DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - NEWSPAPERS - The Washington Post, January 21, 1896, pg. 7 ----¤¤¤---- The Washington Post, January 21, 1896, pg. 7 Col. Gordon’s Orders for Private Friday Drills at Fort Myer. Considerable comment has been made on the recent order of Col. Gordon, of the Sixth Cavalry, making the Friday afternoon exhibition drills at Fort Myer open to only invited guests. The Colonel gives the public the opportunity to witness the duties on three other days. The officers at the post do not take kindly to the order, and one or two of them have stated that it was mistake to announce “private drills, admission by card only.” Last Friday the drill hall was overrun by the large number of people who wanted to see the crack riders of the Sixth, and several friends of the officers were unable to secure seats. This is said to have caused the Colonel to issue the order; still it is doubtful if any one of respectability will be turned away if he ventures to attend a Friday drill. Gen. Miles was asked if the order was in accordance with the regulations. He said: “I have not seen the order, but have no doubt that it is all right. A post commander can keep the public off the reservation if he thinks it desirable in the interest of discipline. I presume the hall was overcrowded, and to insure safety, the number of spectators has been limited. Then objectionable people may have been attending the exhibitions, and, of course, the Colonel has authority to exclude them.” The Washington Post, January 21, 1896, pg. 7 Installation of Dr. Williams. At the Metropolitan Baptist Church, corner Sixth and A streets northeast, to- night occurs recognition services to the new pastor, Rev. Granville Williams, D. D., who preached yesterday morning and evening for the first time. Rev. Dr. Greene, of Calvary, will deliver the address of welcome; Dr. Stakely, of the First Church, the charge, and other Baptist pastors will participate. Dr. Muir, of E Street Church, will preside. Dr. Williams will respond to the welcome extended to him by Baptist pastors and friends of other churches, and his own congregation. At the conclusion of the services an informal reception will occur to Dr. Williams and wife. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Jamie M. Perez jamiemac@flash.net ___________________________________________________________________