The Washington Times Saturday, September 7, 1901 ****************************************************************** File transcribed and contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Debi Remer ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ************************************************************************ In and About the City One marriage License Issued. A marriage license was issued yesterday to William E. Council and Lucy F. Stringfield, both of Smithfield, Va. Desertion Alleged by a Wife Proceedings for divorce were filed yesterday by Catherine P. Hopkins against her husband, Stephen I. Hopkins, on the ground of desertion in October, 1897, and two month later Mrs. Hopkins declares the defendant deserted her. Wanted on a Charge of Larceny The police have been asked to look out for Malcom H. Gall, aged twenty-eight years, wanted on charge of larceny at Haverhill, Mass. A despatch received at Headquarters last night describes Gall as follows: "Five feet, eight inches tall, weight 150 pounds; light hair and blue eyes." It is said the fugitive stole $1,000 in Haverhill. A Wife Alleges Desertion Proceedings for divorce were instituted in the Supreme Court of the District yesterday by Henrietta C. S. Frazier against her husband, Samuel M. Frazier, on the ground of desertion. The parties were married in Cumberland, MD., in July 1893, and lived together until October 1896. Mrs. Frazier states that since he deserted her the defendant has not contributed to her support. Peyton Gordon is named as counsel for the petitioner. Two Versions of a Case Detective Browne has arrested Lucien E. Jones, aged twenty-six years, on a charge of larceny. Charles C. McCauley, a grocer, at 27 H Street, northeast, is complainant in the case. According to the latter, Jones secured $10.00 from him on the promise of delivering at his store ten rolls of wrapping paper. The paper has not reached McCauley, who made complaint after waiting several days for Jones to deliver it. Jones, on the other hand, cliams to have borrowed $10.00 from McCauley, and says he will repay the money. A Husband Seriously Accused Mrs. Florence A. Butler, in a petition filed yesterday in the Supreme Court of the District, declares that several times during the past year her husband, William A. Butler, has threatened to kill her, and for this reason she asks to be granted a divorce from him. She states that his threats keep her in constant fear of his doing her bodily harm. It is stated that the parties were married in this city in 1897, and for more than a year Mrs. Butler says her husband has not supported her. Joseph F. Collins is named as counsel for the complainant. Seeking the Accoster of Women The police of the Ninth precinct station are searching for an unknown man, about sixty years old, who is accused of insulting young girls on the street. The description of this individual has been sent to all the stations. According to reports to the police the man insulted several girls near Fourteenth and H streeets northeast Wednesday evening, and has since been seen in the same neighborhood. It is supposed the stranger is an old soldier from the fact that he wore a portion of an old uniform when last seen. The Death Record The following deaths for twenty four hours were reported at the Health Department up to noon yesterday: Virginia A. Bond, 74 years, Maranda Blair, 50 years, Sarah Hardy,50 years, Maria Coran, 40 years; Jesse Richardson, 35 years; Percival T. Johnson, 26 years; May Jones, 1 year; infant of Mamie McPherson,11 months; Amelia Aramenta Underwood, 7 months, Thomas Lancelot Mathers, 3 months. Rheumatism Cured in Day "Mystic Cure: for rheumatism and neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action on the systems is remarkable and mysteriously removes at once the cause and the discomfort. The first dose costs 75 cents and $1.00. Sold by Stevens Pharmacy, Pennsylvania Avenue and Ninth Street.