appears, but not the day of the month, the reader will usually be right in concluding that the exact date is uncertain and that the month indicates the time when the officers name first appears in the muster roll. Where the year alone is given, it will usually be found that the muster rolls are so incomplete as to render it impossible to be more exact. Where (S.) or (S. Ap.) is prefixed to the name of an officer it signifies that information concerning him will be found in Sabine's Loyalists of the American Revolution or in the Appendix to that work. The abbreviations used will be more readily understood by referring to the list of military organizations that follows: List of Loyal or British American Regiments Serving in the Revolutionary War Armed Batteau-men Armed Boatmen Arnold's American Legion Black Pioneers British Legion Buck's County Light Dragoons Callbeck's Company Carolina King's Rangers DeDiemar's Hussars DeLancey's Brigade Emmerick's Chasseurs & Dragoons Ferguson's Corps Georgia Light Dragoons Georgia Loyalists Gov'r Wentworth's Volunteers Hierlihy's Corps Independent Troops of Cavalry King's American Dragoons King's American Regiment King's Orange Rangers Loyal American Rangers Loyal American Regiment Loyal Foresters Loyal New Englanders Loyal Nova Scotia Volunteers Maryland Loyalists Nassau Blues New Jersey Volunteers New York Volunteers North Carolina Dragoons North Carolina Highlanders North Carolina Volunteers Pennsylvania Loyalists Philadelphia Light Dragoons Prince of Wales American Regt. Provincial Light Infantry Queens Rangers Rogers' King's Rangers (1 Company) Roman Catholic Volunteers Royal American Reformees Royal Fencible Americans Royal Garrison Battalion Royal Guides and Pioneers Royal North Carolina Regt. South Carolina Dragoons South Carolina Rangers South Carolina Royalists Volunteers of Ireland Volunteers of New England West Florida Foresters West Jersey Volunteers Young Royal Highland Emigrants Roll of Officers Major General (S.) Tryon, William - Major General and Commander in Chief of the Provincial forces in America. Brigadier Generals (S.) Arnold, Benedict - Commissioned about close of 1780. (S.) Browne, Montford - Commanding Prince of Wales American Regiment, 1777. (S.) Cunningham, Robert - In 1780 in command of a garrison in South Carolina. DeLancey, Oliver - Commanding Delancey's Brigade 1776, Senior Brigadier General. (S.) Skinner, Cortlandt - Commanding New Jersey Volunteers, Sept. 4, 1776. Colonels (S.) Axtell, Hon. Wm. - Nassau Blues, May 1st, 1779 (Corps disbanded Dec. 1779). (S.) Brewerton, George - 2 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade, Aug. 1776. Cathcart, Right Hon. Lord - British Legion, June 1778, A. D. C. to Sir H. Clinton, Feb. 1779. (S.) Kemble, Stephen - Deputy Adjt. General Provincial Troops, 1776. (S.) Fanning, Edmund - King's American Regiment, Dec. 11, 1776. (S.) Innes, Alexander - South Carolina Royalists, Feb. 1, 1779, Inspector General of Provincial Forces in 1777. Legge, Hon. Francis - Loyal Nova Scotia Volunteers, October 1775. (S.) Ludlow, Gabriel G. - 3 DeLancey Battalion, 4 Sept. 1776. (S.) Robinson, Beverley - Loyal American Regiment, March 28th, 1777. Rawdon, Lord - Volunteers of Ireland, Dec. 1778, Adjt. Gen. of Prov. Forces. Lieutenant Colonels (S.) Allen, Isaac - New Jersey Volunteers 6th Batt, afterwards 3rd Batt. and 2nd Batt., Dec. 3rd, 1776. (S.) Allen, William - Pennsylvania Loyalists, October 14, 1777. (S.) Barton, Joseph - New Jersey Volunteers, 5 Batt. and afterwards 1 Batt.; Nov. 27, 1776. (S. Ap.) Bayard, John - King's Orange Rangers, Dec. 25, 1776. (S.) Browne, Thomas - Carolina King's Rangers, June 1, 1776. (S. Ap.) Campbell, George - King's American Regiment, Jan. 1777. (S.) Chalmers, James - Maryland Loyalists, Oct. 14, 1777. (S. Ap.) Clifton, Alfred - Roman Catholic Volunteers, Oct. 14, 1777. (S.) Connolly, John - Loyal Foresters, April 1781. (S.) Cruger, John Harris - 1st DeLancey Batt., Aug. 1776. (S.) DeLancey, Stephen - 2nd DeLancey Batt., Aug. 1776, P. W. A. R. Sept. 1781, 1st. N. J. V. Feb. 1782. (S.) DeVeber, Gabriel - Prince of Wales American Regiment, 1782. (S.) Dongan, Edward Vaughan - 3 New Jersey Vol., Nov. 20 1776 - died of wounds received Aug. 22, 1777. (S.) Donkin, Robert - Royal Garrison Battalion, October 25, 1779. Doyle, Welbore Ellis - Volunteers of Ireland, August 1778. Emmerick, Andreas - Chasseurs and Dragoons, April 11, 1778. (S. Ap.) Goreham, Joseph - Royal Fencible Americans, December 1775. (S.) Hamilton, John - Royal North Carolina Regiment, 1779. (S.) Hewlett, Richard - 3 DeLancey Battalion, Aug. 1776. (S. Ap. p. 530) Hierlihy, Timothy - Royal N. S. Volunteers, May 5, 1782; of Hierlihy's Brigade April, 1777. (S.) Lawrence, Elisha - 1 Batt. New Jersey Volunteers, July 1, 1776. (S.) Morris, John - 2 Batt. New Jersey Volunteers, Nov. 1776. (S.) Pattinson, Thomas - Prince of Wales American Regiment, 1777. Retired 1781. (S.) Ritzema, Rudolphus - Royal American Reformees, Ap. 24, 1778. (S.) Robinson, Beverley, Jr. - Loyal American Regiment, Oct. 7, 1777. Robinson, Joseph - South Carolina Royalists. (S.) Rogers, Robert - King's Rangers, May 1779. Stewart, Allan - North Carolina Highlanders, 1783. Simcoe, John Graves - Queen's Rangers, December 1777. [See Simcoe's "Operations of the Queen's Rangers," p. 62.] Small, John - Young Royal Highland Emigrants, 1783. Tarleton, Banistre - British Legion, June 1778. (S.) Thompson, Benjamin - King's American Dragoons, March 1781. (S.) Turnbull, George - Loyal American Regiment 1777, and N. Y. Vols. Oct. 7, 1777. (S.) Upham, Joshua - Volunteers of New England, 1781. (S.) VanBuskirk, Abraham - 4th New Jersey Volunteers, November 16, 1776. (S.) Vandiek, John - West Jersey Volunteers, March 19, 1778. Watson, _______ - Bucks County Light Dragoons, 1778. (S.) Wightman, George - Loyal New Englanders, 1777. (S.) Winslow, Edward - Muster-Master-General of Provincial Troops, July 30, 1776. Majors (S.) Aldington, John - Royal Guides and Pioneers, Ap. 25, 1782. (S. Ap.) Anstruther, William - Royal Garrison Battalion, Nov. 29, 1779. (S. Ap.) Antill, John - 2nd New Jersey Volunteers, Sept. 1777. (S.) Armstrong, Richard - Queen's Rangers, Oct. 25, 1778. (S. Ap.) Batt, Thomas - Royal Fencible Americans, May 21, 1776. (S.) Bayard, Samuel - King's Orange Rangers. (S.) Barclay, Thomas - Loyal Amer. Regt., Oct. 7, 1777, and Prov. Lt. Inf., Sept. 1780. (S. Ap.) Brace, James - Royal Fencible Americans, Feb. 1782. (S.) Bowden, Thomas - 2nd Batt. DeLancey's Brigade, 1776; 3 DeLancey's, Oct. 1782. (S.) Browne, Daniel Isaac - 4th New Jersey Volunteers, Nov. 17, 1776. (S. Ap.) Campbell, John - Volunteers of Ireland, Feb. 1781. (S.) Carden, John - Prince of Wales American Regiment, 1777. Cochran, Hon. Charles - British Legion. (S.) Coffin, John - New York Volunteers, 1780. [Dr. Raymond added "King's American Regt. 1783" to his copy. - RWH] (S. Ap.) Colden, John - 2nd. N. J. vol., Nov. 1776 and 3 DeLancey Batt., Mar. 1782. (S.) Colden, Thomas - 1 N. J. Vol., Sept. 1781. Promoted from Penn. Loyalists. (S.) DeLancey, John Peter - Pennsylvania Loyalists, October 14, 1777. Despard, John - Volunteers of Ireland, August 1778. (S.) DeVeber, Gabriel (promoted) - West Jersey Vol., Mar. 19, 1778; Chasseurs, April '79; 3 Delancey's, Ap. 1780; Prov. Detachments, May, 1781. DeWint, Geurt Spt - King's Orange Rangers, Dec. 31, 1776. (S.) Drummond, Robert - 3rd New Jersey Volunteers, Nov. 20, 1776. (S.) Dulaney, Walter - Maryland Loyalists, November 30, 1781. (S. Ap.) Fraser, Simon - Royal Guides & Pioneers, 1778 (in command). Frazier, Thomas - South Carolina Royalists. (S.) Grant, Alexander - New York Volunteers, 1776. Killed Oct. 16, 1777. Grant, James - King's American Regiment, Jan. 1777. (S.) Green, Joseph - 1st DeLancey Battalion, 1776. (S.) Grymes, John Randolph - Queen's Rangers, 1777. Hanger, Hon. George - British Legion, May 24, 1780. (S. Ap.) Harrison, John - South Carolina Rangers, June 4, 1780. (S. Ap.) Kearney, Francis - Pennsylvania Loyalists, 1781. (S. Ap.) Leonard, Thomas - 1st New Jersey Volunteers, July 6, 1776. Lynch, John - Roman Catholic Volunteers, Oct. 14, 1777. (S.) Manson, Daniel - Royal North Carolina Regiment. (S.) Menzies, Thomas - 3d DeLancey Batt. 1777 and Amer. Legion, 1781. Moncrieffe, Thomas - Royal Fencible Americans, 1775. Resigned May, 1776. (S.) Millidge, Thomas - 5 N. J. Vol. Dec. 11, 1776, and 1 N. J. Vol., April 1778. Monk, George Henry - Loyal Nova Scotia Volunteers. (S.) Murray, Daniel - King's American Dragoons, 1781. (S.) McDonald, Alexander - North Carolina Highlanders, 1776. Macdonald, John - Maryland Loyalists, Nov. 11, 1777. Retired Nov. 30th, 1781. (S.) McNeill, Charles - Prince of Wales American Regiment, Dec. 1782. Odell, William - Loyal American Rangers, Feb. 19, 1780. Rodgers, James - Royal American Reformees, May 1, 1778. (S.) Rodgers, Robert (promoted) - Queen's Rangers, July 1776. Sheridan, Henry - New York Volunteers, Aug. 30, 1778. Simcoe, John Graves (promoted) - Queen's Rangers, October 15, 1777. Small, John (promoted) - Young Royal Highland Emigrants, Ap. 8, 1777. (S.) Stark, William - (S.) Stockton, Richard - 6 N. J. Volunteers, December 3, 1776. (S.) Sutherland, William - Royal Garrison Battalion, 1779. (S.) Timpany, Robert - 4 N. J. Volunteers, November 18, 1776. (S.) Upham, Joshua - King's American Dragoons, March 1781. Aide. De. Camp to Sir Guy Carleton, Sept. 1782. (S.) Van Cortland, Philip - 4 New Jersey Vol., 1777; Acting Major of Brigade, July 11, 1777. (S.) Vandike, John - West Jersey Vol., March 19, 1778. Wemyss, James - Queen's Rangers. Resigned Oct. 15, 1777. (S. Ap.) Wright, James - Georgia Loyalists, May 1, 1779; Carolina King's Rangers, June 1782, on amalgamation of the two corps. Chaplains (S.) Addison, Rev. Hervey - Pennsylvania Loyalists, May 29, 1782. (S.) Agnew. Rev. Dr. John - Queen's Rangers, July 1778. (S.) Andrews, Rev. John - Royal North Carolina Regiment, 1783. Barker, Rev. William - Volunteers of Ireland. (S.) Batwell, Rev. Daniel - West Jersey Vol. and 4 New Jersey Vol. (S.) Beardsley, Rev. John - Loyal American Regiment, June, 1778. (S.) Bowden, Rev. John - 1 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade, May 1778. (S. Ap.) Breynton, Rev. John - Royal Fencible Americans, Oct. 30, 1776. Browne, Rev. Isaac - New York Volunteers. Burrington, Rev. Mr. - Royal Garrison Battalion, Oct. 25, 1782. De Vaux, Rev. M. - South Carolina Royalists, 1779. (S. Ap.) Duncan, Rev. William - Royal North Carolina Regt., Oct. 25, 1780. Farmer, Rev. Frederick - Roman Catholic Volunteers, 1777. Fielding, Rev. Thomas - 2 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade. (S.) Inglis, Rev. Charles - 1 New Jersey Vol. and Royal Gar. Batt. (S.) Jenkins, Rev. Edward - Georgia Loyalists, Sept. 1, 1779 and S. Car. Royalists. (S. Ap.) Mongan, Rev. Charles - 3 New Jersey Volunteers, Feb. 1783. McKenzie, Rev. Alexander - Royal Highland Emigrants, July 12, 1778. McLeod, Rev. John - British Legion (S.) Odell, Rev. Jonathan - Pennsylvania Loyalists, 1778; and King's American Dragoons in 1782. (S.) Patterson, Rev. John - Maryland Loyalists, 1778. (S.) Panton, Rev. George - Prince of Wales American Volunteers, 1779. Rowland, Rev. John Hamilton - 2 New Jersey Volunteers. (S.) Sayre, Rev. James - 3 New Jersey Vol., June 10, 1783. (S.) Seabury, Rev. Samuel - King's American Regiment, 1778. (S. Ap.) Stewart, Rev. James - Carolina King's Rangers, June 24, 1779. (S.) Townsend, Rev. Epenetus - King's Orange Rangers. (S.) Walter, Rev. William - 3d Batt. DeLancey's Brigade. (S.) Weeks, Rev. J. Wingate - King's Orange Rangers, 1783. (S.) Winslow, Rev. Edward - 1st New Jersey Volunteers, Nov. 26, 1777. Surgeons Allen, John - Carolina King's Rangers, Nov. 24, 1779. (S.) Arden, Christopher - New York Volunteers, August 1777. (S. Ap.) Armstrong, George - Volunteers of Ireland. Bambridge, Absolom - 6 Battalion New Jersey Volunteers. Bancroft, Daniel - 3 New Jersey Vol., Feb. 1781. (S.) Boggs, James - 2 New Jersey Volunteers. Boyd, George Frederick - Young Royal Highland Emigrants, May 8, 1776. (S. Ap.) Brinley, Francis - King's Amer. Dragoons, 1781; New York Vol., Feb. 5, 1783. Bancroft, Samuel - Georgia Loyalists, Sept. 1, 1779. (S. Ap.) Bell, Richard - Royal Garrison Batt., Oct. 25, 1778. Carmac, Michael - Loyal American Regt., Oct. 1782. Clark, George - South Carolina Royalists. (S.) Clarke, Nehemiah - Emmerick's Chasseurs, Aug. 27, 1777. (S. Ap.) Clitherall, James - South Carolina Royalists. Christall, John - Pennsylvania Loyalists, June 25, 1778. (S. Ap.) Cullen Walter - Royal Fencible Americans, May 24, 1776. (S. Ap.) Davis, Lewis - Rogers King's Rangers. Develin, Luke - Prince of Wales American Regt., 1782. Dongan, Henry - 3 New Jersey Volunteers, Dec. 20, 1776. (S. Ap.) Doughty, Charles - 3 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade. Earle, Charles - 2 New Jersey Volunteers, 1777. Fitzgerald, John - Roman Catholic Volunteers. Fraser, John - King's Orange Rangers. Gemmill, John - Royal American Reformees, June 18, 1778. (S. Ap.) Gibb, Thomas - New York Volunteers, September 1780. (S. Ap.) Hammell, John - 4 New Jersey Volunteers, 1777. (S. Ap.) Hatchell, William - Loyal American Regiment. Houston, William - Maryland Loyalists, 1778. Huggeford, Peter - Loyal American Regt. (S. Ap.) Johnson, John - 2 DeLancey Batt. (S. Ap.) Johnson, Usal - 5 N. J. Volunteers, Mar. 1, 1777, and 1 N. J. Vol. (S.) Kellock, Alexander - Queen's Rangers. Kidd, Alexander - Maryland Loyalists, Died Nov. 21, 1778. Lane, Andrew - South Carolina Rangers, Sept. 1, 1781. Moody, Robert - Prince of Wales American Regt. 1783. Murdoch, James - New York Volunteers, Nov. 14, 1779. McDonald, George - British Legion, Jan. 29, 1779. (S. Ap.) McLeod, Murdoch - Royal North Carolina Regt. (S.) Paddock, Adino - King's American Dragoons. (S. Ap.) Peterson, William - 1 New Jersey Volunteers, Sept. 22, 1776. Sheukburgh, Edmund - New York Volunteers, 1777. Sinclair, William - Maryland Loyalists, 1777. Smith, Edward - British Legion Cavalry. (S.) Smith, Nathan - 1 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade. Smith, Thomas - North Carolina Volunteers, Oct. 19, 1781. (S.) Stafford, William - Maryland Loyalists. Stapleton, Wynne - British Legion. Taylor, Thomas - Georgia Loyalists. Thomas, James A. - Prince Wales American Regt., 1777. Tillery, James - New York Volunteers, February, 1778. (S.) Tucker, Robert - King's American Regiment. Urnott, Hugh - Arnold's American Legion, 1781. Surgeon-Mates (or Assistant Surgeons) Barnes, Samuel - 3 N. J. Volunteers, Oct. 20, 1776. Belding, Samuel - Loyal American Regiment. Boggs, James - 2nd New Jersey Volunteers, 1779. Booth, Thomas - Carolina King's Rangers. Cameron, Donald - Young Royal High. Em., May 24, 1776. Campbell, Archibald - 1 New Jersey Vol. & 3 New Jersey Vol. Chambers, Isaac - Royal North Carolina Regiment. Crowe, Elias - Loyal American Regiment. Cornwall, Daniel - 1 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade. Cristall, John - Pennsylvania Loyalists, December 5, 1777. Dalton, _______ - Maryland Loyalists. (S. Ap.) Davis, Lewis (promoted) - Emmerick's Chasseurs, 1778. Driscoll, James - 1 DeLancey Batt., April 1782. (S. Ap.) Drummond, Alexander - King's American Regiment. Dunkeld, George A. - 3 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade. Dwight, Sereno E. - King's American Regiment. (S. Ap.) Dwight, Timothy - King's American Dragoons. (S. Ap.) Edwards, William (promoted) - Loyal Amer. Regt., February 14, 1781. Fowler, David - Emmerick's Chasseurs, 1779. Graham, George - King's Orange Rangers. Harper, Andrew - Royal Garrison Battalion. (S. Ap.) Hatton, Joseph - South Carolina Royalists & Georgia Loyalists. Houston, William - Maryland Loyalists, 1778. Hill, Hugh - Volunteers of Ireland. Hollenbeck, Isaac - 4 New Jersey Volunteers, 1777. (S. Ap.) Humphrey, Nicholas (promoted) - New York Volunteers, August 1777. Hutchinson, Joseph - Royal Garrison Batt., Nov. 8, 1780. Johnson, James - 2 DeLancey's Battalion. Keating, Robert (promoted) - Prince of Wales American Regt., 1781. Died Mar. 24, 1781. (S. Ap.) Kendrick, Daniel - Prince of Wales American Regt., 1781. Kennelley, Charles - Loy. Amer. Regt., Feb. 28, 1780, and in Arnold's American Legion. Lambson, William - Prince of Wales American Regt., 1777. Marven, Joseph - 2nd Battn. DeLancey's Brigade. Meyers, Charles - Prince of Wales American Regt., 1783. (S.) Millidge, Stephen - 5 New Jersey Vol., March 1, 1777 & 1 N. J. V. Macaulay, Alexander - Queen's Rangers. (S. Ap.) McDonald, Archibald - Guides & Pioneers, 1779. (S. Ap.) Piper, John - Royal North Carolina Vol. Pringle, William - Loyal Nova Scotia Vol., Dec. 25, 1775. (S. p. 297)Sharman, Ambrose (promoted) - Royal Fencible Americans. Skinner, Joseph - British Legion. Smith, William D. - King's American Dragoons. Stafford, William (promoted) - Maryland Loyalists, Dec. 25, 1778. Stephenson, George P. - Royal Garrison Battalion. Stevenson, Henry - British Legion, April 25, 1782. Turner, John - New York Volunteers, February, 1778. Wilson, Stephen - 3 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade. Quarter-Masters Alloway, John - King's American Dragoons. Baker, John - King's American Dragoons. Barret, Thomas - South Carolina Royalists, Cavalry. (S. Ap.) Bethel, Robert (promoted) - King's Orange Rangers. Promoted Captain. Bassin, Charles - King's American Dragoons. Blue, Daniel - Dunlap's Corps, 1780, and New York Vol., Oct. 1781. Brown, Samuel - Emmerick's Dragoons, May 1, 1778. Briggs, John - King's American Dragoons. Brownrigg, R. F. (promoted) - Loyal American Rangers, Aug. 1, 1780. Promoted Captain. (S. Ap.) Bullock, Isaac - Philadelphia Light Dragoons. Campbell, Daniel - Royal North Carolina Regiment. Campbell, John - Dunlap's Corps, 1781, and Carolina King's Rangers, Cav., June, 1782. Carhart, Hacaliah - Queen's Rangers, Cavalry. (S. Ap.) Chapman, Amos - British Legion, August 24, 1782. (S.) Clopper, Garret - New York Volunteers, September 1780. Cloud, John - West Jersey Volunteers. Colgan, Fleming - 5 New Jersey Volunteers, March 1, 1777. (S. Ap.) Cornish, John - Carolina King's Rangers, November 17, 1779. (S.) Coulburn, Charles (promoted) - Loyal American Regiment, August 1779. Cummings, Alexander (promoted) - Provincial Light Infantry. Currie, Neill - Royal North Carolina Regiment. Davis, Burrows - American Legion, December 25, 1781. Donworth, Peter (promoted) - South Carolina Royalists, February 1779. (S. Ap.) Doughty, Bartholomew (promoted) - 6 Batt. N. Jersey Vol. and 1 N. J. Vol. Promoted Captain in DeLancey's. Draffin, William - American Legion. Embree, Thomas - British Legion. Flaglor, William - New York Volunteers, Cavalry. (S. Ap.) Fletcher, Duncan (promoted) - Loyal American Regt., Oct. 1777. Flood, Richard - 3 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade, 1782. (S. Ap.) Folker, John - 3 N. J. Volunteers, February 3, 1777. Galloway, Peter - American Legion, 1781. Garnett, Joseph - Maryland Loyalists, 1777. (S. Ap.) Gray, George - South Carolina Royalists, Cavalry. Gregg, Matthew - South Carolina Royalists. Griffiths, Richard - German Hussars in Queen's Rangers. Haines, Caleb - British Legion. Hamilton, George - Queen's Rangers. Hagan, John - British Legion. Hilliard, Gershom - Emmerick's Dragoons, 1779. (S.) Holt, Moses (promoted) - Pennsylvania Loyalists, April 29, 1778. Housal, Richard - 3 Battalion, DeLancey's Brigade. (S. Ap.) Hayt, Munson (promoted) - Prince of Wales American Regt., 1779. (S. Ap.) James, Daniel - 3 New Jersey Volunteers, Feb. 1783. (S.) Jarvis, Stephen - Queen's Rangers, Light Dragoons. Johnson, William - King's American Dragoons. Jones, John (promoted) - Emmerick's Chasseurs, May 8, 1778. Jones, Joseph - American Legion, December 1, 1780. Kier, Colin (promoted) - Royal Guides and Pioneers, 1780. (S. Ap.) Lambert, George (promoted) - 2 New Jersey Volunteers, 1778. Light, Thomas - Prince of Wales American Regt., 1777. Lise, James - American Legion. Lockwood, Gershom - American Legion, June 4, 1781. Lockwood, Josiah - King's American Regiment, Cavalry. Mallet, Abel - Emmerick's Dragoons, Jan. 14, 1778. Moffit, John - Queen's Rangers, Cavalry. Morrell, George - South Carolina Royalists, Cavalry. Morrison, Ambrose - Buck's County Light Dragoons in Queen's Rangers. Morrison, Thomas (promoted) - 2 New Jersey Volunteers. Morehouse, Daniel - Queen's Rangers, 1783. McCaskill, Murdoch - British Legion. McDonald, Alexander - Pennsylvania Loyalists, Nov. 20, 1777. McDonald, Angus - Young Royal Highland Emigrants, June 14, 1775. McKenzie, John - British Legion, April 25, 1782. McLaughlin, William - German Hussars of Queen's Rangers, 1781. (S. Ap.) Nealon, James (promoted) - 1st New Jersey Volunteers, July 1, 1776. Newlands, Thomas - Georgia Light Dragoons, December 25, 1778. Nowlan, John - Roman Catholic Volunteers. Old, Nicholas Emanuel (promoted) - 1 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade. Palmer, Gabriel - King's American Dragoons. Payne, Thomas - Queen's Rangers, Cavalry, April 1782. Peterkin, William - South Carolina Light Dragoons, Feb. 15, 1781. (S.) Potts, Edward (promoted) - 2 Battalion DeLancey's Brigade. Prince, William - King's American Dragoons. (S.) Rogers, Nehemiah (promoted) - 1 Battalion DeLancey's Brigade. Sackett, Peter - King's American Dragoons. Sands, Abel - British Legion. (S.) Sands, Edward - King's American Dragoons. Simm, Hugh - Royal American Reformees, May 14, 1778. Slater, John - Volunteers of Ireland, February, 1780. (S. Ap.) Sorrell, William (promoted) - 4 New Jersey Volunteers, Jan. 15, 1777. Stewart, Hugh (promoted) - Volunteers of Ireland. Sutherland, William (promoted) - Royal Garrison Battalion, Sept. 26, 1778. Swain, Nathaniel - Emmerick's Chasseurs, 1779. Sweeney, Francis - South Carolina Royalists, Cavalry. (S. Ap.) Taylor, John - Royal Guides and Pioneers, 1781. Thomas, George - King's American Regiment. Thompson, John - King's American Dragoons. Townsend, William - South Carolina Royalists, Cavalry. Travis, James - Emmerick's Dragoons, 1778. Tuck, John - Philadelphia Light Drag., May 30, 1778, and British Legion, 1779. Villou, Theodore - 1 New Jersey Volunteers. (S. Ap.) Waddington, John - 1 New Jersey Volunteers. (S. Ap.) Waldron, Lefford (promoted) - Georgia Loyalists, June 6, 1779, and Carolina King's Rangers, June 1782. Walsh, Thomas - Maryland Loyalists, October 25, 1778. Welbank, Thomas - Philadelphia Lt. Dragoons, Nov. 7, 1777. Whitley, C. D. (promoted) - Volunteers of Ireland, August 1779. (S.) Wilbour, William - King's American Dragoons. Wright, Robert T. - West Florida Royal Foresters, Cav. Adjutants (S.) Ansley, Ozias (promoted) - 1 New Jersey Volunteers, September, 1780. (S. Ap.) Badderley, Thomas (promoted) - Loyal American Regiment and Roy. Gar. Batt. (S. Ap.) Brown, James (promoted) - Carolina King's Rangers, June 1, 1779. Cameron, Daniel (promoted) - 2 Batt. DeLancey's and 1 Batt. DeLancey's after their Consolidation in 1781. (S. Ap.) Carpenter, Thomas - 3 Battalion DeLancey's Brigade. Chalmers, Hamilton (promoted) - Emmerick's Chasseurs, April 20, 1778. Clarke, Alexander - 3 Battalion DeLancey's Brigade. (S.) Clinch, Peter (promoted) - Royal Fencible Americans, Oct. 30, 1776. Cole, James - 4 New Jersey Volunteers. (S. Ap.) Crookshank, John (promoted) - King's American Regiment. Cummings, Alexander - King's American Regiment. (S. Ap.) Cunningham, John (promoted) - Loyal American Regiment. Cunningham, Ralph (promoted) - Royal American Reformees, May 25, 1778. (S. Ap.) Cunningham, Thomas (promoted) - 1 DeLancey Battalion, 1779. (S.) Currie, Ross (promoted) - Pennsylvania Loyalists, April 25, 1778. Cyphers, George - 3 New Jersey Volunteers, 1783. (S. Ap.) Dunn, Joseph (promoted) - Royal Garrison Batt., April 25, 1781. Earle, Joseph - Loyal American Rangers, August 1, 1780. Fitzsimmons, Thomas - Loyal Nova Scotia Vol., March 13, 1778. Fraser, Thomas (promoted) - New York Volunteers, 1777. Gray, William - British Legion, July 1778. (S.) Hatfield, Isaac - Emmerick's Chasseurs, May 8, 1778. Hamilton, Joshua - 4 New Jersey Volunteers. (S. p. 504)Hedden, Isaac (promoted) - 5 New Jersey Volunteers, March 1, 1777, and 1 N. J. V. (S.) Henley, James (promoted) - Maryland Loyalists, December 30, 1781. Henry, Patrick (promoted) - 1 New Jersey Volunteers, April 1, 1777. Heslop, John (promoted) - 4 New Jersey Volunteers. (S.) Hunt, Cosby (promoted) - New York Volunteers, 1783. (S. Ap.) Jackson, John - King's Orange Rangers. (S. Ap.) Jenkins, John (promoted) - 3 New Jersey Volunteers, Feb. 20, 1777. Jewell, John (promoted) - Volunteers of Ireland. Johnston, William (promoted) - Georgia Loyalists, October 4, 1779. Keans, John - Volunteers of Ireland, Feb. 1780. Kean, ______ - Pennsylvania Loyalists, 1783. Le Grange, James B. (promoted) - 2 New Jersey Volunteers, 1781. (S. Ap.) Largin, Michael (promoted) - British Legion, Cavalry. Maddox, Arthur (promoted) - 4 New Jersey Volunteers, Feb. 14, 1777. Miller, James (promoted) - Maryland Loyalists, Oct. 26, 1777. Murray, _______ - Provincial Light Infantry. McLean, Hector - Young Royal Highland Emigrants, April 25, 1778. McLeod, Roderick - Royal North Carolina Regiment. McNally, Richard (promoted) - Philadelphia Light Dragoons, Nov. 23, 1777. Neale, John (promoted) - 1 Battalion DeLancey's Brigade, 1777. (S. Ap.) Ness, John (promoted) - Prince of Wales American Regiment, 1779. (S. Ap.) Olding, Nicholas Pardue (promoted) - Emmerick's Chasseurs, Jan. 1779. (S.) Ormond, George (promoted) - Queen's Rangers, October 1780. (S.) Phair, Andrew - American Legion, September 16, 1781. Pritchard, Thomas - 2 New Jersey Volunteers. Rainbird, Thomas (promoted) - Prince of Wales American Regt., Nov. 1777. Smith, Alexander - Rogers' King's Rangers. (S. Ap.) Stelle, Edward (promoted) - 6 New Jersey Volunteers, 1776. Stevenson, James - Royal North Car. Regt., March 4, 1782. Sutherland, James (promoted) - South Carolina Royalists. Taylor, William - British Legion, November 25, 1779. Thompson, Cornelius (promoted) - 3 New Jersey Vol., Feb. 1781. (S. Ap.) Townsend, Benjamin (promoted) - New York Vol., July 16, 1778. Walton, Robert (promoted) - Emmerick's Chasseurs, June 16, 1778. (S.) Watkins, William - King's American Regiment. (S. Ap.) Wilson, Samuel R. (promoted) - Roman Catholic Volunteers, Nov. 26, 1777. Captains (S.) Addison, Daniel Dulany - Maryland Loyalists, Nov. 30, 1781. (S.) Agnew, Stair - Queen's Rangers, September 27, 1777. (S. Ap.) Aldington, John (promoted) - Royal Guides and Pioneers, May, 1777. (S.) Allison, Edward - 3 Battalion DeLancey's Brigade, 1776. Alston, David - 3 New Jersey Volunteers, February 21, 1777. (S.) Althause, John - Emmerick's Chasseurs, May 25, 1778; New York Volunteers, October 1779. Anderson, Benjamin - Volunteers of New England, July 1781. (S.) Armstrong, Richard (promoted) - Queen's Rangers (Grenadiers), Aug. 1776. (S. Ap.) Atwood, Isaac - King's American Regiment, 1776. (S. Ap.) Badderley, Thomas - Royal Garrison Battalion. (S.) Bailey, Philip - Royal Fencible Americans, 1783. (S.) Bailey, William - Loyal American Regiment, May 1782. (S.) Barberie, John - 1 N. J. Vol., July 6, 1776; and 3 N. J. Vol., Nov. 1779. Barclay, Andrew Drier - King's Orange Rangers, Jan. 17, 1777. (S.) Barclay, Thomas (promoted) - Loyal American Regiment, April 10, 1777. (S.) Barnes, Joshua - Loyal American Regiment, April 5, 1777. (S.) Barry, William - Volunteers of Ireland, 1778. (S.) Bayard, Samuel (promoted) - King's Orange Rangers, Jan. 15, 1777. Barton, Benjamin - 2 N. J. Vol., 1778, and 4th N. J. Vol., Sept. 1781. Bessonett, Daniel - 4 New Jersey Vol., February 23, 1777. (S. Ap.) Bethel, Robert - King's Orange Rangers. (S. Ap.) Bingham, Charles - Volunteers of Ireland, Feb. 1781. (S. p. 232) Blaan, Waldron - 2 N. J. Vo., 1778, and 4 N. J. V., Sept. 1781. (S. Ap.) Blacker, William - Volunteers of Ireland, Sept. 25, 1778. Blaskowitz, Charles - Royal Guides and Pioneers, 1778. Bonapace, Francis - Emmerick's Chasseurs, May 25, 1778. Bourne, Robert - Volunteers of Ireland, 1778. Bowen, Daniel - West Jersey Vol., March 21, 1778. (S. Ap.) Bowen, John - Prince of Wales American Regiment, 1777. (S. Ap.) Brace, John (promoted) - King's Orange Rangers, Dec. 30, 1776. (S. Ap.) Branson, Eli - North Carolina Vol., Independent Company. (S.) Bridgwaters, John - Prince of Wales American Regiment, 1777. (S. Ap.) Brown, Ebenezer - Royal Guides and Pioneers, April 1st, 1781. (S. Ap.) Brown, William - Royal Garrison Battalion, May 10, 1781. Brownrigg, R. G. - Loyal American Rangers, Dec. 1780. Buchanan, _______ - Queen's Rangers, 1776. (S. Ap.) Burns, George - Royal Fencible Americans. Burgess, Lewis Freeman - King's Orange Rangers. Callbeck, Phillips - Volunteers of the Island of St. Johns, Feby. 1777. (S. Ap.) Cameron, Donald - Carolina King's Rangers. Campbell, Alexander - Young Royal Highland Emigrants, June 14, 1775. (S. Ap.) Campbell, Alexander - South Carolina Royalists. Campbell, Archibald - N. Y. Vol., Jan. 11, 1776. Killed Mar. 19, 1777. Campbell, Archibald - Georgia Light Dragoons (from 71 Regt.), Dec. 25, 1778. Campbell, Archibald - Indpt. Troop Light Dragoons, 1781. Campbell, Archibald - Georgia Light Dragoons and South Carolina Royalists. (S. Ap.) Campbell, Donald - 2 N. J. Vol., Nov. 1776, and 4th N. J. V., Sept. 1781. Campbell, Donald - In Major Stark's Corps, Oct. 1777. (S. Ap.) Campbell, Duncan - Young Roy. High. Emigrants, June 14, 1775. (S. Ap.) Campbell, John (promoted) - Volunteers of Ireland (Grenadiers), 1778. (S. Ap.) Campbell, Patrick - 4 New Jersey Volunteers, Jan. 14, 1777. (S.) Campbell, Peter - 6 N. J. Volunteers, Dec. 17, 1776, and 3rd N. J. Vol., 1778. (S.) Cayford, Richard - 1 New Jersey Volunteers, Dec. 6, 1776. (S. Ap.) Campbell, Walter - Prince of Wales American Regt., Dec. 1782; 2nd DeLancey's Batt., 1777, and 1 DeLancey's, Apl., 1782. Campbell, _________ - Loyal American Rangers, 1780. Campbell, Robert - Young Royal Highland Emigrants. Carty, William - 3 New Jersey Volunteers, 1778. (S. Ap.) Chandler, William - North Carolina Regt., July 14, 1781. (S. Ap.) Chapman, Thomas - King's American Regiment. Chew, Jonathan - West Jersey Volunteers, March 23, 1778. Chrystie, Adam - West Florida Royal Foresters, 1780. (S. & S. Ap.) Clarke, William - Loyal New Englanders, 1777. (S.) Clements, Peter - King's American Regiment, Oct. 19, 1777. (S.) Clinch, Peter - Royal Fencible Americans, 1783. (S.) Clowes, Gerhardus - 3 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade, Mar. 1782. (S.) Coffin, John (promoted) - King's Orange Rangers, Jan. 19, 1777, and N. Y. Vol., July 1778. (S. Ap.) Colden, Thomas (promoted) - 2 N. J. Vol., Sept. 1777, and Penn. Loy., Nov. 1777. (S. Ap.) Collett, John - Prince of Wales American Regt. (Light Infantry) 1777. Collett, John - Royal Fencible Americans, Dec. 1775. (S.) Conkling, Thomas - 1 Battalion DeLancey's Brigade, 1777. Constable, Alexander - 2 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade, 1777. (S. Ap.) Cooke, Thomas Ive - Queen's Rangers Cavalry, 1780. (S. Ap.) Cornwell, Thomas - King's American Regt., Dec. 1776, and Provincial Light Infantry, March 1781. (S. Ap.) Costin, Isaac - Maryland Loyalists, May 29, 1778. (S.) Cougle, John - 5 N. J. Vol., Oct. 10, 1777, and 1 N. J. V., 1778. (S.) Cozens, Daniel - 6 N. J. Vol., Dec. 17, 1776, and 3 N. J. Vol., 1778. (S.) Creighton, James - 3 N. J. Vol., February 1777. (S.) Crowell, Joseph - 5 N. J. Vol., Dec. 6, 1776, and 1 N. J. Vol., 1778. Cunningham, Daniel - Loyal Nova Scotia Vol., Ap. 17, 1777. Curgenven, James - Hierlihy's Corps, April 1777. (S.) Cutler, Thomas - Volunteers of New England, 1781. Dalton, David - Volunteers of Ireland, 1778. (S.) Dawkins, George - South Carolina Royalists, 1779. (S. Ap.) Dawson, George - King's Orange Rangers, 1781; British Legion, August 25, 1782. DeDiemar, Frederick - German Hussars (Queen's Rangers), 1781. (S.) DePeyster, Abraham - King's American Regiment (Grenadiers), Dec. 13, 1776. (S.) DePeyster, Frederick - Nassau Blues, May 1779, and N. Y. Vol., Dec. 25, 1780. (S. Ap.) Doughty, Bartholomew - 3 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade, Sept. 1780. (S. Ap.) Doyle, John - Volunteers of Ireland, May 25, 1778. Duffe, Charles - 1 Battalion DeLancey's Brigade. Dulhunty, Lawrence - Royal Garrison Battalion, Oct. 25, 1779. Dulany, Grafton - Maryland Loyalists, Nov. 1777. Died Dec. 23, 1778. (S. & S. Ap.) Dulany, Walter (promoted) - Maryland Loyalists, February 10, 1778. (S. Ap.) Dunbar, George - 2 Batt. DeLancey's, Ap. 1782, and 1 Batt. DeLancey's. (S. Ap.) Dunlop, James - Queen's Rangers, 1776. Killed Mar. 25, 1781. (S. Ap.) Earle, Edward - 4 New Jersey Volunteers, August 1781. (S. Ap.) Edwards, James - British Legion. Emmerick, Andreas (promoted) - Chasseurs, 1777. Fate, David - Georgia Loyalists, October 25, 1779. (S.) Fenwick, Edward - South Carolina Light Dragoons, Jan. 22, 1781. (S. p. 450) Forshner, Andrew - Indep. Co. Infantry, Aug. 10, 1780. (S.) Fowler, Caleb - Loyal American Regiment, Dec. 20th, 1780. (S.) Fowler, William - Loyal American Regiment, Oct. 7, 1777. Fraser, Francis - Royal Guides and Pioneers, 1778. Freeman, James - Royal Fencible Americans. Resigned June 24, 1776. (S.) French, James - 1 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade. (S.) French, Thomas - 1 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade, Feb. 1778. (S.) Frink, Nathan - Loyal American Legion Cav., Nov. 1780. (S. Ap.) Frisby, James - Maryland Loyalists, 1777. (S.) Fulton, James - King's American Dragoons, 1781. (S. Ap.) Galbreath, James - 1 Battalion DeLancey's Brigade. Garrison, Benjamin - Emmerick's Chasseurs, May 35, 1778. Gildart, Francis - British Legion Cavalry, October 1780. Gillies, Robert - North Carolina Independent Dragoons, 1781. Goldsmith, Thomas - Georgia Loyalists, June 3, 1779. Grant, Alexander (promoted) - New York Volunteers, Jan. 12, 1776. (S.) Grant, James - Royal Fencible Americans, May 11, 1776. Died July 18, 1777. Grant, John - Royal Garrison Battalion. (S. Ap.) Gray, Robert - King's American Regiment. Green, Thomas - Loyal Nova Scotia Volunteers, March 13, 1778. (S.) Haggarty, Patrick - 1 New Jersey Vol., June 1782. Hall, Thomas - Loyal American Legion (Infantry), Feb. 1781. (S.) Hallet, Samuel - 2 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade. (S. Ap.) Hamilton, Thomas - Royal North Carolina Regiment. (S. p. 514) Hamilton, William - Royal North Carolina Regiment. Hanly, Matthias - Roman Catholic Volunteers, Oct. 14, 1777. Harrison, Charles - 6 N. J. Vol., Dec. 16, 1776, and 3 N. J. Vol., 1778. (S. Ap.) Harrison, John (promoted) - South Carolina Rangers and South Carolina Royalists, 1780. Harrison, Robert - South Carolina Rangers, June 6, 1780. Killed Dec. 14, 1780. (S. Ap.) Harrison, Samuel - South Carolina Rangers, June 6, 1780, and South Carolina Royalists. Hastings, Charles - Volunteers of Ireland, February, 1780. (S.) Hatch, Christopher - Loyal American Regiment, 1777. (S.) Hatch, Haws - 2 DeLancey Batt. and 1 DeLancey Batt., Ap. 1782, and Prince of Wales Regiment, Dec. 1782. Hatfield, John - 3 New Jersey Volunteers, April 15, 1777. (S. Ap.) Hauser, Frederick - Loyal Foresters, 1781. (S. p. 533) Hayden, Samuel - 4 N. J. Vol., Nov. 27, 1776, and Rogers' King's Rangers, May 1779. (S. Ap.) Hewatt, Andrew - Georgia Loyalists, June 4, 1779, and Car. King's Rangers, June 1782. Hewetson, Brinley - Royal Garrison Battalion, 1783. (S. Ap.) Hewlett, Charles - 3 Battalion DeLancey's Brigade, 1776. Hierlihy, Timothy William - "Hierlihy's Corps," Mar. 25, 1777. Holden, James - Prince of Wales American Regt., 1777. Died Feb. 3, 1778. Holmes, ________ - Loyal American Rangers, 1780. (S.) Holland, Stephen - Prince of Wales American Regt., 1777. Hood, John - Dunlap's Corps, 1780. Hooten, John - West Jersey Volunteers, April 20, 1778. Hopkins, Silas - 5 N. J. Vol., December 14, 1776. (S. Ap.) Houseal, Michael - Roy. Amer. Reformees, May 5, 1778, and Loyal American Legion Infantry, Feb. 1781. (S.) Hovenden, Richard S. - Philadelphia Light Dragoons, Nov. 7, 1777; British Legion (Cavalry), August, 1778. (S.) Howard, John - New York Volunteers, 1777; King's Orange Rangers, July 1778. Howison, William - Loyal American Regiment, March 1779. (S. Ap.) Hoyt, Stephen - Prince of Wales American Regt., Ap. 2, 1777. (S.) Hubbil, Nathan - Armed Boat-man, 1781. (S.) Huck, Christian - Emmerick's Chasseurs, June 7, 1778. Hudnut, Samuel - 3 New Jersey Vol., February 20, 1777. Hudson, Joel - South Carolina Rangers, Aug. 12, 1781, and South Carolina Royalists. Hudson, Thomas - South Carolina Rangers, August 12, 1781. (S.) Hunloke, Thomas - West Jersey Volunteers, March 25, 1778, 3d New Jersey Volunteers, Oct. 1778. (S. Ap.) Hunter, _______ - North Carolina Volunteers. (S.) Hutchinson, William - 1 New Jersey Volunteers, June, 1782. James, Jacob - Philadelphia Light Dragoons, January, 1778; British Legion Cavalry, August, 1778. Johnson, Andrew - Carolina King's Rangers. (S. Ap.) Johnston, William M. - New York Volunteers. (S.) Jones, Caleb - Maryland Loyalists, December 25, 1777. (S. Ap.) Kane, Bernard - New York Volunteers, August, 1777. Kane, L. - South Carolina Royalists, April 25, 1781. (S.) Keating, Garret - 1 New Jersey Volunteers, Dec. 4, 1776. (S. Ap.) Kearney, Francis (promoted) - Pennsylvania Loyalists, Oct. 14, 1777. (S.) Kelly, Waldron - Royal Garrison Battalion, Sept. 27, 1778. (S. Ap.) Kenen, Lewis - South Carolina Royalists. (S.) Kennedy, Patrick - Maryland Loyalists, Oct. 14, 1777. Kennedy, _______ - Loyal American Rangers, 1780. (S.) Kerr, James - Queen's Rangers, Sept. 12, 1777. (S. Ap.) Ker, George - 1 Battalion DeLancey's Brigade. (S.) Key, Philip Barton - Maryland Loyalists, Mar. 1st, 1778. Kinlock, David - British Legion (Hussars), Jan. 18, 1778. (S.) Kollock, Simon - Loyal American Regiment, April 1777. (S. Ap.) Law, Robert - Carolina King's Rangers. (S.) Lee, Joseph - 6 N. J. Vol., Dec. 15, 1776, and 3 N. J. Vol., 1778. (S. Ap.) Leggett, John - Royal North Carolina Regiment. (S. Ap.) Leonard, Samuel - 1 New Jersey Volunteers, Sept. 1780. Lester, Thomas - 3 Battalion DeLancey's Brigade, 1776. (S. Ap.) Lindsay, Charles Stewart - South Carolina Royalists, 1779. Lindsay, Samuel - Royal Guides and Pioneers, April 17, 1778. (S. Ap.) Livingston, Gilbert R. - Loyal Amer. Legion (Cavalry), Nov. 1780. (S. Ap.) Livingston, John W. - King's American Regiment, Dec. 18, 1776. Livingston, Martin - South Carolina Royalists, 1779. Killed June 24, 1781. Longstreet, John - 1 New Jersey Volunteers, July 8, 1776. Luce, William - Armed Boatmen, June 23, 1781. (S.) Lyman, Daniel - Prince of Wales American Regiment, 1777. Maddox, Arthur - 4 N. J. Vol., Feb. 14, 1777. Mainwaring, Edward - Rogers' King's Rangers. (S.) Manson, Daniel (promoted) - Royal North Carolina Regiment. (S.) Marks, Nehemiah - Armed Boatmen, 1781. Martin, George - Black Pioneers, April 2, 1776. (S. Ap.) Martin, John - Royal North Carolina Regiment. Marshall, Joseph - Carolina King's Rangers. (S. Ap.) Maxwell, Andrew - Prince of Wales Amer. Regt. (Grenadiers), 1777. (S. Ap.) Metzner, Frederick - Loyal American Legion, Cavalry, Oct. 1, 1781. Meyer, John - Royal American Reformees, June 14, 1778. (S.) Middleton, Alexander - Maryland Loyalists, Oct. 27, 1777. Retired 1777. (S.) Miles, Elijah - 3 Battalion DeLancey's Brigade, 1776. (S. Ap.) Miller, Thomas - British Legion, October 1780. Moncrief, William - Queen's Rangers, June 1779. Monk, George Henry (promoted) - Loyal Nova Scotia Vol., December 28, 1775. Morgan, Lewis - 3 New Jersey Volunteers, October 20, 1777. (S. Ap.) Moore, Thomas Wm. - 2 Battalion DeLancey's Brigade. Morris, Robert - 2 New Jersey Volunteers, 1777. (S. Ap.) Munro, Henry - Volunteers of Ireland, February, 1781. Murden, Robert - Queen's Rangers, Nov. 28, 1776. Killed Sept. 12, 1777. Muirson, Sylvester - Emmerick's Dragoons, June 14, 1778. Murphy, John - South Carolina Royalists, 1779. (S.) Murray, Daniel (promoted) - Wentworth's Volunteers, 1776. (S. Ap.) Murray, James - Queen's Rangers, September 12, 1777. (S.) Murray, John - King's American Dragoons, 1781. Murray, Robert - King's American Dragoons, 1783. McAlpine, _______ - Queen's Rangers, 1776. Resigned Sept. 17, 1777. McAlpine, John - King's American Regiment. (S. Ap.) McAlpine, William - Royal Guides and Pioneers. (S. Ap.) McAlpine, Niel - North Carolina Highlanders, 1781; Royal North Carolina Regiment. McAvoy, Martin - Roman Catholic Volunteers, Oct. 14, 1777. McClease, Cornelius - 2 N. J. Volunteers, 1778. McClelan, Thomas Stewart - Loy. Amer. Legion (Infantry), Nov. 1780. (S. Ap.) McCrea, Robert - Queen's Rangers, 1776 (wounded at Brandywine). McCulloch, Kenneth - Roman Catholic Volunteers, Oct. 14, 1777; British Legion, Sept. 30, 1778. MacDonald, John - Young Royal Highland Emig., June 14, 1775. Macdonald, John - Young Royal Highland Emig., June 14, 1775. Macdonald, Alexander - Young Roy. High. Emigrants, June 14, 1775. Macdonald, Allan - Young Royal High. Emigrants, June 14, 1775. (S. Ap.) McDonald, Alexander - 1 N. J. Volunteers, May 27, 1777. (S. Ap.) McDonald, Alexander - 1st Batt. DeLancey's Brigade. McDonald, Angus - North Carolina Highlanders, 1783. McDonald, Charles - King's Orange Rangers. (S.) McDonald, Charles - British Legion, October 1780. (S. Ap.) McDonald, Forbes Ross - King's Orange Rangers, Jan. 16, 1777. (S.) McDonnell, Allan - Young Royal High. Emig., June 14, 1775. McDonnell, Charles - Volunteers of Ireland, October 1781. McEvoy, _______ - Loyal American Rangers, 1780. (S.) McGill, John - Queen's Rangers (Grenadiers), Sept. 9, 1777. (S. Ap.) Mackenzie, John - British Legion, 1778. McKinnon, John - Major Stark's Corps, Oct. 1, 1777. McKinnon, John - Roman Catholic Volunteers, Aug. 24, 1778. McKinnon, Ronald - Young Royal Highland Emig., June 14, 1775. (S.) McKay, John - Queen's Rangers, 1776. Maclane, Murdock - Young Roy. High. Emig., June 14, 1775. Maclean, Neil - Young Royal Highland Emig., June 14, 1775. McLane, Laughlin - South Carolina Royalists, 1779. (S.) McLean, Archibald - New York Volunteers, February, 1781. McLauren, Evan - South Carolina Royalists, 1779. (S. Ap.) McLeod, Norman - 2 New Jersey Vol., Oct. 1777; Provincial Light Infantry, February 1781; 4 N. J. Vol., Sept. 1781. McMahon, J. - Volunteers of Ireland, February, 1780. McMillan, Alexander - King's Orange Rangers. (S. Ap.) McMullen, Alexander - Hierlihy's Corps, March 25, 1777. (S. Ap.) McNeil, Daniel - Royal North Carolina Regiment. (S. Ap.) McNeil, Charles (promoted) - Prince of Wales American Regt., April 1782. (S. Ap.) McPherson, Donald - British Legion. (S. Ap.) McPherson, Peter - Royal Guides and Pioneers, 1778. (S. Ap.) Nealon, James - New Jersey Volunteers, Sept. 1780. Ness, Richard - Loyal American Legion (Infantry), Nov. 1780. Nicole, Pierre - Royal Guides and Pioneers, 1778. (S.) Ogden, Benjamin - Emmerick's Dragoons, May 1st, 1778. (S. Ap.) Ogilvy, David - British Legion, Cavalry, October 1780. (S. Ap.) Paterson, William - Georgia Loyalists, June 19, 1779. (S.) Pearis, Robert - South Carolina Royalists, 1779. (S.) Philips, Frederick - Loyal American Regt., Aug. 1783. Philips, Frederick - King's American Dragoons. (S.) Phillips, John - Royal Garrison Battalion, April 14, 1782. (S. Ap.) Philips, Nathaniel - Royal Garrison Battalion, 1783. Randel, Jonathan - Loyal American Regt., March 29, 1777. (S. Ap.) Randell, John B. - Georgia Loyalists, May 27, 1779; Carolina King's Rangers, June 1782. Raymond, James - 1 Battalion DeLancey's Brigade. Risinger, Vitus - South Carolina Royalists, 1779. Roach, _______ - Loyal American Rangers, 1780. Robertson, _______ - Loyal American Rangers, 1780. (S.) Robinson, Beverley, Jr. (promoted) - Loyal American Regiment, March 1777. Robinson, Joseph (promoted) - South Carolina Royalists, 1779. (S.) Robinson, Morris - Loyal Amer. Regiment, Oct. 7, 1777; Provincial Light Infantry, Feb. 1781; Queen's Rangers Hussars, April, 1783. (S. Ap.) Rollo, Robert - Loyal American Legion (Infantry), Nov. 8, 1780. (S.) Roorbach, Barent - 1 Battalion DeLancey's Brigade. Ross, Arthur - Queen's Rangers, November 16, 1777. (S. Ap.) Rotton, Robert - King's Orange Rangers, 1777. Rousselet, John - British Legion, May 7, 1779. (S. Ap.) Roworth, Samuel - Carolina King's Rangers, Cav., June, 1782. (S. Ap.) Ruttan, Peter - 4 New Jersey Vol., December 6, 1776. (S.) Ryerson, Samuel - 4 New Jersey Vol., Feb. 25, 1777. (S. Ap.) Sanford, Thomas - Buck's Co. Light Dragoons, 1778; attached to Queen's Rangers, 1779; to British Legion, Oct. 1780. (S.) Saunders, John - Queen's Rangers (Infantry), Aug. 1776; Queen's Rangers, Light Dragoons, August 1780. Scott, John - British Legion, Oct. 23, 1778. Retired 1779. Scott, John B. - Royal American Reformees, May 1, 1778. (S.) Shank, David - Queen's Rangers (Infantry), Feb. 1779; Queen's Rangers Dragoons, Sept. 1780. (S. Ap.) Shaw, Aeneas - Queen's Rangers, Sept. 26, 1780. (S. Ap.) Shaw, James - 5 N. J. Vol., Dec. 14, 1776; and 1 N. J. Vol., 1778; Provincial Light Infantry, Feb. 1781. Shrieves, Thomas - 3 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade, July 1780. (S.) Skinner, Philip - King's American Dragoons, 1781. (S.) Simpson, John - Georgia Loyalists, May 28, 1779. Killed Oct. 1779. (S.) Smith, Jacob - 1 Battalion DeLancey's Brigade. (S. Ap.) Smith, Joseph - Carolina King's Rangers. Smith, Samuel - Queen's Rangers, August 1780. Smyth, John Ferdinand Dalzell - Queen's Rangers, Sept. 26, 1777. Stagg, Nicholas - 3 N. J. Volunteers, October 1777. Stainforth, George - 2 New Jersey Vol., 1778. (S. Ap.) Sterling, John - Maryland Loyalists, July 16, 1783. (S.) Stephens, Thomas - Pennsylvania Loyalists, Oct. 14, 1777. (S. Ap.) Stephenson, Francis - Queen's Rangers, 1776. Stewart, Allan - Black Pioneers, July 13, 1777. Stewart, Charles - British Legion (Scotch Company), Sept. 1778. (S. Ap.) Stewart, Isaac - Dunlap's Corps, 1780. (S.) Stewart, James - 5 New Jersey Volunteers, Nov. 16, 1776. (S. Ap.) Stewart, Patrick - British Legion, Oct. 1780. (S. Ap.) Stewart, William - King's American Dragoons, March 1781. Studholme, Gilfred - Royal Fencible Americans, July 15, 1776. Sutherland, ________ - Queen's Ranger (German Hussars), 1782. (S.) Swift, Joseph - Pennsylvania Loyalists, Dec. 12, 1777. (S. Ap. p. 586) Tarrel, John - Royal Garrison Battalion. (S. Ap.) Taylor, John - 1 New Jersey Volunteers, January 1781. (S.) Terry, Zebedee - Loyal New Englanders, 1777. (S. Ap.) Thatcher, Bartholomew - 3 N. J. Volunteers, Nov. 1779. (S. Ap.) Townsend, Levin - Maryland Loyalists, July 16, 1783. VanAllen, William - 4 New Jersey Vol., Nov. 23, 1776. VanAlstine, Peter - Armed Batteau-men, April 25, 1779. (S.) VanBuskirk, Abraham - King's Orange Rangers. (S.) VanBuskirk, Lawrence - King's Orange Rangers, Jan. 1777. (S.) VanBuskirk, Jacob - 4 New Jersey Vol., Feb. 24, 1780; Provincial Light Infantry, Feb. 1781. (S.) Vanderburg, Richard - Emmerick's Chasseurs, May 25, 1778. VanPutt, George - Loyal Nova Scotia Vol., Dec. 29, 1775. (S. & S. Ap.) Vernon, Nathaniel - British Legion Cavalry, 1781. Vought, John - 6 New Jersey Vol., December 1, 1777. (S.) Wallop, Hon. Bennet - Queen's Rangers, March 30, 1781. Wardell, Ebenezer - 1 New Jersey Volunteers, Oct. 16, 1776. Weiregan, Nicholas - Roman Catholic Vol., Oct. 17, 1777. (S.) Welch, Nicholas - Royal North Carolina Regiment. (S. Ap.) Whitlock, John - Queen's Rangers, Sept. 26, 1780. Wickham, Alexander - Queen's Rangers (Hussars), Nov. 1778. Retired June 1781. (S.) Wightman, William - New York Volunteers, Jan. 1783. (S. Ap.) Willet, Gilbert Colden - 3 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade; Provincial Light Infantry, Sept. 1780. (S.) Williams, Elijah - King's American Dragoons, March 1781. (S.) Williams, Job - Queen's Rangers, August 1776; wounded at Brandywine and died Sept. 19, 1777. Williams, Jonathan - Royal Guides and Pioneers, 1778. (S.) Wilmot, Lemuel - Loyal American Regiment, April 12, 1777. Wilson, Samuel - Loyal New Englanders, April 2nd, 1778. (S.) Wogan, Samuel - Loyal American Legion (Infantry), Dec. 10, 1780. (S.) Wooley, Thomas - 2 Battalion DeLancey's Brigade. (S. Ap.) Wormell, John - Roal North Carolina Regiment, 1781. (S. Ap.) Wylly, Alexander C. - Carolina King's Rangers, 1781. York, John - South Carolina Royalists, 1779. Youmans, Levi - South Carolina Royalists, Aug. 24, 1779. Captain-Lieutenants (S.) Bailey, Philip (promoted) - Royal Fencible Americans, June 25, 1777. (S. Ap.) Burns, George (promoted) - Royal Fencible Americans, May 15, 1776. (S.) Clements, Peter (promoted) - King's American Regiment, 1777. (S.) Clowes, Gerhardus (promoted) - 3 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade, August 1780. (S.) Cougle, John (promoted) - 5 New Jersey Volunteers, Dec. 14, 1776. (S. Ap.) Cunningham, Ralph - 2 Battalion DeLancey's Brigade, 1776. DeMenzes, John - 2 New Jersey Volunteers, 1777. (S.) DePeyster, James - King's American Regiment, 1781. (S.) DePeyster, Frederick (promoted) - Nassua Blues, May 1779. Finlay, John - Loyal American Regiment, April, 1777. (S.) Haggarty, Patrick (promoted) - 5 New Jersey Volunteers, Oct. 10, 1777. (S. Ap.) Ker, George (promoted) - 1 Battalion DeLancey's Brigade, 1776. Kittle, Nicholas - Royal American Reformees. (S. Ap.) Lindsay, Charles Stewart (promoted) - South Carolina Royalists. Morgan, Lewis (promoted) - 3 New Jersey Volunteers, Dec. 24, 1776. (S.) Murray, Robert (promoted) - King's American Dragoons, 1782. (S. Ap.) McGinnis, Robert - Royal Garrison Battalion, Sept. 15, 1782. McLean, John - Young Royal Highland Emigrants, April 9, 1778. (S. Ap.) McLeod, Roderick - King's American Regiment. (S.) McNeill, Charles (promoted) - Prince of Wales American Regiment, 1777. (S.) McPherson, Charles - 1 Battalion DeLancey's Brigade, Ap. 1782. (S. Ap.) Nealon, James (promoted) - 1 New Jersey Volunteers, July 1, 1776. (S.) Phillips. John (promoted) - Royal Garrison Battalion, 1781. (S.) Potts, Edward - 2 Battalion DeLancey's Brigade, Jan. 1, 1779. (S. Ap.) Stelle, Edward - 6 New Jersey Vol., June 24, 1777; 3 New Jersey Vol, 1778. (S. Ap.) Shanks, James - Prince of Wales American Regiment, 1782. (S.) Smith, Ichabod - 3 Battalion DeLancey's Brigade, March 1782. (S. Ap.) Uniacke, Bartholomew - King's Orange Rangers, Apl. 2, 1777. (S.) Wightman, William (promoted) - King's American Regiment, Dec. 1781. Welbank, George - Emmerick's Chasseurs, May 25, 1778. Lieutenants Adamson, William H. - New York Vol., March 1, 1778. (S.) Allaire, Anthony - Loyal American Regt., April 20, 1777. (S.) Allan, Adam - Queen's Rangers (Grenadiers), August 1779. (S. Ap.) Albus, George - Queen's Rangers, German Hussars, 1781. (S.) Allicocke, Charles J. - South Carolina Royalists, 1783. (S.) Agnew, Stair (promoted) - Queen's Rangers, Nov. 27, 1776. (S.) Ambrose, Michael - Prince of Wales American Regt., 1777. (S. Ap.) Althause, John (promoted) - Emmerick's Chasseurs, 1777. (S. Ap.) Anderson, John - Carolina King's Rangers, Cavalry, June 1782. (S. Ap.) Anderson, ______ - Maryland Loyalists. (S.) Arnold, Oliver - Volunteers of New England, 1781. (S.) Arnold, Henry - Loyal American Legion, Cav., 1781. (S.) Arnold, Richard - Loyal American Legion, Cavalry, 1781. (S. Ap.) Atkinson, William - Queen's Rangers, Sept. 20, 1777. (S. Ap.) Badderley, Thomas (promoted) - Royal Garrison Battalion, Oct. 25, 1778. (S.) Bailey, William (promoted) - Loyal American Regiment, April 6, 1777. (S.) Barbarie, Oliver - Loyal American Regt., Feb. 1778; Provincial Light Infantry, 1780. Barclay, John - 6 New Jersey Volunteers, June 24, 1777. (S. Ap.) Barker, Thomas - King's American Regiment, April 4, 1783. Barret, Caleb - West Jersey Volunteers, April 20, 1778. (S.) Barry, William - King's Orange Rangers; and Loyal Foresters, April 1781. (S. Ap.) Barton, Harry L. - 1 New Jersey Vol., February 1782. (S. Ap.) Baynton, Benjamin - Pennsylvania Loyalists, Oct. 14, 1777. (S. Ap.) Bethel, Robert (promoted) - King's Orange Rangers. Bettle, John - West Jersey Volunteers, March 23, 1778. (S. Ap.) Bingham, Charles (promoted) - Volunteers of Ireland, 1778. Bird, William - King's Orange Rangers. Died Feb. 1778. Bell, William - King's Orange Rangers. (S. Ap.) Black, David - South Carolina Royalists, Nov. 13, 1799. Black, Harman - Volunteers of Ireland, 1778. Blair, Thomas - North Carolina Vol, 1781. Blanchard, Cornelius - Armed Boatmen, June 23, 1781. Blayney, Arthur - 1 Battalion DeLancey's Brigade, 1776. (S.) Bliss, Samuel - Young Royal Highland Emigrants, June 14, 1775. (S. Ap.) Blundell, Archibald - Royal Garrison Battalion, Oct. 25, 1779. (S. Ap.) Blundell, Charles - Royal Garrison Battalion. (S. Ap.) Boisseau, J. E. - South Carolina Royalists. Boswell, John - Maryland Loyalists, Nov. 27, 1777. Resigned 1778. Boswell, Thomas - Maryland Loyalists, Nov. 27, 1777. Bonapace, Francis (promoted) - Emmerick's Chasseurs, 1777. Bowers, Lemuel - 3 New Jersey Vol., 1776. Died Nov. 4, 1777. (S. Ap.) Bradstreet, Samuel - Vol. of Ireland, 1778; died before April, 1781. (S. Ap.) Bridgham, James - Prince of Wales American Regiment, 1783. (S.) Brittain, James - 1 New Jersey Vol., Feb. 1782. Brooke, William - 2 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade. (S. Ap.) Browne, Ebenezer (promoted) - Royal Guides and Pioneers, 1778. (S. Ap.) Brown, James C. - Carolina King's Rangers, Cavalry, 1781. Brown, Thomas - South Carolina Light Dragoons, Jan. 28,. 1781. (S. Ap.) Brown, William (promoted) - Royal Garrison Battalion, Sept. 17, 1782. (S.) Brown, Zechariah - 3 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade, Nov. 10, 1781. (S. p. 236) Bunnell, Isaac - Prince of Wales American Regt., 1777. (S.) Bull, George - Loyal American Legion Cavalry, 1781. (S. Ap.) Burn, John - King's American Regiment, 1776. (S. p. 376) Buskirk, Jacob - 4 New Jersey Vol., Jan. 17, 1777. (S.) Buskirk, John - 4 New Jersey Vol., Dec. 6, 1776. (S.) Cameron, Allan - New York Volunteers, August 1777. (S. Ap.) Cameron, Allan - British Legion, Cavalry. (S. Ap.) Cameron, Archibald - Carolina King's Rangers, Feb. 23, 1781. (S. Ap.) Cameron, Daniel - 2 Batt. DeLancey's and 1 DeLancey's, 1782. (S. Ap.) Cameron, Dougald - Carolina King's Rangers, 1779. Campbell, Alexander - Royal North Car. Regt., 1779. (S.) Campbell, Colin - 2 Batt. DeLancey's 1776; 1 Batt. DeLancey's 1782. (S. Ap.) Campbell, Donald - Royal North Carolina Regt., 1779. Campbell, Dugald - King's American Regt. Cavalry. (S. Ap.) Campbell, James - Royal North Carolina Regt. 1779. Campbell, James - St. John's Volunteers. Campbell, Robert (promoted) - Young Royal Highland Emig., June 14, 1776. Campbell, Robert - Black Pioneers, Apl. 2, 1776. Resigned Sept. 24, 1776. Campbell, Smollet - Georgia Light Dragoons, Dec. 24, 1778. Cane, Barney - New York Volunteers, Feb. 27, 1776. Carter, George - South Carolina Royalists. Chase, Levi - Loyal New Englanders, May 28, 1778. (S.) Chapman, Samuel - Philadelphia Light Dragoons, Nov. 7, 1777; British Legion Cavalry. (S. Ap.) Chapman, Abraham - British Legion Cavalry. Chisholm, Alexander - Royal Garrison Battalion. (S.) Chew, William - 3 New Jersey Vol. 1777; Royal Garrison Battalion, 1782. Claun, John - Armed Batteaumen, April 25, 1779. (S.) Clinch, Peter (promoted) - Royal Fencible Americans, May 15, 1776. (S.) Clopper, Garret - New York Volunteers. Close, Abraham - Queen's Rangers, Nov. 1776. Wounded at Brandywine. Resigned Sept. 17, 1777; Guides and Pioneers, 1779. (S.) Clowes, Gerhardus (promoted) - 3 Battalion DeLancey's Brigade. (S.) Clowes, John - 3 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade. (S.) Clowes, Samuel - 3 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade. Cockburn, Dougald - North Carolina Indept. Dragoons, 1781. Cockburn, Douglas - South Carolina Royalists. (S.) Coffield, Thomas - North Carolina Volunteers, 1781; New York Volunteers, 1783. (S.) Connel, John - Roman Catholic Vol., October 15, 1777. Connel, _______ - Loyal American Rangers, August, 1780. (S. Ap.) Conroy, William - Prince of Wales Amer. Regt., 1777. Coombs, John - 3 New Jersey Volunteers. Cooper, Edward - Georgia Loyalists, July 1779. Cooper, Richard - 4 New Jersey Vol. 1783. (S. p. 323) Codner, James - Volunteers of Ireland, 1778. Corey, Francis - Loyal New Englanders, 1777. (S. Ap.) Cornwall, Daniel - South Carolina Royalists. (S.) Coulburn, Charles - Loyal American Regiment. (S. Ap.) Cox, George - King's American Regt., 1779; Provincial Light Infantry, 1780. (S.) Crowell, Joseph - 2 New Jersey Vol., 1778. Cummings, John - King's Orange Rangers, Dec. 28, 1776. (S. Ap.) Cunliffe, Joseph - 5 New Jersey Vol., Jan. 25, 1777; 1 New Jersey Vol., 1778. (S. Ap.) Cunningham, Thomas - 1 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade. (S.) Currie, Ross - Pennsylvania Loyalists, Dec. 1, 1777. Darley, William - British Legion, 1778. Darcus, James - Royal Garrison Battalion, Oct. 1778. (S. Ap.) David, Hugh - British Legion Cavalry, June 10, 1779. (S. Ap.) Davidson, John - King's American Dragoons, 1781. Davis, David - Royal Garrison Battalion, Nov. 14, 1779. DeBeaudoin, Dubeig - Royal Fencible Amer., Nov. 1776. Died May 29, 1777. (S. Ap.) DeBesch, John Ludwig - New York Volunteers, 1782. Deialton, _______ - Loyal American Rangers, August 1780. De Springseison, John - Royal Guides and Pioneers, 1778. (S.) DePeyster, James (promoted) - King's American Regiment, 1776. Devault, Daniel - South Carolina Royalists. (S.) DeVeber, Gabriel - West Jersey Vol., March 21, 1778; 3 DeLancey's July, 1780. (S. Ap.) Donovan, Jeremiah - British Legion, Oct., 1780. (S. Ap.) Dulany, Walter (promoted) - Maryland Loyalists, 1777. Dunlop, Charles - Queen's Rangers, October, 1779. Dunworth, Peter - South Carolina Royalists, Nov. 13, 1779. (S. Ap.) Earle, Edward (promoted) - 4 New Jersey Volunteers, Dec. 2, 1776. (S. Ap.) Earle, Joost - 4 New Jersey Volunteers, Dec. 18, 1781. Eccles, James - Prince of Wales American Regt., April 18, 1783. Eck, John Peter - Roman Catholic Volunteers, Oct. 14, 1777. Eddie, _______ - Maryland Loyalists, 1777. (S. Ap.) Egan, Daniel - Georgia Loyalists, July 1, 1779; Carolina King's Rangers. (S. Ap.) Ellis, Daniel - Carolina King's Rangers, 1779. Etter, Franklin - New Jersey Volunteers. English, James - Pennsylvania Loyalists, 1777. (S. Ap.) Evans, Edmond - 3 Battalion DeLancey's Brigade; Provincial Light Infantry, 1780. (S. Ap.) Fanning, Barclay - King's American Regiment, Sept. 13, 1780. Fawson, Jones - Loyal Nova Scotia Volunteers, April 17, 1777. Fitzgerald, Edward - Volunteers of Ireland, 1778. Fitzgerald, Gerald - Young Royal Highland Emigrants, June 14, 1775. Fitzpatrick, Nathaniel - Queen's Rangers, Sept. 19, 1777. (S. Ap.) Fletcher, Duncan - Loyal American Regiment, 1777. (S. Ap.) Flynn, Thomas - Vol. of Ireland, 1778. Fotheringham, Alexander - Royal North Carolina Regt., 1779. (S.) Fowler, Caleb (promoted) - Loyal American Regiment, April 7, 1777. (S.) Fowler, William (promoted) - Loyal American Regiment, 1777. Fraser, Francis (promoted) - 3 New Jersey Vol., February 21, 1777. Fraser, Thomas - New York Volunteers, August 1777. Fratis, Francis - South Carolina Royalists. Frazier, Hugh - Young Royal Highland Emi., Feb. 27, 1776. (S.) French, James (promoted) - 1 Battalion DeLancey's Brigade. Fulton, Samuel - King's American Dragoons, 1781. Furlong, William - Loyal American Legion Inf., June 23, 1781. Garrett, Patrick - Prince of Wales American Regt., Oct. 1781. Gerraur, George - Buck's County Light Dragoons, Dec. 1778; British Legion Cavalry, 1780. Gigalier, _______ - South Carolina Royalists. (S. & S. Ap.) Gill, Thomas - Maryland Loyalists, July 30, 1783. (S. Ap.) Gillespie, Hugh - Vol. of Ireland, 1778. Golding, Isaac - King's American Regiment, 1776. Graham, ______ - Loyal American Rangers, August 1780. (S. Ap.) Grant, Alexander - King's American Regiment. (S.) Gray, William - New York Volunteers, July 16, 1778. (S. Ap.) Griffith, Benjamin P. - 2 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade, 1776; 1 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade, 1782. (S. Ap.) Grigor, Benjamin - South Carolina Royalists. (S.) Hallet, Daniel - 2 Batt. DeLancey's, 1776, and 1st DeLancey's, 1782. (S.) Haggerty, Patrick (promoted) - 5 New Jersey Vol., Dec. 16, 1776; 1 New Jersey Volunteers, 1778. (S. Ap.) Hamilton, James - Royal North Carolina Regt., 1779. Hamilton, Joshua - King's Orange Rangers, Dec. 29, 1776. (S. Ap.) Harding, George (promoted) - Pennsylvania Loyalists,March 22, 1783. (S. Ap.) Harrison, James - 6 New Jersey Vol., 1777, and New Jersey Vol., 1778. (S.) Hatheway, Luther - Loyal New Englanders, 1777. (S. Ap.) Hatton, John - 6 N. J. Vol., June 24, 1777; 3 N. J. Vol., 1778. Hays, Thomas - 1 Battalion DeLancey's Brigade. (S. p. 504) Hayt, Monson - Prince of Wales American Regiment, 1777. (S.) Heddon, Isaac - 5 N. J. Vol., Mar. 1, 1777; 1 N. J. Vol., 1778; and Prov. Light Infantry, 1780. Henderson, Humphrey - "Hierlihy's Corps," 1777; Emmerick's Chasseurs, May 25, 1778. (S.) Henderson, Thomas - Loyal American Regiment, Oct. 7, 1777. (S.) Henley, James - Maryland Loyalists, March 13, 1783. Henry, Patrick - 1 New Jersey Volunteers, April 1, 1777. Heslop, John - 4 New Jersey Vol., Mar. 15, 1777; 3 N. J. Vol. (S.) Hewlett, Thomas - New York Vol., Feb. 14, 1776. Killed in 1780. Hickcox, Abraham - Prince of Wales American Regt., 1777. Holland, Edward - Roman Catholic Volunteers, Oct. 14, 1777. (S.) Holland, Richard - Loyal New Englanders, June 1, 1777; Queen's Rangers, August 1780. (S.) Holt, Moses - Pennsylvania Loyalists, April 29, 1778. Hovenden, Moore - British Legion, Cavalry. Hovenden, Walter - Prince of Wales Amer. Regt., 1777. Resigned Mar. 8, 1778. (S. 1st Ed.) Howe, Caleb - Queen's Rangers, October, 1780. (S. Ap.) Hoyt, Joseph - Armed Boatmen, 1781. (S. Ap.) Huggeford, William L. - Loyal American Regt., Oct. 1780. Hume, James - Royal American Reformees, May 5, 1778. Hudson, Joel (promoted) - South Carolina Rangers, June 8, 1780. Huestis, James - Emmerick's Dragoons, May 1, 1778. Hustice, Stephen - King's American Regiment, 1776. (S.) Hunt, Cosby - New York Volunteers. (S. Ap.) Hunt, Benjamin - Emmerick's Chasseurs, 1778; British Legion Cavalry. Hunt, James - Royal Garrison Battalion, Sept. 28, 1778. (S. Ap.) Hunt, John - Royal Guides and Pioneers, May 1, 1777. (S. Ap.) Husband, Andrew - Royal Guides and Pioneers, July 1783. (S.) Hutchinson, William (promoted) - 5 New Jersey Volunteers, Dec. 16, 1776; 1 New Jersey Volunteers, 1778. (S. Ap.) Hybert, John - Carolina King's Rangers. (S. Ap.) Inglis, James - Maryland Loyalists, Oct. 27, 1777. (S.) Insley, Christopher - 5 New Jersey Volunteers, Dec. 14, 1776, Rogers' King's Rangers. June 1779. (S. Ap.) Jackson, Harry - 3 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade, May 1781. (S.) James, Edward - King's Orange Rangers, Aug. 1778. (S. Ap.) Jenkins, John - 3 New Jersey Volunteers, Feb. 10, 1777. (S. p. 570) Jervis, Stephen - Independent Troop Light Dragoons, 1781; South Carolina Royalists, Cav. Jewell, John - Volunteers of Ireland. Killed Apl. 25, 1781. Joel, Beesly - Queen's Rangers, November 1776. (S. Ap.) Johnston, Alexander - New York Volunteers, 1781. (S. Ap.) Johnston, William Martin (promoted) - New York Volunteers 1777. (S. Ap.) Johnston, William - South Carolina Royalists. Jones, John - Emmerick's Chasseurs, August 1, 1778. (S. Ap.) Jones, Samuel - North Carolina Volunteers, Indept. Company. (S. & S. Ap.) Jones, Simeon - King's American Dragoons, 1781. (S. Ap.) Jones, William - Carolina King's Rangers. (S. Ap.) Kane, Bernard (promoted) - New York Volunteers, Feb. 27, 1776. Kane, ________ - Loyal American Rangers, Aug. 1780. Keating, Maurice - Loyal American Legion Infantry, Sept. 18, 1781. Kennedy, Anthony - Hierlihy's Corps, 1777. (S.) Kerr, James (promoted) - Queen's Rangers, November 1776. (S.) Key, Philip Barton (promoted) - Maryland Loyalists, 1777. Kier, Colin R. - Royal Guides and Pioneers. Kielby, Christian - Hierlihy's Corps, attached to Roy. N. S. Vol's. Kittle, Nicholas (promoted) - Royal American Reformees, May 1, 1778. (S. Ap.) Laffan, Michael - 3 Battalion DeLancey's Brigade, Aug. 12, 1780. (S. Ap.) Largin, Michael - British Legion Cavalry. Lagrange, James B. - 3 New Jersey Vol., Oct. 20, 1777. (S. Ap.) Lambert, George - 2 New Jersey Vol., 1778, and 4 New Jersey Vol., 1782. (S. Ap.) Lawlor, William Digby - Queen's Rangers Dragoons, 1780. Lawrence, John - 1 New Jersey Volunteers, Jan. 1781. (S. Ap.) Leonard, Samuel (promoted) - 1 New Jersey Vol., December 22, 1776. Lester, Benjamin - 2 Batt. DeLancey's, 1776; 1 Batt. DeLancey's, 1782. Lewis, Richard - South Carolina Rangers, June 25, 1781. Light, Thomas - Prince of Wales American Regt., 1777. Lindsay, Thomas - Prince of Wales American Regt., Mar. 8th, 1778. Lindsay, Thomas - Vol. of Ireland, 1778. Lunden, James - Young Royal Highland Emigrants, June 14, 1775. Lycan, Enoch - West Jersey Volunteers, Mar. 25, 1778; 3 N. J. Vols. (S. Ap.) Matheson, Alexander - Queen's Rangers, May 21, 1780. Major, Severn - Armed Boatmen, Dec. 21, 1781. Mayfield, Stephen - South Carolina Royalists, Nov. 13, 1779. Miller, James - Maryland Loyalists, Oct. 26, 1777. (S. Ap.) Miller, John - Loyal American Regt., April 7, 1777. (S. Ap.) Miller, John - British Legion Cavalry. (S.) Moffet, James - Volunteers of Ireland, 1778. Monro, John - 1 New Jersey Vol., Jan. 6, 1777. Prisoner Feb. 12, 1777. (S.) Moody, James - 1 New Jersey Volunteers, March 1781. Morrison, Thomas - 2 New Jersey Vol., 1777. Morris, Charles - Loyal Nova Scotia Vol., March 13, 1778. Muirson, Benjamin Woolsey - Emmerick's Dragoons, June 14, 1778. Munro, Duncan - New York Volunteers. (S. Ap.) Munro, Duncan - British Legion Cavalry. Munro, Henry (promoted) - Volunteers of Ireland, 1778. (S.) Murray, Robert (promoted) - King's American Dragoons, 1781. (S. Ap.) Murray, Thomas - Queen's Rangers, Sept. 26, 1777. (S. Ap.) Murray, Thomas - Royal Garrison batt., Dec. 25, 1781. (S. Ap.) McAlpine, Donald - Royal North Carolina Regt., 1779. McAlpine, Donald - Royal North Carolina Regt., 1779. (S. Ap.) McAlpine, John (promoted) - King's American Regt. Dragoons, Oct. 1781. McBaine, Donald - Georgia Light Dragoons, Dec. 25, 1779. MacBean, Donald - British Legion Cavalry. (S. Ap.) McCan, Andrew - Queen's Rangers, Sept. 26, 1780. (S. Ap.) McCarthy, Justin - 2 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade, 1776. McColla, John - Hierlihy's Corps, Attached to Roy. N. S. Volunteers. McConnell, Samuel - South Carolina Rangers, June 6, 1780. McCrae, Christopher - Royal North Carolina Regt., 1779. (S. Ap.) McCrimmen, Donald - British Legion, Sept. 30, 1778. Macdonald, Alexander - Young Royal High. Emig., June 14, 1775. McDonald, Alexander - Young High. Emig., June 14, 1775. Macdonald, Archibald - New York Vol., 1776. Killed Oct. 16, 1777. (S. Ap.) McDonald, Angus - Royal Guides and Pioneers, 1778. Macdonald, Charles - Young Royal High. Emig., May 18, 1776. Macdonald, James - Young Royal High. Emig., June 14, 1776. (S. Ap.) McDonald, James - Prince of Wales Amer. Regt., 1779. (S.) McDonald, James - British Legion. (S. Ap.) McDonald, John - North Car. Highlanders, and Royal North Car. Regt. McDonald, Lauchlan - British Legion, 1778. McDonald, _______ - Maryland Loyalists, 1777. Macdonald, _______ - Volunteers of the Island of St. John, 1777. McDonnell, John - Young Royal Highland Emig., 1776. (S.) McFarland, William - 3 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade, Mar. 1782. (S. Ap.) McGregor, John - Pennsylvania Loyalists, 1777; New York Volunteers. Prisoner in 1781. (S.) McGill, John (promoted) - Queen's Rangers Grenadiers, Nov. 1776. McGriggn, John - Pennsylvania Loyalists, 1777. McGuin, Daniel - King's American Regiment, 1776. McKay, Hector - Queen's Rangers, Nov. 11, 1777. (S.) McKay, Hugh - Queen's Rangers, Oct. 1779. (S. Ap.) McKay, James - King's American Regiment, 1776; and Provincial Light Infantry, 1780. (S. Ap.) McKeathan, Dugald - Royal North Carolina Regiment. McKenney, ______ - South Carolina Royalists. Maclane, Lauchlan - Young Royal High. Emig., June 14, 1775. (S. Ap.) McLeod, Donald - King's Orange Rangers. (S. Ap.) McLeod, Donald - British Legion Cavalry. McLeod, Colin - British Legion Cavalry. (S.) McNab, Allan - Queen's Rangers, Oct. 19, 1777. McNab, Alexander - Queen's Rangers Cavalry, Nov. 1778. McNab, James - Royal Fencible Americans, 1783. McMichael, Edward - Royal Guides and Pioneers, 1778. McMillarn, Alexander - 2 Batt. DeLancey's, 1776; and 1 DeLancey's, 1782. McMichael, Wm. A. - Pennsylvania Loyalists, Mar. 22, 1783. McNally, Richard - Royal Garrison Battalion. (S.) McPherson, Charles (promoted) - 1 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade. (S. Ap.) McPherson, Donald (promoted) - 4 New Jersey Volunteers, Jan. 15, 1777. (S. Ap.) McPherson, Hugh - New York Volunteers. McVicar, Donald - Major Stark's Corps., Oct. 11, 1777. (S. Ap.) Ness, John - Prince of Wales American Regt., Oct. 1781. Neaile, John - 1 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade, 1777. Died at New York, 1778. (S. Ap.) Obman, Jacob D. - Georgia Loyalists, July 27, 1779; Carolina King's Rangers. (S.) Ogden, Benjamin (promoted) - Prince of Wales American Regt., 1777. (S. Ap.) Okerson, Thomas - 1 New Jersey Volunteers, Dec. 15, 1776. (S. Ap.) Olding, Nicholas P. - Royal Garrison Battalion, July 13, 1781. Oldfield, Thomas - Black Pioneers, Dec. 7, 1776. O'Neill, John - Prince of Wales American Regt., 1779. (S.) Ormond, George - Queen's Rangers, 1777. (S. Ap.) Parker, Josiah - 2 New Jersey Vol., 1778; Provincial Light Infantry, 1780; 4 New Jersey Vol., 1778. Parker, Thomas H. - Maryland Loyalists, May 1, 1778. Resigned Oct. 30, 1778. (S. Ap.) Pendred, George - Queen's Rangers, February, 1779. Peterson, Robert - 1 New Jersey Vol., Ap. 4, 1777. Prisoner on Aug. 22, 1777; and in New York Vol., Jan. 1783. Peterson, William - Georgia Loyalists, 1779; Carolina King's Rangers, June 1782. Philips, ________ - Loyal American Rangers, August 1780. (S. Ap.) Phinney, Francis - Loyal New Englanders, 1777. (S. Ap.) Place, James - Prince of Wales American Regt., 1781. Prichard, Thomas - 2 New Jersey Vol., 1777. Prideaux, Edward - 2 New Jersey Vol., 1778. Pringle, William - Loyal Nova Scotia Vol., Mar. 24, 1777. (S. Ap.) Proctor, Thomas - Volunteers of Ireland, 1778. (S.) Purdy, David - King's American Regiment, Oct. 24, 1782. (S. Ap.) Reed, Leonard - King's American Regiment. Rid, Alexander - Royal Garrison Battalion. (S.) Robinson, John - Loyal American Regiment, June 1781. (S.) Robinson, Morris (promoted) - Loyal American Regiment, 1777. (S.) Robinson, Robert - Loyal American Regt., May 1782. (S.) Rogers, Nehemiah - 1 Battalion DeLancey's Brigade. (S.) Roney, John - 1 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade, 1776. Killed May 23, 1781. Ross, Matthias - Prince of Wales American Regt., 1777. Rorison, Basil - King's Orange Rangers. Rouselet, John (promoted) - Emmerick's Chasseurs, May 25, 1778; British Legion. (S.) Ryerson, Joseph - Prince of Wales American Regt., April 17, 1783. Ryerson, Martin - 4 New Jersey Vol., Dec. 5, 1776. Died about July, 1780. (S.) Sargent, John - King's American Regiment, Nov. 1779. Sarvenier, James - 4 New Jersey Vol., January 2, 1777. (S.) Saxton, John - Royal Garrison Battalion. (S. Ap.) Shadwell, Edmond - Royal Garrison Battalion, Sept. 16, 1782. (S.) Shank, David (promoted) - Queen's Rangers, November 1776. (S. Ap.) Shanks, James (promoted) - Prince of Wales American Regt., 1777. (S. Ap.) Shannon, Daniel - 5 New Jersey Vol., Feb. 12, 1777. (S. & S. Ap.) Shaw, Aeneas (promoted) - Queen's Rangers, November, 1777. (S. Ap.) Shaw, John - Royal North Carolina Regiment. Shreeve, Thomas (promoted) - Prince of Wales Amer. Regt., 1783 (S. p. 345) Simonson, John - 4 New Jersey Vol., Aug. 25, 1780. Sinclair, James - Maryland Loyalists, Feb. 10, 1778. (S.) Smith, Ichabod (promoted) - 3 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade. Smith, James - Carolina King's Rangers, 1779. (S.) Smith, Michael - 4 New Jersey Vol., Jan. 1, 1777. Smith, Peter J. - King's American Regiment, 1776. (S.) Smith, Samuel (promoted) - Queen's Rangers, Grenadiers, Aug. 1778. Solomon, John - Loyal Nova Scotia Vol., Dec. 26, 1775. Sparry, William - Royal Garrison Batt., Sept. 18, 1782. Spencer, George - Queen's Rangers Dragoons, 1780. Stark, John - Royal Guides and Pioneers, 1777. (S. and S. Ap.) Sterling, John (promoted) - Maryland Loyalists, 1778. Sterling, William - Maryland Loyalists, March 12, 1783. Stevenson, John - Black Pioneers, April 5, 1782. (S. Ap.) Stevenson, William - 2 New Jersey Vol., 1777; 4 N. J. Vol., 1781. Stewart, Charles - Royal Nova Scotia Volunteers. (S. Ap.) Stewart, Alexander - King's American Dragoons. Stewart, Donald - North Carolina Highlanders, 1781. (S. Ap.) Stewart, Hugh - Royal Garrison Batt., Apl. 23, 1779. Stinson, John - Royal American Reformees, May 29, 1778. (S.) Stockton, Andrew H. - Loyal Foresters, Apl. 1781; 1 New Jersey Vol., Jan. 1782. (S. Ap.) Supple, James - 1 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade, April 1783. Sutherland, James - South Carolina Royalists. Sutherland, James - Royal Garrison Battalion, Oct. 25, 1779. (S.) Sutherland, William - Royal Garrison Batt., Oct. 25, 1779. (S. Ap.) Tarbell, Samuel - King's American Dragoons, 1781. (S. Ap.) Taylor, John (promoted) - 1 New Jersey Vol., July 2, 1776. (S. Ap.) Thatcher, Bartholemew (promoted) - 3 New Jersey Vol., Oct. 1779. (S. Ap.) Thompson, John - Volunteers of Ireland. Thompson, George, - King's Orange Rangers, Jan. 1, 1777. (S. Ap.) Thompson, John - 1 New Jersey Vol., Sept. 1780. (S. Ap.) Throckmorton, John - 1 New Jersey Vol., Dec. 4, 1776. Prisoner Aug. 22, 1777; Rogers' King's Rangers, 1783. (S. Ap.) Tredell, Thomas - Armed Boatmen, Aug. 25, 1781. Killed May 24, 1783. (S. Ap.) Tomlinson, Isaac - King's American Dragoons, 1781. (S. Ap.) Townsend, Levin (promoted) - Maryland Loyalists, May 1, 1778. (S.) Troup, John - 3 New Jersey Vol, Feb. 20, 1777. Died of wounds, Sept. 18, 1781. Turner, William - West Jersey Vol., March 21, 1778; 3 New Jersey Vol., Oct. 1778. Prisoner in the South, Feb. 1781. (S. Ap.) Vallancy, Charles - Volunteers of Ireland, 1778. (S.) VanBuskirk, Abraham, Jr. - King's Orange Rangers. VanBuskirk, John - Royal American Reformees, May 14, 1778. (S.) Vanderbergh, Richard (promoted) - Hierlihy's Corps, Oct. 26, 1776; Emmerick's Chasseurs, 1777. (S. Ap.) Van Dumond, William - 2 New Jersey Vol., Dec. 19, 1776; 1 New Jersey Volunteers. (S. S. Ap.) VanNorden, John - 4 New Jersey Vol., Aug. 21, 1780; Provincial Light Infantry. (S. Ap.) Vernon, Nathaniel, Jr. (promoted) - Philadelphia Light Dragoons, 1777; British Legion, Cavalry. Walker, John - Royal Fencible Americans, Nov. 12, 1775. (S. Ap.) Walker, Thomas - New York Volunteers. Waller, Joseph - 5 New Jersey Volunteers, Dec. 18, 1776. Walton, Robert - Emmerick's Chasseurs, May 25, 1778. (S.) Ward, Benjamin - Loyal American Regiment, August 25, 1780. (S.) Ward, John - Loyal American Regiment, Oct. 7, 1777. (S. Ap.) Westropp, John - Prince of Wales American Regt., Dec. 1782. Wetmore, George - Hierlihy's Corps, Attached to Roy. N. S. Volunteers. (S. Ap.) Wheaton, Caleb - Royal Guides and Pioneers, 1777; Hierlihy's Corps., 1783. (S. Ap.) Wheeler, Josiah - Prince of Wales American Regt., 1777. (S. Ap.) Whitley, Moses - South Carolina Royalists. (S. p. 423) Whitlock, John (promoted) - Queen's Rangers, November 1776. Whiting, Benjamin - Wentworth's Volunteers, 1777. Dead Dec. 1779. Wickham, Alexander (promoted) - Queen's Rangers, November 1776. (S.) Wightman, John - Loyal New Englanders, 1777. (S.) Wightman, William (promoted) - King's American Regt., 1776. (S. Ap/) Willett, Walter - Buck's County Light Dragoons, April 1778; Attached to Queen's Rangers, 1779, and British Legion Cavalry, 1780. William, Jonathan (promoted) - Royal Guides and Pioneers, May 1, 1777. (S. Ap.) Willis, John - 3 New Jersey Volunteers, Sept. 19, 1781. (S. Ap.) Wilson, John - Queen's Rangers Infantry, Feb. 1779; Queen's Rangers Cavalry, Sept. 1780. (S. Ap.) Wilson, John - Volunteers of Ireland. Wilson, Richard - Royal Fencible Americans, Dec. 1775. (S. Ap.) Wilson, Samuel Richard - Roman Catholic Vol., Nov. 26, 1777; Royal Garrison Batt., May 10, 1781. Witherford, Major - Dunlaps Corps, 1780. (S.) Young, John - Pennsylvania Loyalists. Removed to 42 Regt., Oct. 14, 1777. (S. Ap.) Young, John - King's American Regt., April 1782. Second Lieutenants (S. Ap.) Acheson, Alexander - Royal Fencible Americans, 1776. Babington, Charles - 2 New Jersey Volunteers, 1778. (S.) Benedict, Eli - Royal Guides and Pioneers, May 6, 1777. Blood, Thomas - Royal Fencible Americans, Dec. 1775. Brown, Jonathan - Royal Guides and Pioneers, 1782. Campbell, Peter - British Legion, 1779. Close, Abraham (promoted) - Royal Guides and Pioneers, 1778. Conine, Leonard - Armed Boatmen, April 25, 1779. (S.) Connor, Constant - Royal Fencible Americans, 1776. (S. Ap.) Cunningham, Ralph - British Legion, April 25, 1779. Fraser, William - Royal Guides and Pioneers, 1778. French, Adolphus - 2 New Jersey Volunteers, 1779. (S. Ap.) Husband, Andrew (promoted) - Royal Guides and Pioneers, 1778. Jackson, Basil - Royal Guides and Pioneers, 1782. King, Solomon - Royal Fencible Americans, May 15, 1776. (S. Ap.) McDonald, Alexander - King's Orange Rangers, Jan. 2, 1777. McDonald, Alexander - Royal Guides and Pioneers, 1778. (S.) McDonald, James (promoted) - British Legion. Promoted 1st Lieutenant. (S. Ap.) MacLeod, Donald (promoted) - British Legion. Promoted 1st Lieutenant. (S. Ap.) Macpherson, Donald - British Legion. Promoted 1st Lieutenant. McVicar, Donald (promoted) - In Major Stark's Corps, Oct. 11, 1777; Royal Guides and Pioneers, 1778; Cashired(sic) Dec. 1, 1778. Proctor, William - Royal Fencible Americans, 1776. (S. p. 247) Sharman, Ambrose - Royal Fencible Americans. (S. Ap.) Stewart, Niel - King's Orange Rangers, 1777. Stewart, John - Volunteers of the Island of St. John, 1777. (S.) Sutherland, Alexander - Royal Fencible Americans, June 25, 1777. Street, Samuel Denny - Royal Fencible Americans. Tonge, Winckworth - Royal Fencible Americans, Ap. 25, 1777. Vincent, Elijah - Royal Guides and Pioneers, Oct. 1781. (S.) Williams, Elijah - Wentworth's Volunteers, 1777. (S. Ap.) Wilson, Samuel Richard - 2 New Jersey Vol., 1779. Cornets Allinder, John - West Florida Royal Foresters, 1781. Anderson, John (promoted) - Carolina King's Rangers, Cavalry, Oct., 1781. (S. Ap.) Boisseau, James E. (promoted) - South Carolina Royalists, 1781. Brooks, ________ - King's American Dragoons, 1783. (S.) Budd, Elisha - King's American Regt. Cavalry, Nov. 3, 1781. (S. Ap.) Clayton, Samuel - Queen's Rangers, Cavalry, 1780. (S. Ap.) Cox, John - North Carolina Independent Dragoons, 1781; South Carolina Royalists. Coulter, Andrew - British Legion, Ap. 25, 1782. (S. Ap.) Cagney, William - Loyal American Legion, Nov. 28, 1780. (S. Ap.) Chapman, Abraham (promoted) - British Legion, 1781. Chapman, George - British Legion, 1780. David, Hugh (promoted) - Philadelphia Light Dragoons, 1778; British Legion Cavalry, Aug. 15, 1778. Davis, Thomas - Philadelphia Light Dragoons, 1777. Davis, William - South Carolina Royalists, 1781. (S. Ap.) Freeman, Lewis - King's American Dragoons, 1781. Gerraur, George (promoted) - Queen's Rangers Cavalry. Gildart, Charles - British Legion Cavalry, Oct. 14, 1779. (S. Ap.) Gray, George - British Legion Cavalry. Gregory, Richard - South Carolina Light Dragoons, Feb. 8, 1781. Hovenden, John - British Legion Cavalry. Hovenden, Moore (promoted) - British Legion Cavalry, Oct. 14, 1779. (S.) Jarvis, William - Queen's Rangers Cavalry, 1781. Wounded June 6, 1781. Johnston, George - Armed Boatmen, Sept. 5, 1781. Jones, Charles - Queen's Rangers Cavalry, Dec. 1780. Killed June 26, 1781. (S.) Jones, Stephen - King's American Dragoons, 1781. (S. Ap.) Lawlor, William Digby - Queen's Rangers, Cavalry, Dec. 1780. Lechmere, Thomas - King's American Dragoons, Feb. 1783. Lewis, Richard (promoted) - South Carolina Royalists. (S. Ap.) Livingstone, Henry - South Carolina Royalists, 1781. Killed June 15, 1781. (S.) Merritt, Thomas - Emmerick's Dragoons, May 1, 1778; Queen's Rangers Cavalry, 1780. (S. Ap.) Miller, John (promoted) - British Legion Cavalry, Nov. 25, 1778. (S. Ap.) Miller, Thomas - British Legion Cavalry, June 11, 1779. (S. Ap.) Miller, William - British Legion Cavalry. Murray, James - South Carolina Royalists. McNally, Richard (promoted) - Philadelphia Light Dragoons, Nov. 23, 1777; British Legion Cavalry, August 15, 1778. McVicar, Colin - Georgia Light Dragoons, Dec. 25, 1778. (S.) Nicholson, Arthur - King's American Dragoons, 1781. Norwood, John - Dunlaps Corps, 1780. Palmontur, Francis - Independent Troop Light Dragoons, 1781. Parks, Roland - King's American Dragoons, 1781. Purdy, Joseph - New York Volunteers, Cavalry, Sept., 1780. Reynolds, William - King's American Dragoons, 1781. (S. Ap.) Robins, William - British Legion, 1781. (S. Ap.) Spencer, George - Queen's Rangers, Cavalry, 1778. (S. Ap.) Stapleton, Samuel - British Legion Cavalry. (S. Ap.) Thompson, Benjamin - Queen's Rangers Cavalry, 1781. (S.) Waterbury, Peter C. - Arnold's Loyal American Legion, 1781. (S. Ap.) Waters, Abel - King's American Dragoons, 1781. White, James - British Legion Cavalry, 1781. (S.) Willet, Samuel - British Legion Cavalry. (S.) Woolsey, Benjamin Muirson - Emmerick's Dragoons, June 14, 1778; Queen's Rangers Cav., Oct. 1780. Ensigns (S.) Allan, Aam (promoted) - Queen's Rangers, 1776. Allan, Adam - Maryland Loyalists, 1777. (S.) Allicocke, Charles J. (promoted) - South Carolina Royalists, 1779. Alston, Jonathan - 3 New Jersey Volunteers, March 1, 1777. (S. Ap.) Althause, John Jr., - Emmerick's Chasseurs, May 25, 1778; New York Volunteers, 1779. Anderson, Jonathan - New York Volunteers, Aug. 1777. (S.) Anderson, Peter - 5 New Jersey Volunteers, Dec. 15, 1776; Rogers' King's Rangers, June, 1779. (S. Ap.) Apthorp, James - Loyal American Regiment, Aug. 25, 1780. (S.) Ansley, Ozias - 1 New Jersey Volunteers, Sept. 1780. (S. Ap.) Armstrong, Andrew - Queen's Rangers, August 24, 1781. (S. Ap.) Armstrong, Swift - Queen's Rangers, Sept. 1778. Atchinson, John - Loyal Foresters, 1781; 1 New Jersey Vol., Feb. 1782. (S.) Atkins, Charles - Royal North Carolina Regt., 1779. (S. Ap.) Atkinson, William (promoted) - Queen's Rangers, 1776. (S.) Barberie, Oliver (promoted) - 1 New Jersey Vol., 1778. Barclay, Henry - King's Orange Rangers, 1776. Resigned June, 1778. Banks, James - 3 New Jersey Volunteers. Bailie, _______ - Roman Catholic Volunteers, 1777. (S. Ap.) Barker, Thomas (promoted) - King's American Regt., Apl. 29, 1778. (S.) Barnes, Joshua - New York Volunteers, March 1, 1776. (S. Ap.) Barnum, Nathan - 3 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade. (S. Ap.) Barton, Henry (promoted) - 1 New Jersey Volunteers, Sept. 1780. (S. Ap.) Barton, James - 1 New Jersey Vol., Sept., 1780. Barton, Roger - New York Volunteers, June 9, 1783. Baxter, C. - North Carolina Volunteers, 1781. (S. Ap.) Beers, Joseph - 5 New Jersey Vol., Dec. 16, 1776; Rogers' King's Rangers. (S. Ap.) Bell, William - 3 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade, July 12, 1780. (S. Ap.) Benson, Christopher - Nassau Blues, 1779. (S. p. 232) Blaan, Uriah - 2 New Jersey Vol., 1778. (S. Ap.) Blundell, Charles (promoted) - Black Pioneers, Dec. 7, 1776. (S. Ap.) Bloxam, John - Independent North Carolina Volunteers. Borland, James - King's American Regiment, Nov. 3, 1781. (S.) Bowles, William A. - Maryland Loyalists, 1778. Bowman, Henry Richard - Prince of Wales Amer. Regt., Dec. 1782. Boyle, Richard - 1 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade. Bradstreet, Samuel (promoted) - Queen's Rangers, November 6, 1777. Bradstreet, Simon - Queen's Rangers, Nov. 5, 1777. Bramwell, _______ - Loyal American Rangers, 1780. Brearley, John - Hierlihy's Corps attached to Roy. N. S. Vol., 1783. Breton, Brayley - Volunteers of Ireland, Feb. 1781. (S. Ap.) Brewerton, George - 2 Batt. DeLancey's, 1776; 1 Batt. DeLancey's, 1782. (S. Ap.) Brewerton, James - 3 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade, Aug. 1783. (S. Ap.) Bridgham, James (promoted) - Prince of Wales American Regt., Nov. 1779. Brittain, Israel - 1 New Jersey Volunteers, Jan. 8, 1777. (S.) Brittain, James (promoted) - 5 New Jersey Vol., Oct. 24, 1777, 1 New Jersey Volunteers, 1778. (S.) Brittain, Joseph - 1 New Jersey Volunteers, 1783. Brown, Jonathan - Royal Guides and Pioneers, 1783. (S. Ap.) Brown, William (promoted) - Royal Garrison Battalion, Aug. 24, 1780. (S.) Brown, Zechariah (promoted) - 3 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade. Brunson, Daniel - Prince of Wales Amer. Regt., April 17, 1783. Bull, ______ - Loyal American Rangers, 1780. Callender, William - Queen's Rangers, September, 1780. Cameron, Allan (promoted) - New York Volunteers, 1779. (S. Ap.) Cameron, Archibald (promoted) - Georgia Loyalists; Carolina King's Rangers, June, 1782. (S. Ap.) Cameron, Daniel (promoted) - 2 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade. Cameron, John - King's Orange Rangers. Camp, John - 3 New Jersey Vol., Feb. 4, 1777. Campbell, Colin - King's Orange Rangers, Dec. 29, 1776. (S. Ap.) Campbell, Donald (promoted) - Royal North Carolina Regt., 1779. Cannon, Winder - Maryland Loyalists, March 28, 1778. (S. Ap.) Carpenter, Thomas - 3 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade, July 1780. Carter, John - South Carolina Royalists, 1779. Chalmers, Hamilton - Emmerick's Chasseurs, 1778. Chalmers, John - Maryland Loyalists, Aug. 1783. (S.) Chase, Shadrach - Loyal New Englanders, Oct. 19, 1777; 3 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade, July 1781. Clark, Thomas - Georgia Loyalists, August 13, 1779. Clarkson, William - Royal Garrison Battalion. (S.) Clopper, Garret (promoted) - New York Volunteers, May 1, 1781. Cole, James - 4 New Jersey Volunteers, April 14, 1777. Colden, John - 2 New Jersey Volunteers, 1778. (S. Ap.) Coombs, Nathaniel - 6 New Jersey Vol., 1777; 3 New Jersey Vol., Dec. 1777. (S.) Coombs, John - Royal Garrison Battalion. Colwell, John - New York Volunteers, June 9, 1783. Cooper, Richard (promoted) - 4 New Jersey Vol., 1779; Provincial Light Infantry. 1780. (S. p. 323) Codner, James (promoted) - Volunteers of Ireland, Aprl, 1779. Cottnam, John - Maryland Loyalists, May 29, 1778. Cox, Daniel - New York Volunteers, 1783. (S. Ap.) Cox, George (promoted) - King's American Regiment, 1776. (S. Ap.) Crookshank, John - King's American Regiment, Oct. 25, 1781. Cuffee, Thomas - Loyal Nova Scotia Volunteers, Dec. 25, 1775. Cumming, Allan - New York Volunteers, March 19, 1779. Cunningham, John - Loyal Nova Scotia Vol., Jan. 2, 1776. (S. Ap.) Cunningham, John - Loyal American Regiment. Cunningham, John - Volunteers of Ireland, Dec. 1778. Cunningham, Michael - Loyal American Regt., May 1783. Cunningham, ________ - Loyal American Rangers, 1780. (S. Ap.) Cunningham, Thomas (promoted) - 1 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade. (S. Ap.) Cunningham, Walter - Vol. of Ireland, Feb. 1781. (S. Ap.) Cunningham, William - Loyal Amer. Regt., 1777. Darcus, James (promoted) - Loyal Nova Scotia Volunteers, March 13, 1777. Darley, George - Volunteers of Ireland, October, 1781. (S. Ap.) DeBeck, Ludwig (promoted) - Emmerick's Chasseurs, Oct. 27, 1778. DeDieman, August - Loyal American Regiment, Jan. 15, 1782. (S.) DeLancey, James - 2 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade, 1776; 1 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade, 1781. Dennis, Ezekiel - 5 New Jersey Vol., Feb. 12, 1777. Resigned Feb. 15, 1778. DeVeber, Francis - 3 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade, April, 1780. DeVeber, John - Prince of Wales Amer. Regt., Feb. 1783. DeVoux, ______ - Loyal American Rangers, 1780. Donavan, Jeremiah (promoted) - Queen's Rangers, Oct. 1779. (Q. M. ) Donworth, Peter (promoted) - 3 New Jersey Volunteers. (S. Ap.) Douglas, Benjamin - Carolina King's Rangers, 1779. Dowling, Edward - Volunteers of Ireland, Feb. 1781. (S. Ap.) DuBois, Isaac - New York Volunteers, Jan. 1783. (S. Ap.) Dunlop, Charles (promoted) - Queen's Rangers, January 1777. (S. Ap.) Dunlop, St. John - Queen's Rangers, Aug. 1779. (S. Ap.) Dunn, Joseph - Royal Garrison Battalion. (S. Ap.) Earle, Joost (promoted) - 4 New Jersey Volunteers, Apl. 16, 1777. Eccles, James (promoted) - Prince of Wales American Regt., Sept. 18, 1781. (S. Ap.) Edwards, William - Loyal American Regt., Apl. 18, 1780. Etter, Franklin G. (promoted) - Hierlihy's Corps, 1777. (S. Ap.) Fanning, Barclay (promoted) - King's American Regiment. Ferguson, Henry - 2 Battalion DeLancey's 1776; 1 Battalion DeLancey's, 1781. Field, James - King's Orange Rangers. Finnemore, Richard - West Jersey Volunteers, April 20, 1778. Fitzpatrick, Nathaniel (promoted) - Queen's Rangers, 1777. Flemming, Arthur - Volunteers of Ireland, April, 1782. (S. Ap.) Flyn, Thomas (promoted) - Volunteers of Ireland, Feb. 1778. (S. Ap.) Foreman, James - Royal Garrison Battalion. (S.) Fowler, Caleb Jr. - Loyal American Regt., Dec. 12, 1780. (S.) Fowler, Gilbert - Loyal American Regt., Feb. 1780. Fowler, John D. - Prince of Wales American Regiment, 1779. Fraser, Charles - Queen's Rangers, Oct. 19, 1777. Fraser, James - Queen's Rangers, Feb. 1778. French, William - 1 Battalion DeLancey's Brigade. Garrett, Patrick (promoted) - Prince of Wales American Regt., 1777. (S.) Garrison, Joseph - Prince of Wales American Regt., 1777. Retired Ap. 18, 1778. (S. Ap.) Gilborne, Edward - Volunteers of Ireland, Dec. 1778. Gill, Thomas - Maryland Loyalists, July 30, 1783. Glasheen, John - Roman Catholic Volunteers, 1777. Goodwin, Edmund - Roman Catholic Volunteers, 1777. Grandidier, James - King's Orange Rangers, 1776. (S. Ap.) Grandine, Daniel - 3 New Jersey Vol., 1777. (S. Ap.) Grant, Alexander (promoted) - King's American Regiment. (S.) Grant, James - Royal Garrison Battalion. (S. Ap.) Grant, Robert - New York Volunteers, Oct. 1781. Granton, Sweeton - King's American Regiment, 1783. Hains, Thomas - New York Volunteers, August 25, 1777. (S. Ap.) Hamilton, Robert - Royal North Carolina Regt., 1779. Handorff, Frederick - 4 New Jersey Vol., May 1782. (S. Ap.) Hankinson, Reuben - 1 New Jersey Vol., Sept. 1780. Hardenbrook, Abel - King's American Regt., Sept. 14, 1780. Killed Nov. 2, 1781. Harding, George (promoted) - Pennsylvania Loyalists, 1778. (S. Ap.) Harrison, James (promoted) - 6 New Jersey Vol., 1777; and 3 New Jersey Vol., 1778. Haight, John - Loyal American Legion, 1781. Hayt, Thomas - 1 Battalion DeLancey's Brigade. (S. Ap.) Harris, Abel - Volunteers of Ireland, Feb. 1781. Hawkins, Joseph - Young Royal Highland Emigrants, Dec. 25, 1775. Henderson, Thomas (promoted) - Loyal American Regiment, 1777. (S.) Henly, James (promoted) - Maryland Loyalists, Oct. 17, 1778. Henn, Edward - Prince of Wales American Regt., 1783. Hierlihy, John - Hierlihy's Corps. (S.) Holland, John W, - Prince of Wales American Regt., July 2, 1779. (S.) Holland, Richard (promoted) - Queen's Rangers, Feb. 1779. (S.) Holt, William Johnson - Pennsylvania Loyalists, July 1, 1783. (S. Ap.) Horton, John - New York Volunteers. Howe, Caleb (promoted) - Queen's Rangers, January, 1778. Howel, Robert - 1 Battalion DeLancey's Brigade. Howison, William - Loyal Amer. Regt., Oct. 1777. (S. Ap.) Huggefore, William Lany (promoted) - Loyal Amer. Regt., 1777. (S.) Humphrey, Nicholas - New York Volunteers. (S. Ap.) Hunt, Benjamin (promoted) - Emmerick's Chasseurs, 1778. (S.) Hunt, Cosby (promoted) - New York Volunteers, 1778. Hustice, George J. - New York Volunteers, 1777. Jackson, William - King's Orange Rangers. (S.) James, Edward (promoted) - King's Orange Rangers. James, Russelet - King's Orange Rangers, 1776. James, William - King's Orange Rangers, June 12, 1777. (S.) Jarvis, William - Queen's Rangers, 1780. Wounded June 26, 1781. Jewill, John (promoted) - Volunteers of Ireland, December, 1778. Johnson, William - Georgia Loyalists; Carolina King's Rangers, June 1782. (S. Ap.) Johnston, Alexander (promoted) - New York Volunteers, 1779. (S. Ap.) Johnston, William Martin (promoted) - May 31, 1776; New York Vol. Jones, Charles - Queen's Rangers, October 1780. Jones, Lawrence - New York Volunteers, February, 1781. Jones, William - Maryland Loyalists, May 1, 1778. Jouett, John - 4 New Jersey Volunteers, 1781. (S.) Jouett, Xenophon - 4 New Jersey Vol., June 1, 1778; 1 New Jersey Volunteers. Kearney, James Hude - Pennsylvania Loyalists, 1783. Keating, Robert - Prince of Wales American Regt., 1777. Died March 25, 1781. Kenion, Richard - King's Orange Rangers, 1777. Ker, Mark - 1 Battalion DeLancey's Brigade. Lalor, Matthew - New York Volunteers, 1777. Lagrange, James B. (promoted) - 3 New Jersey Vol., Dec. 2, 1776; 2 New Jersey Vol., 1778, and 4 New Jersey Vol. Lane, Thomas - South Carolina Royalists. Lawrence, John (promoted) - 1 New Jersey Volunteers, 1777. Lawrence, William - 1 New Jersey Volunteers, Dec. 23, 1776. Leary, Cornelius - Roman Catholic Vol., Oct. 14, 1777. Leech, Ebenezer - Prince of Wales American Regt., 1777. Cashired November 10, 1777. Lee, George - 3 New Jersey Volunteers, 1783. (S. Ap.) Leonard, John - 3 New Jersey Vol., February, 1782. Lewis, Richard (promoted) - South Carolina Rangers, June 25, 1781. Lindsay, Thomas (promoted) - Prince of Wales American Regt., 1777. Lisle, Thomas - Royal Garrison Battalion, April 17, 1782. Livingston, John - South Carolina Royalists, 1779. (S.) Lynch, Thomas - Prince of Wales American Regt., 1777. Manning, John - Prince of Wales American Regt., 1777. (S. Ap.) Manson, Thomas - Royal North Carolina Regiment, 1779. Martin, Thomas - Loyal American Regiment, Jan. 1, 1782. (S. Ap.) Matheson, Alexander (promoted) - Queen's Rangers, November 1777. (S. Ap.) Matheson, Charles (promoted) - Queen's Rangers, August 25, 1781. Menzies, Gilbert L. - 3 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade, Mar., 1782. (S.) Merritt, Thomas - Emmerick's Cavalry and Queen's Rangers, Oct. 1780. Miller, Henry - Queen's Rangers, August 1780. (S. Ap.) Miller, John (promoted) - 3 New Jersey Vol., 1776; British Legion, April 25, 1782. (S. Ap.) Miller, Nathaniel E. - South Carolina Royalists, 1779. (S. Ap.) Miller, Thomas E. - British Legion, December 25, 1780. (S. Ap.) Miller, William - British Legion, October, 1780. (S.) Millidge, Phineas - 1 New Jersey Vol., Sept. 1780. Millidge, Stephen - 3 New Jersey Volunteers, 1783. (S.) Moffit, James - 2 Battalion DeLancey's Brigade. (S.) Montgomery, William - 3 DeLancey's Batt, Nov. 2, 1777; Provincial Light Infantry, 1780. (S.) Moody, James (promoted) - 5 New Jersey Vol., Oct. 26, 1777. Prisoner in 1780; 1 New Jersey Volunteers, April 1778. Moore, William Charles - Georgia Loyalists, 1779. (S. Ap.) Morison, Archibald - Loyal American Regt., October, 1780. Munro, William - Maryland Loyalists, May 31, 1778. Resigned Oct. 24, 1781. Mulock, Francis - New York Volunteers, April 1783. (S.) Munday, Nathaniel - Queen's Rangers, October 1780. Murray, Edward - Queen's Rangers, August 1781. Murphy, Hugh - South Carolina Royalists, Nov. 13, 1779. (S. Ap.) McCan, Andrew - Queen's Rangers, August 1779. McCan, Edward - King's American Regiment, July 25, 1779. McCaskill, Alexander - Royal North Carolina Regt., 1779. (S. Ap.) McCrea, Creighton - Queen's Rangers, October 1781. McDiarmid, Angus - 2 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade. McDonald, Archibald - Maryland Loyalists, 1777. McDonald, Donald - Royal Garrison Battalion, Sept. 19, 1782. (S. Ap.) McDonald, James (promoted) - Prince of Wales American Regt. (m. Nov. 11, 1777.) Macdonald, John - Young Royal Highland Emigrants, Oct. 7, 1776. Macdonald, Kenneth - Young Royal High. Emigrants, June 14, 1775. McDonald, Lauchlan - Loyal American Regiment, Jan. 5, 1782. (S. Ap.) McDonald, Sorle - British Legion. (S. Ap.) McDonald, Thomas - Royal North Carolina Regiment, 1779. (S.) McDonald, Archibald - Royal North Carolina Regt., 1779. McDugall, Samuel - Royal Garrison Batt., Sept. 28, 1782. (S. Ap.) McEachern, Archibald - North Carolina Highlanders, 1781; Royal North Carolina Regt. (S.) McFarland, William (promoted) - 3 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade. McGinnis, Richard - West Jersey Vol., Mar. 25, 1778; 3 New Jersey Vol. (S. Ap.) McGregor, John (promoted) - New York Volunteers, August 25, 1777. McKay, Hector (promoted) - Queen's Rangers, 1776. (S.) Mackay, Hugh (promoted) - Queen's Rangers, May 21, 1778. McKay, Malcolm - North Carolina Highlanders, 1781. (S. Ap.) McKethen, Dougald (promoted) - Royal North Carolina Regt., 1779. (S. Ap.) McKenzie, Roderick - King's Orange Rangers, 1776. McLain, Hector - Young Royal Highland Emigrants, June 14, 1775. McLean, Alexander - Young Royal High. Emig., Dec. 25, 1776. (S.) McLean, Archibald (promoted) - New York Volunteers, Oct. 7, 1777. McMichael, Wm. A. - Pennsylvania Loyalists, April 29, 1778. McNally, Michael - December, 1782. (S.) McNab, Allan (promoted) - Queen's Rangers, 1776. (S. Ap.) McNeil, John - Royal North Carolina Regiment, July 14, 1781. McPherson, John - Maryland Loyalists, Nov. 14, 1777. McQuarrie, Lachlan - Young Royal Highland Emig., April 9, 1778. McVean, Colin - 4 New Jersey Volunteers, April 17, 1777. McWillie, John - Royal Garrison Battaion, Dec. 25, 1781. (S.) Nase, Henry - King's American Regt., April 4, 1783. Nealie, John (promoted) - 1 Battalion DeLancey's Brigade. Needham, John - Loyal Nova Scotia Vol., March 13, 1778. (S. Ap.) Ness, John (promoted) - Prince of Wales American Regt., Nov. 9, 1777. Noble, John - Loyal American Regt., 1777. Odea, James - Loyal American Legion, Nov. 5, 1781. (S. Ap.) O'Haleran, John - Carolina King's Rangers, 1779. Old, Nicholas Emanuel - 1 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade. Oldfield, Thomas (promoted) - Black Pioneers, Dec. 7, 1776. (S. Ap.) Olding, Nicholas Perdue (promoted) - Loyal American Regt., 1777. (S.) Ormond, George (promoted) - Queen's Rangers, 1776. Parker, J. Frederick - Volunteers of Ireland, Oct. 1781. (S. Ap.) Pearis, Richard - Carolina King's Rangers, Feb. 8, 1781. (S. Ap.) Pendred, George (promoted) - Queen's Rangers, Sept. 20, 1777. Phinney, Francis (promoted) - Loyal New Englanders, 1779. (S. Ap.) Place, James (promoted) - Prince of Wales Amer. Regt., Ap. 18, 1778. (S.) Pollard, Benjamin - 2 Batt. DeLancey's. Killed Savannah, Oct. 4, 1779. Potts, Stephen - Pennsylvania Loyalists, June 30, 1783. Prevost, George A. - Carolina King's Rangers, 1779. Proctor, George - Queen's Rangers, Sept. 17, 1777. (S.) Purdy, David (promoted) - King's American Regt. Rainbird, Thomas - Prince of Wales Amer. Regt., Nov. 28, 1778. Ransford, Mark - Volunteers of Ireland, Dec. 1778. (S. Ap.) Reed, Leonard (promoted) - King's American Regt. (S. Ap.) Reid, John - 5 New Jersey Vol., Apl. 1, 1777; Provincial Light Infantry, 1780. (S. Ap.) Rice, James - West Jersey Vol., March 23, 1778. (S. Ap.) Richardson, John - New York Vol., Ap. 20, 1783. Robertson, James - Young Royal High. Emig., Oct. 30, 1776. Robertson, William - Georgia Loyalists, 1779; Carolina King's Rangers, June 1782. Robins, John - 1 New Jersey Vol., July 1, 1776; Rogers' King's Rangers. Robins, William - 1 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade. (S.) Robinson, Christopher - Queen's Rangers, October, 1783 (S.) Robinson, Frederick Phillipse - Loyal American Regt., Aug. 1778. (S.) Robinson, John (promoted) - Loyal American Regt., Nov. 15, 1777. (S.) Robinson, Robert (promoted) - Loyal American Regiment, June 23, 1778; Provincial Light Infantry, 1780. Robinson, Thomas - Loyal American Regt., Jan. 2, 1782. Rogers, Nehemiah (promoted) - 1 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade. (S. Ap.) Ross, John - Queen's Rangers, August 25, 1780. Ross, Matthias (promoted) - Prince of Wales American Regt. (S. Ap.) Ryder, Stephen - 4 New Nersey Volunteers, July 1782. (S.) Ryerson, Joseph (promoted) - Prince of Wales American Regt., Oct. 1781. Sargent, Henry P. - Volunteers of Ireland, Dec. 1778. (S.) Sargent, John (promoted) - King's American Regiment. (S.) Saxton, John (promoted) - Royal Garrison Battalion, May 10, 1781. Seaton, Christopher - Young Royal High. Emigrants, Apl. 9, 1777. (S. Ap.) Seaton, Robert E. - British Legion, Oct. 1780. (S.) Selleck, Noah - 3 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade, August, 1780. (S. Ap.) Shadwell, Edward (promoted) - Royal Garrison Battalion. (S. Ap.) Shannon, Daniel (promoted) - 3 New Jersey Volunteers, 1778. (S. Ap.) Shaw, John (promoted) - Royal North Carolina Regt., 1779. Shreve, Thomas - 2 Batt. DeLancey's, Sept. 23, 1776; and 1 Batt. DeLancey's, Sept. 23, 1782. Skinner, Jonathan D. - 1 New Jersey Vol., June 1782. (S.) Skinner, Philip - 1 New Jersey Volunteers, June 1782. (S. p. 345) Simonson, John (promoted) - 4 New Jersey Volunteers, April 12, 1777. (S. Ap.) Simpson, Robert - Royal North Carolina Regt., 1779. (S.) Smith, Samuel (promoted) - Queen's Rangers, 1776. (S. Ap.) Sorrell, William - 4 New Jersey Volunteers, Aug. 25, 1780. Sperry, William (promoted) - Royal Garrison Battalion. (S. Ap.) Stanley, Thomas - Emmerick's Chasseurs, May 25, 1778; British Legion. (S.) St. John, Thomas - Royal Garrison Battalion. Stephens, Richard - Hierlihy's Corps, 1777. Stevenson, Edward - Black Pioneers, April 5, 1782. Stevenson, John (promoted) - Black Pioneers, Dec. 13, 1778. Sterling, William (promoted) - Maryland Loyalists, 1777. Stewart, Alexander - Hierlihy's Corps, 1777. Stewart, Hugh (promoted) - Volunteers of Ireland, December, 1778. Stewart, John - Maryland Loyalists, October 25, 1781. Stewart, Robert - Loyal American Regiment, Feb. 23, 1779. (S. Ap.) Stockton, Charles - 1 New Jersey Vol., June 24, 1777. Stone, John - Loyal American Legion, 1781. Stretch, Samuel - West Jersey Volunteers, March 21, 1778. (S. Ap.) Supple, James (promoted) - 1 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade, Nov. 1st, 1777. Sutherland, George - South Carolina Loyalists, 1779. (S.) Sutherland, William (promoted) - Royal Garrison Battalion. (S. Ap.) Swanton, George - West Jersey Vol., Jan. 25, 1778; 3 New Jersey Volunteers. Swords, Richard - Loyal American Regiment, April, 1778. Thomas, George - King's American Regiment. (S. Ap.) Thompson, Cornelius - 6 New Jersey Volunteers, 1777; 2 New Jersey Volunteers, 1778. (S. Ap.) Thompson, James - Volunteers of Ireland. (S. Ap.) Thompson, John (promoted) - 1 New Jersey Vol., Dec. 1, 1776. (S. Ap.) Thompson, Lewis - 3 New Jersey Vol., Feb. 1782. Thomson, John (promoted) - Volunteers of Ireland, Dec. 1778. (S. Ap.) Todd, Cortland - Pennsylvania Loyalists, April 29, 1778. (S. Ap.) Townsend, Benjamin - New York Volunteers. Upham, John Murray - Volunteers of New England, 1781. VanAllen, Henry - 4 New Jersey Volunteers, May 1782. (S.) VanBuskirk, Thomas - King's Orange Rangers, 1776. VanCortlandt, Jacob O. - Loyal American Regt., Jan. 4, 1782. (S.) VanCortlandt, Philip - 4 New Jersey Volunteers, 1779. (S. Ap.) VanHorn, William - South Carolina Royalists, 1779. (S. & S. Ap.) VanNorden, John (promoted) - 4 New Jersey Volunteers, April 16, 1777. VanNostrand, Albert - 3 Batt. DeLancey's. Resigned Aug. 26, 1779. Vaughan, Levin - Maryland Loyalists, July 30, 1783. Vincent, Elijah - Royal Guides and Pioneers, 1783. (S. Ap.) Waldron, Lefford - Georgia Loyalists, Carolina King's Rangers, June 1782. (S. Ap.) Walker, Thomas (promoted) - New York Volunteers. Walkins, William - King's American Regiment. Wallace, Hugh - British Legion, 1780. (S.) Ward, Benjamin (promoted) - Loyal American Regiment, Oct. 7, 1777. (S.) Ward, John (promoted) - Loyal American Regiment, March 28, 1777. Ward, Joshua - Prince of Wales American Regt., April 18, 1783. Wardlaw, John - Queen's Rangers, October 1779. Waugh, David - South Carolina Royalists, Nov. 13, 1779. (S. Ap.) Westropp, John (promoted) - Prince of Wales American Regt., 1779. Whitley, Charles D. - Volunteers of Ireland. Whitley, David - Volunteers of Ireland, Dec. 1778. Wickham, John - King's American Regiment. Williamson, Robert - Prince of Wales American Regt., Dec. 1782. (S. Ap.) Willis, John (promoted) - 3 New Jersey Volunteers. Wilmot, Malcolm - 4 New Jersey Volunteers, Feb. 1783. (S. Ap.) Wilson, John (promoted) - Queen's Rangers, Sept. 12, 1777. (S. Ap.) Wilson, John (promoted) - Volunteers of Ireland, Dec. 1778. (S.) Woodward, John - 1 New Jersey Volunteers, Sept. 1780. Wormeley, John - 1 Batt. DeLancey's Brigade. Wright, _______ - South Carolina Royalists, 1779. (S. Ap.) Young, John (promoted) - King's American Regiment. Mates Naval Corps of Armed Boatmen, Etc. Baker, Anthony - Armed Boatmen, 1782. Castle, William - Armed Boatmen, 1782. Demayne, William - Armed Boatmen, June 23, 1781. Dunbar, William - Armed Boarmen, Jan. 6, 1783. Ellis, Hugh - Armed Boatmen, Dec. 1, 1781. Emmerson, Peter - Armed Boatmen, Feb. 24, 1782. Ireland, Thomas - Armed Boatmen, Sept. 5, 1781. Major, Severn (promoted) - Armed Boatmen, October 1, 1781. Osburn, Samuel - Armed Boatmen, 1782. Peterkin, David - Armed Boatmen, November 8, 1781. (S. Ap.) Rice, James - Armed Boatmen, July 20, 1781. Selleck, Charles - Armed Boatmen, 1782. (S.) Shannon, John - Armed Boatmen, August 2, 1781. Thompson, Matthew - Armed Boatmen, November 8, 1781. Ward, Edmund - Armed Boatmen, 1782.