DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - NEWSPAPERS - The Washington Post, January 22, 1896, pg. 4 ----¤¤¤---- The Washington Post, January 22, 1896, pg. 4 The annual meeting of the National Safe Deposit, Savings, and Trust Company of the District of Columbia was held on Monday. The following directors were elected: Benjamin P. Snyder, Albert L. Sturtevant, George H. Plant, Henry A. Willard, John G. Parke, George T. Dunlop, Andrew Wylie, Zenas C. Robbins, Matthew G. Emery, James M. Johnston, Robert O. Holtzman, William E. Edmonston, E. Francis Riggs, John F. Rodgers, Lewis Clephane, Thomas Hyde, Woodbury Blair, Thomas R. Jones, John Cammack, and W. Riley Deeble. The new board organized by the selection of Benjamin P. Snyder, President; Thomas Hyde, First Vice President; James M. Johnston, Second Vice President; Thomas R. Jones, Third Vice President and executive officer; E. Francis Riggs, Treasurer, and Albert L. Sturtevant, Secretary; executive committee, President Snyder, Andrew Wylie, Woodbury Blair, Robert O. Holtzman, Albert L. Sturtevant, and W. Riley Deeble. The Washington Post, January 22, 1896, pg. 4 SONS OF OLD SOLDIERS. Annual Banquet of Gen. John C. Fremont Camp, No. 33. The members of Gen. John C. Fremont Camp, No. 33, met at Freund’s, 815 Tenth street northwest, last night, for the purpose of installing officers for the ensuing term, as follows: Captain, William H. Moore; First Lieutenant, J. K. B. Vose; Second Lieutenant, S. S. Morgan; camp council, S. H. Jacobson, C. C. Billings, and Lewis Thompson; First Sergeant, Charles F. Consaul; Chaplain, S. H. Jacobson; Quartermaster Sergeant, S. T. Cameron; Color Sergeant, Fred. Benjamin. The installing officer was Past Col. O. L. Suess. After the installation the camp and the invited guests repaired to the banquet hall. Capt. Cameron acted as toast master, introducing the following speakers: “Sons of Veterans, Patriotic Sons of Patriotic Sires,” Comrade Arthur Hendricks; “Department of the Potomac, Grand Army of the Republic,” Comrade John McElroy; “Old Glory,” Representative R. W. Blue, of Kansas; “G. A. R.,” Gen. George Spalding, member of Congress, of Michigan; “The Blue and the Gray,” Corp. James Tanner. Among those present were Representatives George Spalding, of Michigan; R. W. Blue, of Kansas; Corp. James Tanner, Comrades Arthur Hendricks, John McElroy, Tipton, Past Commander William A. Bartlett, of Maryland; Headquarters, Division of Maryland, Sons of Veterans, U. S. A., was represented by Quartermaster Irby W. Reid; Past Cols. E. R. Campbell and O. L. Suess; Capts. E. L. Chapman, Shelton T. Cameron, S. Hancock Jacobson, Jennings B. Wilson, Edward DuPuy, Edward French, Messrs. O’Neill, Donnelly, Brock, Moore, Anderson, Billings, Vose, Allen, Thompson, Terry, Morgan, Benjamin Spalding, Consaul, Russ, James Tanner, jr., Marble, L. H. Dyer, Fred Dyer, and Colhoun. During the evening the company was entertained by the rendition of “The Star Spangled Banner” and other patriotic songs by Messrs. Perry B. Turpin and George Terry, with Mr. Arthur D. Mayo as the accompanist. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Jamie M. Perez jamiemac@flash.net ___________________________________________________________________