1862 City Directory, African Americans Names: R. Brown through J. Brooke ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. http://www.usgenwebarchives.org ************************************************************************ This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Patricia Chittams email: Rider397@aol.com June 07, 2000 ================================================================= Name Occupation Address Brown, Robert Laborer 245 20th West Brown, Robert Laborer NY Ave bet. 12th and 13th Brown, Sarah M. Seamstress Alley bet L and M North Brown, Thomas Driver 379 M north Brown, William Farmer 8th West N R North Brown, William Laborer 425 2nd East Brown, William Laborer 432 11th West Brown, William H. Eatingstand 414 and 415 Centre Market h. D South N 5th East Browne, Samuel Hairdresser 469 12th West Bruce, Charles Hackdriver 77 E South Bruce, Charles Laborer 418 11th West Bruce, George Laborer Bds 493 D South Bruce, Robert Teamster 569 3d West Bruce, Susan, Widow Washerwoman 426 L North Bryan, Lee Laborer 246 E North Bryant, Elizabeth 209 E North Bryant, George 185 F North Buchanan, Daniel Laborer Willow-tree Alley Buoy, Edward Laborer 204 3rd West Bouy, William Carpenter 278 2nd West Burch, Catherine Chambermaid Alley bet. 15th and 16th Burgess, Teresa Confectionary 406 4th West Burk, Mary 56 G South Burke, Albert Laborer 253 20th West Burke, J. Laborer K North n Bridge Burl, Elizabeth Washer 415 G North Burles, Everline Cook bds 14th West N L North Burley, Sarah widow Washerwoman 399 8th West Burley, Thomas R. Whitewasher 296 I North Burnett, Ephraim Fireman National Hotel 70 Washington Burns, William Baker 841 C South Burr, Winney New York Av bet. 20th And 21st West Burrel, George Laborer 21st West N M North Bush, Thomas Hackdriver 392 N North Butcher, Edward Driver Bds 50 G South Butcher, James Laborer bds 50 G South Butler, Ann Seamstress C North Cor 2d Wast Butler, Barbary Seamstress 312 10th West Butler, Benjamin Laborer 604 9th West Butler, Cerine 616 3rd West Butler, David Brickmaker Del Av n F South Butler, Elizabeth Seamstress 351 L North Branaham, Mary Washing 234 L North Brannan, L Laborer 495 13th West Brasom, Benj. Laborer 387 11th West Brent, Eliza wid Moses 130 A South Brent, Elton Laborer 183 F North Brent, John Messender 2d Auditor 18th West Cor L Brewer, Joseph W. Waiter 455 8th West Brein, Jemima 8th East n B South Bright, Francis Laborer 21 Jackson Hall Alley Briscoe, Henry Laborer 516 N north Briscoe, Rachel wid Thomas 70 Washington Briscoe, Thomas Laborer E south n 9th west Briscoe, William Shipcarpenter 48 F South Brogdon, C 232 L north Brokenbury, Mary L north a 18th Brooke, James Shoemaker 347 E