DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - SCHOOLS - School News, 22 Feb 1890 --------------¤¤¤¤¤¤-------------- The Washington Post, February 22, 1890 Pages 6, 8 Deaf Mutes At Sports. Annual Athletic Contests Held at the Kendall Green Gymnasium. The annual athletic contests of the students at Kendall Green were held last night in the gymnasium in the presence of several hundred persons. The entertainment began with chest weights in concert, a dozen or so uniformed youths taking part. Then came the dumb-bell drill, more than fifty participating. The calesthenic manual, led by Mr. Frank Leitner, of the graduating class, was especially creditable. The strength, or pull-up contest was won by Mr. Devine, of ’84, for which he was given a prize. Mr. Barton, of ’92, won the contest on the ladders. Mr. Shirey, ’90, was the second best. Mr. Taylor won the vaulting contest. Prize, a silver-headed cane. The contest on the horizontal bar between Messrs. MacIlwaine and Allard was too close to admit the award of the prize to either. Mr. Leitner won a pair of fine Indian clubs in his club-swinging contest with Mr. Allard, of ’94. Vaulting the horse was participated in by a dozen young men, and there was floor gymnastics by a number of others. Mr. Barton, ’92, won the high jump over Mr. DeLong and several others. The heighth scored was 4 feet 8 inches, which falls below last year’s record by the same young man—5-1/2 feet. A class of ten young men gave a club-swinging exhibition, which was followed by an exhibition pyramid of forty young men. Then came the tug of war, ’94 finally winning, but the prize will be awarded after another contest. The judges were Messrs. A.F. Adams, W.A. Jackson, jr., and Professor Hotchkiss, of Kendall Green. School Children Entertain Their Friends. The pupils of the eighth grade of the Webster School gave an interesting musical and literary entertainment at the Franklin building Thursday night. The programme was an interesting one, and was enjoyed by a large audience. A largely attended entertainment was given in the Jefferson School building, on Sixth and D streets, for the benefit of the school library, by the pupils of the eighth grade of the fourth division. Among those who assisted in the well-rendered programme were Misses Rosie and Annie Taber, Prof. J.H. Daniels, N. Harvey, M. Lynham, D. Knight, J. Mullen, Miss May King, the Misses Price and Pierce, Julius Burnham, Josie Mullen, Karl Daniel, Howard and Jesse Taber, Mazie Rose, Miss Adelie Knight, Nettie High, Marion Lamb, J.E. Finch, and others. The entertainment was a repetition of the one given several weeks ago, the leading features being the military drill, the quartette by Howard and Jessie Taber, Mazie Rose and Karl Daniel, and flag drill. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Bonnie McDonald bonniemcd@sbcglobal.net ___________________________________________________________________