DEED: David DETWEYLER and wife to Jacob and John DETWEYLER, 1825, Dauphin Co, PA File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Barbara Rivas Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ 1824 24 March 1824 Dauphin County Deed Book Z Vol 1 page 425 David Detweyler & wife to Jacob & John Detweyler To all people to whom these presents shall come David Detweyler of Derry townshp in the County of Dauphin sends Greetings Whereas David Detweyler Sen Late of the said township of Derry in the County of Dauphin deceased did make his last Will and Testament in writing bearing date the 11th day of March AD 1811 and thereof made Ephrain Heller and John Shelly Executors as by the Said Will and testament may appeaer and whereas the said John Shelley and Ephrain Heller on the 29th day of October AD 1812 did Renounce and quit claim to the said Executorship and to the Administration of the goods and chattels rights and credits whatsoever which were of the said deceased as by their Settlement made at an Orphans Court held in Harrisburg in and for the COunt of Dauphin the 29th day of October AD 1812 May fully appear and the said Court did appoint Jacob Detweyler and John Detweyler of the township of Derry, Administrators _____ of the estate of the said deceased as by the Records of the said Court will appear and Hereas it is ordered and directed in the Will of the said deceased that all his Real Estate should be divided to and among his three sons (in three equal parts) or shares) equally ____ at a certain in said will mentioned subject to these paying out of the ____ each a certain amount to the several Legatees mentioned in said Will ___ and at the times in said will particularly specified and after the payments in the manner in said ill mentioned, they the said three sons (to wit) Jacob Detweyler, John Detweyler, and David Detweyler, to have and to hold theimselves all tracts shared or pieces of Land with the appurtenances thereto belonging as fully as the said David eetweyler deceased held the same in his lifetime, to them Severally or to their heirs and assigns forever, Now Know Ye that the said David Detweyler and Susanna his wife, for and in Consideration of the sum of two thousand dollars Lawful money of the United States to them in hand paid by the said John Detweyler one of the executors above mentioned by the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged) in the following (that is) the said John Detweyler and Mary his wife, having by their Indenture of Bargain and sale bearing even date herewith granted bargained and sold unto the said David Detweyler and John Shelley a certain messuage or tract of Land situate in the aforesaid township of Derry adjoining the Susquahanna River and bounded by lands of Christian Gingrey, Martin Nesstep? and others Containing one hundred and thirty seven acres and eighty nine perches neaat measure as in and by said Indenture fully appears; to the said David Detweyler and John Shelley and to their heirs and assigns as tenants in common and in the _____ in said indenture mentioned and for the consideration afroesaid (that is) having the said share in the said tract conveyed to him the said David Detweyler and John Shelly (to wit) the undivided third part of the same above mentioned tract of land in consideration whereof I do hereby transfer assign and set over all my Right tite interest property claim and demand of my third part of the Real as well as personal estate of my late father David Detweyler deceased unto the said John Detweyler and to his heris and assigns forever to have and to hold the same with the appurtenances thereinto belonging unto him the said John Detweyler subject to his paying out of the same to the said Legatees as in and by the said Will of the said deceased as directed and required. And having attained my age of twenty one years I do also hereby acknowledge that I have this day had and received of and from the said Jacob & John Detweyler my guardians, duly appointed by the Orphans Court of Dauphin County, full Satisfaction and payment in and by the conveyance to me of the said one third part of the said tract of Land bought with John Shelley of my share of the estate Real and personal of my said late Father David Detweyler, dec'd and therefore I do by these presents Relieve acquit and forever discharge the said Jacob & John Detweyler their heirs executors and administrators of and from the said Guardianship and I also do hereby acknowledge that I have this day had and received of and from the said Jacob & John Detweyler, executors of the Last will and testament of the said David Detweyler dec'd full satisfaction and payment by the conveyance aforesaid all such sum or sums of money Legacies and bequests as are given and bequeathed to me by the said Last Will and testament and all interest accrued therefrom and therefore, the said David Detweyler and Susanna his wife for the consideration herein mentined (the Receipt whereof whereby acknowledged) have remised, Relayed, and forever quit claim unto the said John Detweyler and to his heirs and assigns forever all the estate Right title interest property alain and demand whatsoever of them the said David Detweyler, Susanna his wife of in or to that messuage or tract of Land Containing thirty three acres and nine perches strict measure with the appurtenances the same being adjudged to be the one third in value of the Real esate of the said David Detweyler deceased, and in his will ordered to be divided which said part was allotted for me by the division made in pursuance of the said will and also to all those two other pieces or parcels allotted to be the shares of the said Jacob Detweyler and John Detweyler to have and to hold the said Estate to them the same to them the said Jacob and john Detweyler to the only proper use benefit and behoof of them the said Jacob & John Detweyler and to their heirs and assigns forever, so that neither the said David Detweyler and Susanna his nor their heirs nor any other person or persons for them or either of them or in their names or right shall or may by anyways or means whtsoever at any time hereafter claim chalenge or demand any estate Right title or interest of in or to the said messuage of thirty three acres and nine perches or any part thereof nor from any other part of the esate of the said dec'd devised in the will to othe said Jacob and John Detweyler) but from all and every action and actions estate Right title interest claim and demand of in or to the said premises mentioned meant or intended in the will of the said deceased or any part thereof they and every of them shall and will be forever bound by these presents and they the said Detweyler and Susanna his wife against themselves and their heirs and against all and every person or persons claiming under them or either of them shall and will Warrant and forever defend In Witness whereof the said David Detweyler and Susanna his wife have here unto interchangeably set their hands and seals the twenty fourth day of March in the Year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty four. Sealed and Delivered in the presence of David Detweyler (seal) E Heller Wendel Shelley Susan Detweiler (seal) Dauphin COunty Be it known that on the twenty-fourth day of March AD 1824 Before me the subscriber one of the Justices of the peace in and for the County of Dauphin came David Detweyler and Susanna his wife named in the above Release and acknowledged the above written instrument of writing to be their act and Deed and desired that the same might be Recorded as such according to Law, the said Susanna being of full age and by me duly examined separate and apart from her said husband and the Contents thereof being first made known to her declared that she did voluntarily and of her own free will and accord seal and as such her act and deed deliver the same without any coercion or compulsions of him her said husband. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written E Heller (seal) Recorded May 23 1825