DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - NEWSPAPERS - The Washington Post, January 22, 1896, pg. 8 ----€€€---- The Washington Post, January 22, 1896, pg. 8 LOOKING TOWARD LIBERIA Annual Meeting of the American Colonization Society. They Hold that Africa Is the Natural Habitat of the Negro – Will Assist All Who Desire to Return to the Home of Their Ancestors. The American Colonization Society met yesterday in annual session at the Colonization Bureau corner of Four-and-a-half and the Avenue. Officers for the ensuing year were elected, reports received, and the announcements of committees made, together with various other minor matters which affect the future colonization of the Dark Continent. The meeting was preceded by a meeting of the board of directors of the society, which met at noon, and was called to order by the President, Bishop Henry F. Potter, of New York. A committee to examine into the credentials of the delegates was appointed, consisting of Reginald Fendall, Dr. G. W. Sampson, and G. W. S. Hall. Mr. J. Ormond Wilson was appointed Secretary of the meeting. The following list of delegates was reported by the committee on credentials: Maryland Colonization Society – Mr. G. W. S. Hall, Rev. Julius C. Grammar, D. D.; Mr. Edward T. Jones, and Mr. George Forbes. Pennsylvania Colonization Society – Mr. Arthur Burton, Mr. John Welsh Dulles, and Mr. Gilbert Emley. Massachusetts Colonization Society – Rev. Daniel D. Addison. The following standing committees were announced: Education and foreign relations – Dr. Godding, Mr. Forbes, and Mr. Emley. Accounts and finance – Mr. Hall, Dr. Addison, and Mr. Wilson. Auxillary [sic] societies and agencies – Dr. Sampson, Mr. Dulles, and Dr. Sunderland. Emigration – Mr. Burton, Dr. Grammar, and Prof. Huntington. Credentials – Mr. Fendall, Dr. Sampson, and Mr. Hall. Much interest was centered on the annual report of the Secretary of the society, Mr. J. Ormond Wilson, who briefly reviewed the work of the past year and gave much interesting data about the work. Four emigrants have been sent to Liberia during the past year, while 217 more went without the aid from the society. In the seventy-four years’ existence of the society it has each year aided more emigrants to Africa than the preceding year, and it has altogether assisted more than 22,000 people to find homes in that country. The report dwelt largely with the country of Liberia itself and the life led by its inhabitants. The more intelligent class of negroes in this country are now emigrating to that portion of the globe, because they realize that there is the only place where they have a future. Its natural resources are varied, and the finding of gold lately has made it much more attractive to the world, and has caused several of the nations to make encroachments in that direction. Mr. Reginald Fendall, the Treasurer, rendered his report, which was accepted, and the directors then took a recess, in order to allow the society to meet. It first proceeded to elect officers for the next year, as follows: President, Right Rev. Henry C. Potter, D. D.; Vice Presidents, Rev. Robert Ryland, D. D.; James R. Doolittle, Mr. Samuel A. Crazer, Mr. Robert Arthington, Rev. Bishop R. S. Foster, D. D.; Mr. Samuel K. Wilson, Rev. Samuel E. Appleton, D. D.; Rev. H. M. Turner, D. D., LL.D.; Rev. William E. Schenck, D. D.; Richard W. Thompson, Rev. Bishop H. W. Warren, D. D.; Mr. Henry G. Marquand, Rev. George D. Boardman, D. D.; Rev. Bishop E. G. Andrews, D. D.; Prof. E. W. Blyden, LL. D.; Alexander B. Hagner, Rev. J. Aspinwall Hodge, D. D.; Mr. Arthur M. Barton, Rev. Leighton Parks, Rev. Edward W. Appleton, D. D.; Rev. William A. Bartlett, D. D.; Mr. Osmun Latrobe, J. C. Bancroft Davis, Right Rev. Thomas U. Dudley, D. D.; John T. Morgan, Mr. Robert B. Davidson, and Mr. Isaac T. Smith, John Scott, Rev. Lucius C. Grammar, Rev. Henry Y. Satterlee, Rev. Wallace Radcliffe, Bishop James A. Handy, Judge William H. Arnoux, Mr. George A. Pope, Mr. J. Cook, Mr. Henry M. Stanley, and Dr. Wilbur F. Paddock. The question of procuring a national charter from Congress was discussed, and many minor affairs decided upon. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Jamie M. Perez jamiemac@flash.net ___________________________________________________________________