DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - NEWSPAPERS - Mason Dinner --------------¤¤¤¤¤¤-------------- The Washington Post, February 24, 1890 Page 2 Masons at a Dinner. Veterans of the Craft Enjoy Their Annual Reunion. The fourth annual meeting of the Washington Masonic Veteran Association was held at the asylum of the Masonic Temple last Saturday evening, the anniversary of Washington’s birthday, that being the day designated in the constitution for the date of the meeting. The principal business was that of electing officers for the ensuing year, which resulted in the unanimous re-election of all the old officers, as follows: President, Jose M. Yznaga; first and second vice presidents, Noble D. Larner and R.B. Donaldson; secretary, L.G. Stephens; treasurer, James P. Pearson; stewards, James H. Trimble and Joseph Joury. The following new members were admitted: J.C. Allen, Robert Ball, Charles C. Borland, John Beck, Samuel Bien, J.P. Crowley, Samuel G. Cabell, George W. Colman, Marion P. Fisher, A.W. Hodgman, Thomas Hynes, F.T. Howsen, John P. Hamlin, William Kennedy, William MacKenzie, R.B. Nixon, Thomas M. Reed, James Sample, J.E. Smith, James D. Smith, J.W. St. Clair, E.H. Spang, Malcolm Seaton, W.R. Singleton, Rudolph Saur, Matt Trimble, W.T. Turpin, H.O. Towles, Simon Wolf, M.M. Whitney. After the transaction of the routine business, the members and guests repaired to the small lodge room, where the regular banquet was spread, and after doing full justice to the menu, the president made an address of welcome congratulating the brethren on the fact that time has dealt leniently with so many of them, and expressing the hope that they might be permitted to assemble around the festive board for many years to come. He then announced the toasts, which were responded to as follows: “The Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia,” M.W. Grand Master James A. Sample; “”The Grand Chapter of the District,” M.E. Grand High Priest Edwin S. Holmes; “The Day we Celebrate,” P. Grand Master J.L. Johnson. Noble D. Larner, P.G.G. High Priest of the United States, and R.B. Donaldson, P. Grand Master, were toasted, and responded appropriately… A.G. Heylman made a humorous speech, Samuel C. Mills referred to the absence of any spirituous or malt liquors at the banquet and congratulated the association therefore, and Joseph C. Taylor made some very interesting and instructive remarks, after which the brethren joined hands and sang “Auld Lang Syne.” The members present were: William Yorke AtLee, J.C. Allen, Charles A. Appel, Samuel S. Bond, R.H. Boswell, James M. Busher, C.W. Bennett, Thomas R. Benson, Robert Ball, Charles C. Borland, Louis Burgdorf, G.T. Cook, J.P. Crowley, E.H. Chamberlin, C.B.R. Colledge, George Y. Colison, Robert B. Donaldson, Marvin P. Fisher, J.R. Garrison, Robert V. Godman, Samuel J. Haislett, John Hayward, A.W. Hodgman, I.L. Johnson, Joseph Jony, A.W. Kelley, Louis Kettler, George W. Knox, John Q. Larman, N.D. Larner, E.S. McCleary, H.S. Merrill, T.F. Maguire, Samuel C. Mills, William MacKenkie, J.W. Palmer, Godwin Pierce, J.P. Pearson, Louis P. Rodier, J.H. Schultze, John M. Smith, W.J. Sterling, J.W. St. Clair, W.A. Short, W.S. Tappan, J.S. Tomlinson, S. John Thomson, Ethan P. Vaux, John N. Walker, E.M. Willis, Jose N. Yznaga. The guests were the M.W. grand master of Masons, M.E. grand high priest, and Brothers Aaron Baldwin, W.C. Bickford, J.F. Barnum, Harrison Dingman, William J. Davidson, A.S. Dunn, H.M. Gilman, William Harley, H.E. Riley, John Riley, Joseph C. Taylor, J.H. Wardle, Abram G. Heylman, Goodwin Y. AtLee. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Bonnie McDonald ___________________________________________________________________