DEED: Abraham EBERSOHL to John GINGERICH, 1794, Dauphin County, PA File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Barbara Rivas Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ 1793 19 March 1793 Dauphin County Deed Book G-1-385 Abraham Ebersohl to John Gingerich This Indenture Made the Ninteenth day of March in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety three Between Abraham Ebersohl of the Township of Lebanon in the County of Dauphin & Commonwealth of Pennsylvania of the one part, and John Gingerich Jun. of the Township of Derry in the Said County of Dauphin Yeoman of the other part Whereas the Honorable Thomas Penn and Richard Penn Esquires late Proprietaries of Pennsylvania in & by their Certain Patent or Grant bearing date the Seventeenth day of January in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven Hundred & Forty Three for the Consideration therein Mentioned did grant and Confirm unto Peter Ebersohl (by the Name of Peter Ebersoltz) his Heirs and Assigns A Certain Tract or Parcel of Land Situate lying & Being in the Said Township of Lebanon then in the County of Lancaster but now in the County of Dauphin Aforesaid, being particularly described in the Said Patent and Containing Three Hundred & Seventy eight Acres and the Usual allowance of Six ___ for roads & Highways. To Hold to him the Said Peter Ebersohl alias Eberholtz his Heirs & Assigns forever. As in & by the Said Patent being Recorded in the Office for Recording of Deeds for the City and County of Philadelphia in Patent Book A Vol 15 & Page 346 Relation thereunto being had will at Large Appear and Whereas the Said Peter Ebersohl Alias Eberholtz and Catharina his wife in and by an Indenture of Conveyance bearing date the Sixth day of October in the Year of our Lord One thousand and Seven Hundred and Fifty Two for the Consideration there in Mentioned did Grant bargain Sell enfeoff & Confirm unto the above named Abraham Ebersohl by the name of Abm Eberholt Son of the Said Peter Ebersohl a Certain Message Plantation & Tract of Land Part of the above Mentioned Tract of Three Hundred and Seventy eight Acres which part is bounded and described as follows. Beginning at a post thence by Land late of Michael Boughman deceased South Twenty three Degrees West One Hundred and Sixty nine perches to a marked white Oak thence by the Hill ___ South Fifty Seven degrees East One Hundred & Forty perches to a Black Oak thence by the other part of Said Sayre Tract late of John Ebersohl North Twenty eight Degrees East two Hundred perches to a marked Black Oak thence by the Same North Forty Perches to a Spanish Oak sapling in a Line of said Sayer Tract thence by the ___ and Land late of Ulrich Berkholder deceased West One hundred and forty Seven perches to the place of Beginning Containing One Hundred and Eighty three Acres and the usual Allowance for Roads & Highways. Together with all appurtenances to Hold to him the Said Abraham Ebersohl alias Eberholtz his Heirs and Assigns forever As in and by the Said Indenture of conveyance ___ Recorded in the Office for Registry of Deeds in ___ for the Said County of Dauphin in Book B Vol 1 Page 214 & Relation thereunto being had in at large appear. And Whereas the Said John Griger by the Name of John Krieger and a Margaret his wife in and by an Indenture of Conveyance bearing date the Fourth day of December in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy for the Consideration therein Mentioned did Grant Bargain Sell release Convey and Confirm unto him the Said Abraham Ebersohl by the name of Abraham Ebersole his heirs and assigns all that the above mentioned Tract of Two Hundred and thirty eight Acres of Land and Allowances with the appurtenances To Hold to him the said Abraham Ebersohl alias Ebersole his Heirs and Assigns forever as in and by this said last recited Indenture of conveyance intended to be Recorded at Harrisburgh in the office for Recording of Deeds for the Said County of Dauphin will at large appear Reference thereunto being had and Whereas they the said Proprietories of Pennslvania in and by an other patent bearing date the Twenty first day of June in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy for the Consideration therein mentioned did give grant release & confirm unto him the said Abraham Ebersohl (by the Name of Abrham Eberholtz his Heirs and ssigns a certain Tract of Land called the Addition situate in Lebanon Township aforesaid Beginning at a Stone thence by John & Abraham Eberholtzs Land South? forty Degrees East Seventy one perches and a half to a Stone thence by Michael Baughmans Land South thirty Degrees West Twenty perches and a half to a Marked Black Oak thence by Said Baughmans and Abraham Reads Lands North Sixty Degrees West thirty ___ perches and a half to a Marked Black Oak thence by Said ___ Land North Five Degrees East Seventy Seven perches and three quarters of a perch to the place of Beginning containing Twenty two Acres and one Hundred and thirty nine perches & Allowances of Six & ___ for Roads with the appertenances To Hold to him the Said Abraham Ebersohl Alias Eberholtz his Heirs & Assigns forever. As in and by the said Recored Patent Recorded in the office of the Master of Rote of the Said Commonwealth in Patent Book A & Vol II Page 354. will at large appear Relation thereunto being had and Whereas the Said Abraham Ebersohl hath heretofore Sold and Conveyed unto John Myor the larger part of the above Mentioned tract of Two Hundred and Thirty eight Acres of Land Called Guygenburgh? the Remaining part thereof to wit Twenty five Acres and Allowance and the Title therein and thereto being Still Vested in him the Said Abrham Ebersohl party hereto being bounded and described as Follows Beginning at a Stone at a Corner of the Said Larger part thereof and in a Line of Christian Burkholders Land and from thence Extending by the Said Larger part North Three Degrees East One Hundred and thirt Seven perches to a Stone Thence by the Said above described Tract of Land South Sixty Degrees East Forty Two perches to a Stone thence by the above described Twenty two Acres Tract South Five Degrees West Eighty perches to a Black Oak and South Sixty Degrees East fourteen perches to a Stone thence by the Said Christian Burkholders Land South Fifty Nine Degrees West Fifty Seven perches to the place of Beginning Containing Twenty five acres of Land and the usual allowance at the rate of Six ___ for Roads __ As In and by the Draught thereof and the Title Deeds remaining in the Said Abraham Ebersohls custody and herewith Delivered to him the Said John Gingrich with approval? now this Indenture Witnesseth that the Said Abraham Ebersohl for and in Consideration of the Sum of Two Thousand Three Hundred Pounds of Gold and Silver Money to him the Said Abraham Ebersohl in hand well and truly paid by the Said John Gingerich at and immediately before the Sealing Delivery of these presents to the Receipt & Payment whereof are hereby acknowledged Hath Granted bargained Sold Alined remitted released Enfeoffed and Confirmed and by these Presents he the Said Abraham Ebersohl Doth Grant bargain Sell Alien remite release Enfeoff and Confirm unto him the Said John Gingrich and to his Heirs and Assigns All those the herein above described three Contiguous Tracts or parcels of One Hundred and eighty three acres of Land & Allowances The Addition or Tract of Twenty two acres and One Hundred & thirty nine prches of Land and Allowances and also the last described Tract or parcel of Twenty five Acres of Land and Allowance, Containing together two Hundred and Thirty Acres & one Hundred & thirty three perches of Land and Allowances Together with all and Singular the house outHouses Barns Stables Edifices and Buildings thereon Erected and being. And all Woods Underwoods Timber & traces Water Watercourses Meadows Orchards Gardens Fields Fences Improvements Liberties priveledges Advantages Benefits Commodities Rights ___ and Appurtenaces whatever thereunto belonging or in an way appertaining And the Revision & Revisement Remainder & Remainders theeof And all the Estate right Title Interest Property _____ Claim & Demand whatever both at Law and in Equity or elsewise howsoever of him the Said Abraham Ebersohl touching and Concerning the hereby Granted only or only or any part or parcel thereof To Have and to Hold the Said above described three Contiguous Tracts Pieces or parcels of Land Containing together two Hundred and thirty Acres and One Hundred & thirty nine perches and the Allowances Aforesaid Hereditaments and ___ hereby Granted and released or Meant Mentioned or ___ so to be with the Appurtenances unto him the Said John Gingerich his Heirs & Assigns To the only proper use Benefit and Behoof of him the Said Abraham Ebersohl for himself His Heirs doth Covenant promise and Grant to and with the Said John Gingerich his Heirs and Assigns by these presents that he the Said Abraham Ebersohl and his Heirs the above described Three Contiguous tracts or parcels of Land Containing two Hundred and Thirty acres and One Hundred & thirty nine perches and Allowances Hereditaments and Premises hereby Granted and Released or mentioned ___ so to be with the Appurtenances unto the Said John Gingrich his Heirs and Assigns against him the Said Abraham Ebersohl and his Heirs and against all & every other Person and Persons whomsoever Lawfully Claiming or to Claim the Premises or any part thereof or Estate therein or ___ by from or under him them or any of them shall and will warrant and forwarn Defend by these presents In Witness whereof the Said Abraham Ebersohl hath hereunto Set his Hand & Seal the day and Year first above written Abraham (his X mark) Ebersole seal Sealed & Delivered in the presece of us James Kelly John Reisor John Thomas Received on the day of the date of the above written Indenture of Conveyance of & from the above Named John Gingerich the Sum of Two Thousand & three Hundred pounds n gold and Silver money being in ___ for the Consideration Money above Mentioned Abraham (his X Mark) Ebersole Witness Present at Signing James Kelly John Reisor John Thomas - (4 seals) -- Dauphin County The Ninteenth day of March in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety three Before me the Subscriber one of the Justices of the Peace for Said County personally came the above named Abraham Ebersohl (the Grantor) and Acknowedged the above Written Indenture of Convenyance to be his Act and Deed & desired that the Same may be Recorded as Such According to Law - In the ___ whereof I have hereunto Set my Hand and Seal the day and year aforesaid John Thomas Recorded June 9, 1794?