DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - NEWSPAPERS- Washington Post, February 20, 1890 Pages 5, 6, 8 ----¤¤¤¤---- The Washington Post, February 20, 1890 Pages 5, 6, 8 Society—excerpt An event of much interest for February 22 is a tea to be given at Miss Ransom’s studio, 915 F street, from 4 to 10 o’clock, for The Post’s Mary Washington monument fund. Society ladies will assist in receiving, with twenty young ladies, many of them in Mary Washington gowns; gentlemen in Continental costumes, old-time plantation melodies, a splendid supper, dancing, and the presence of Mrs. Talmadge, a great grandniece of Washington’s, and many of the Masonic fraternity, who will call during the evening. Mrs. Clarkson, wife of the Assistant Postmaster General, who was the first to subscribe to the Mary Washington monument fund, will contribute to the tea on the 22d and assist in receiving. Tickets for sale at Morrison’s bookstore, 1334 F street. Pythian Grand Lodge. Opening of the Annual Session Last Night in Grand Army Hall. The Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias of the District of Columbia met in annual session at G.A.R. Hall last night, Grand Chancellor William Brockhazen presiding. The following officers of the Grand Lodge were present: E.C. Gill, G.V.C.; ___ Henney, G.P.H.; W.H. Mohler, G.M. of Ex.; A.F. Medford, G.K. of R. and S.; W.F. Mockbee, G.M. of Arms; Turner, G.I.G.; Hall, G.O.G. The regular order of business was suspended and a charter granted to Capital Lodge, No. 24; then representatives were duly admitted. The report of the Grand Chancellor was a voluminous document, full of true Pythian principles and solid advice to the order. The order has increased in the District 20 per cent during the past year, and $5,000,000 have been paid to widows and orphans through the endowment rank since its organization. Another session will be held to-night at 7:30 o’clock. Suing for His Son. A Question of Relationship to be Settled by the Courts. Justice Montgomery yesterday granted a writ of habeas corpus directed to Charles C. Kimball and returnable before him today at 3 p.m. The petitioner, Rufus I. Eckerson, states that he is the father of Edgar Eckerson, now under the exclusive control of Charles C. Kimball at 437 O street northwest, and who denies the petitioner’s right to the child. Mr. Eckerson states that he is about to remove permanently to Portland, Ore., and wishes to take the child with him, but that Kimball declines to deliver his son to him. The child is but fourteen month’s old and has been in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Kimball, its grandparents, since the death of Mrs. Eckerson. Transfers of Real Estate. (excerpts) W.F. Luckett to R.F. Wainwright… T.E. Waggaman to D. O’Leary… A. Wylie to W.H. Bowman…, Trinidad. Mary S. Hill to George Hill, jr…. T.F. Schneider to H.A. Kohr… John Cassels to G.W. Cochran… C. Witmer to T.B. Harrison… Julia E. Condict to G.H. Gleason… G.H. Gleason to A. Gleason… J.E. Berry to G.W. McLanahan…, Kalorama. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Bonnie McDonald bonniemcd@sbcglobal.net ___________________________________________________________________