July 11, 1898 - Evening Times ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. http://www.usgenwebarchives.org ************************************************************************ Buildings, Residence 1623 13th st., nw . telephone 1593 _________ Legal Notice: Estate of Henry WEX, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. No 8,310 Admin. Doc 24. Issued July 8, 1898 Application has been made to the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, holding a special term for Orphans' Court business, for the probate as a will of real estate of a certain paperwriting by Emma J. Wex, the executrix therein named, this is to give notice to all concerned to appear in said court on Friday, the 12th day of August, A.D. 1898, at 10 o'clock a.m. to show cause why such application should not be granted. Attest: J. Nota McGill, Register of Wills, D.C. July 11, 1898 - Evening Times: Different businesses - If you want the ad, I have it. Printing & bookbinding - G.E. Williams Wallpapering - F. G. Nolte Auctioneer - L. G. Sinclair Collection Attorney - H. D. Gordon Wallpaperer - William V. Mahoney Realtors - Bieber & Howenstein Realtors - Jordan and Richardson Realtors - William H. Saunders & Co. Realtors - Arthur Carr (Hyattsville) Realtors - Collins & Gaddis Poultry Yards - Brookland Poultry Yards, R. C. Booth, Manager Renting Room: Mrs. Kennelly Stables: Preston Stables Dr. Czarra: Specialist in the cure of all Private, Blood and Skin Diseases, Hemorrhoids, Stricture, Impotence and Syphilis positively cured. Consultation and advice free and strictly confidential to both sees. Hours, 2-6. Closed Sunday. 619 Pa ave., nw: Metropolitan Block ________ Mrs. Dr. Renner., Specialist In obstetrics, gold medal awarded for the science of obstetrics from the University of Munich, Bavaria, treat successfully woman's complications and irregularities; private sanitarium for ladies, before and during confinement. Infants adopted. Office hours, 3 to 7 p.m. 619 Pa ave., nw, Metropolitan Block, Washington, D.C. __________ Dr. Leatherman, expert specialist in the cure of all private diseases, hydrocele, Varicole, Stricture, Impotency and Syphilitic Diseases positively cured. Advice and Consultation Free. Both Sexes. 602 F St., NW Madam Alviah- Washington's most famous card reader and medium; gives good luck; fee .25 and .50. No 113 K st., nw ______ Mme. Davis, born clairvoyant and card reader, tells about business, removes spells and evil influences, reuinties the separated and gives luck to all; cures piles and drunkeness. 1228 25th st., nw. ________ Romany Rye, Gypsy Queen, reveals past present and future; reading .25. Store: 1131 7th st nw. ___________ Mme Theo, medium and card reader. Washington's most famous Clairvoyant and Palmist. Consult her on business, love and family affairs, reunites the separated, removes spells, causes speedy marriages and gives good luck. Open daily. German spoken: .25 and . 50. 929 H St., NW