DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - NEWSPAPERS- Washington Post, February 17, 1890 Page 5 ----¤¤¤¤---- The Washington Post, February 17, 1890 Page 5 A MERRY WEDDING FETE. In a crowded edifice, with the solemn words of the minister falling upon a heavily perfumed and flower-laden air, Mr. Harry King, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. King, was wedded to Miss Hattie Rosenthal, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.S. Rosenthal, yesterday evening at the Eighth-street Temple. There could not have been a more certain testimonial to the popularity of the happy couple than the large number of persons who witnessed the ceremony. Not only was every seat occupied in the sanctuary, but the aisles were crowded, and many were unable to even gain admission to the church…. …The latter, as she approached the altar, was accompanied by her parents. She is a petite brunette of handsome features and charming manners, and wore a trained white faille dress, with lilies of the valley and diamonds for ornaments. Her mother, Mrs. Rosenthal, wore black silk with diamonds, and Mrs. King, the mother of the groom, was attired in black net with diamonds. The impressive ritual of the Hebrew Church was read with marked solemnity by the rabbi of the congregation Rev. L. Stern,… At the conclusion of the ceremony the bridal party was driven to Edel’s Hall, on E street, where a dinner and reception were held…. Mr. Sam King, brother of the groom, who acted as master of ceremonies,… Simon Wolf responded to the first toast, … followed by Mr. Beriah Wilkins, Mr. Solomon Wright, and others. Mr. King and his wife left on the 11 o’clock train for New York, on an extended honeymoon tour. … upon their return will occupy a handsomely furnished house at No. 1024 Eighth street, northwest. Mr. King, who is one of the foremost young business men of the city, having been associated with his father for many years at King’s palace, will engage in business for himself on Market Space, … … Mr. Nathan Schoss, of New York, an uncle of the groom, sent a check for $500, … The ushers at the wedding, which was the most notable ever known in Hebrew circles here, were Samuel King, Samuel Wallach, Joseph King, Harry Kaufman, Nat. King, of Newark; Alexander Wolf, Henry Oppenheimer, of New York; Harry Franc, Silas Rosenthal, and Lewis Openheimer. (Note: many of the guests were listed.) Social Chit-Chat. The wedding of Mr. William H. Manogue and Miss Lizzie McCaffery will take place at Trinity Church, West Washington, at 1 o’clock this afternoon, and the ceremony will be performed by Rev. Father S.A. Kelly, who will be assisted by Rev. Aloysius Roccofort. There will be no bridesmaids or best man, and the bride will be attired in a traveling dress of gray cloth. At the conclusion of the ceremony the bride and groom will leave for New York, and will be at their home, at 519 East Capitol street, to their friends on Wednesdays after March 1. Mr. Manogue is a well-known citizen of Georgetown, being the senior member of the firm of Manogue & Jones, doing business at the corner of High and Bridge streets, and Miss McCaffery is a daughter of the well-known East Washington contractor, Mr. Hugh McCaffery. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Bonnie McDonald bonniemcd@sbcglobal.net ___________________________________________________________________