DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - NEWSPAPERS - The Washington Post, January 22, 1896, pg. 2 ----¤¤¤---- The Washington Post, January 22, 1896, pg. 2 FOR AND AGAINST WEALTH. Columbian Debaters Will Argue the Case Parliamentarily. Through its President, Mr. Laban Sharks, the Columbian Law School Debating Society has issued invitations for the second of this year’s series of public debates, which will occur in the lecture-room of the university on the 25th instant. The subject for debate, a resolution in favor of a limit to the accumulation of wealth, and of the debaters, Messrs. W. Oldfield, J. Zimmerman, and C. K. Macey, for the affirmative, and Frank Kelper, William E. Fort, and W. L. Symons, for the negative, have already drawn greater interest to this public exhibition of the work of the society than has been evidenced in any previous debate. As three of the instructors, Prof. William a. Maury, Prof. William G. Johnson, and Prof. Lee D. Dodge, are the judges of the contest, the debate has assumed a decidedly Columbian tone. There will be incidental music by the University Mandolin, Banjo and Glee Club. The Washington Post, January 22, 1896, pg. 2 Reception to Grand Master Needham. The colored Odd Fellows of the District of Columbia, who are holding an anniversary festival at their hall on M street, between Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets, will give a grand reception to-night in honor of the Grand Master of the Order in the United States, M. V. P. James F. Needham, of Philadelphia. The address of welcome will be made by Robert H. Terrell, of this city, and there will be a response by the Grand Master. The Washington Post, January 22, 1896, pg. 2 Improved Order of Heptasophs. At a meeting of Columbia Conclave, No. 11, held Monday evening at Scottish Rite Hall, 1007 G street northwest, the following officers were installed by Deputy Supreme Archons E. Ottenheimer and W. M. Rahe, of Baltimore; Past Archon, E. H. Brown; Archon, Peter J. Meehan; Provost, W. D. Rummel; Prelate, John Hogan; Secretary, J. S. Tomlinson; Financier, William H. Knotts; Treasurer, W. H. Hodges; Inspector, P. J. O’Dea; Warder, George M. Thomas; Sentinel, E. L. Ross; trustees, George M. Thomas, E. B. Osborne, and Samuel C. Mills. The Washington Post, January 22, 1896, pg. 2 Florence Crittenden Mission Meetings. Under the auspices of the National Florence Crittenden Missions, Mrs. Kate Waller Barrett, National Organizer, and the Hope and Help Mission, Mrs. Sarah D. La Fetra, President, rescue meetings will be inaugurated, with Mrs. Charlton Edholm, National Evangelist, as one of the speakers. Mrs. Edholm is highly recommended by Miss Willard, Lady Henry Somerset, Charles N. Crittenden, and Dr. Parkhurst, and has had success in many cities of our land. Mrs. Barrett and Mrs. Edholm will speak on the “Traffic in Girls and Florence Crittenden Missions” at a drawing-room meeting, at 3 o’clock Thursday afternoon, at the home of Mrs. Judge Kimball, 620 North Carolina avenue southeast, and Friday night at the Eastern Presbyterian Church. Rev. Dr. Easton, pastor, on Capitol Hill. A mass meeting will be held at 3 o’clock Sunday afternoon at the First Congregational Church. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Jamie M. Perez jamiemac@flash.net ___________________________________________________________________