DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - NEWSPAPERS - The Washington Post, January 22, 1896, pg. 2 ----¤¤¤---- The Washington Post, January 22, 1896, pg. 2 NO CAUSE FOR COMPAINT. Michael Connor Must Content Himself with a $2,000 Verdict. Justice Shepard, of the Court of Appeals, yesterday rendered an opinion in the case of Michael Connor, appellant, vs. Richard T. Meany, which was an appeal from a judgment in an action to recover $2,000 under contract for services in the sale of land. In this case the jury returned a sealed verdict for the plaintiff of $2,000, which did not include a separate statement as to interest. The jury, it was found, did not understand that this was the rule, and the court told the jury that the plaintiff was, in the case of a verdict for him, entitled also to interest from date of commencement of the suit. Upon hearing a motion for a new trial, the court stated that he would grant a new trial unless the plaintiff remitted the interest. This was done, and the motion overruled, whereat Connor appealed. Justice Shepard says the court finds no ground for the appeal. The verdict for the principal sum was regular, and if any one had reason to complain it was the appellee. The judgment is, therefore, affirmed, with costs to the appellee, Meany. The Washington Post, January 22, 1896, pg. 2 SEEKS TO SAVE HIMSELF. David Strauss Secures a Receiver For His Clothing Store. David Strauss yesterday brought a bill for dissolution of partnership against Marx Marx, the parties being clothing and furnishing merchants at 441 Seventh street. They entered the business in September, 1875. In June, 1895, the bill says, the complainant advanced $1,080 to the firm out of his own money, and this has not been repaid. The firm is also indebted for merchandise in about $17,000, while the assets are between $12,000 and $14,000. Irreconciliable [sic] differences have lately risen between the partners as to the manner of conducting the business, and Strauss asks for an accounting, a preference of the assets to satisfy his claim, and a receiver. Isaac herman was yesterday appointed to fill this position. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Jamie M. Perez jamiemac@flash.net ___________________________________________________________________