DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - NEWSPAPERS - The Evening Star, June 2, 1854 ----¤¤¤¤---- The Evening Star June 2, 1854 pg. 3 ESCAPE OF PRISONERS.-Frank Camper, who was convicted of the murder of Ragan, some time since, and Joseph Allamander, a noted burglar, escaped from the penitentiary in this city, this morning about 6 o'clock. The Warden has offered a reward of two hundred dollars for their apprehension. We learn that Camper and Allamander scaled the prison wall by means of a long bar of from which they had crooked at one end sufficiently to clasp the top of the wall. We give a description of the fugitives for the benefit of the officers: Frank Camper: sallow complexion; black hair; hazle eyes; large scar on upper lip, from right nostril to the mouth; one upper front tooth out; profusely marked with India ink on both arms, among them a representation of the crucifixion on the right arm, in red and blue, about 28 years old; 5 feet 5 1/2 inches high: foot, 9 1/2 inches long; altogether a powerfully-built man. Joseph Allamander: moderately fair complexion; grey eyes; light brown hair; about 40 years old; 5 feet 7 1/2 inches high; foot, 10 inches long; small scar under right eye; broad shoulders; remarkably symmetrical in form; has lost the end of the second toe of right foot. We learn that they were traced as far as the old mansion house, where they were lost sight of. We are of the opinion that the number of wall guards should be increased, so that they could relieve each other day and night. A man on guard all night is not fitted for that service all the next day; but they do duty day and night. The escape of the prisoners is not the fault of any officer or guard of the prison. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Margy Bousman mbousman7@cox.net ___________________________________________________________________