DEED: Elizabeth GINGRICH et al to John GINGRICH, 1857, Dauphin County, PA File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Barbara Rivas Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ 1847 15 May 1847 Dauphin County Deed Book F Vol 3 Page 440 Elizabeth Gingrich et al to John Gingrich Know all Men by these presents that We Elizabeth Gingrich, Henry Gingrich, John Gingrich Jr., Jacob Gingrich, John Shank and Mary his wife late Mary Gingrich, Joseph Gingrich, Christian Gingrich, David Gingrich, Samuel Gingrich, Cyrus Gingrich, and Peter Gingrich children and heirs of Nancy Moyer Who was intermarried with our father John Gingrich the Said Nancy our Mother was a daughter of Henry Moyer Sen'r, late of Anville township in the County of Lebanon and State of Pennsylvania dec'd. Whereas the Said Henry Moyer Senior in his lifetime became lawfully Seized in his desmane As of fee of and in a Certain Tract of Land with the appurtenances Situate in the county of Dauphin and State aforesaid and being So there of Seized died intestate leaving a Widow and issue Seven children to wit the above named Nancy who was intermarried with the Said John Gingrich and Six others And Whereas the Said Tract of Land with the appurtenances in pursuance of an order of the Orphans Court of the County of Dauphin aforesaid And the inquistion there on Confirmed at the January Term 1822 Where upon the above named John Gingrich in right of his Said Wife Nancy took the above mentioned Tract of Land with the appurtenances at the Valuation and appraisement there of. And Whereas the Said Nancy the Wife of the Said John Gingrich has Since also died intestate leaving a husband the above named John Gingrich and issue eleven chldren to wit the above named Elizabeth, Henry, John, Jacob, Mary intermarried with the Said John Shank, Joseph, Christian, David, Samuel, Cyrus and Peter to whom her right and interests in the Said Tract of Land and appurtenances by the Laws of Pennsylvania did demand come Now Know Ye that we the Said Elizabeth Gingrich, Henry Gingrich, John Gingrich Jr., Jacob Gingrich, John Shank and Mary his wife, Joseph Gingrich, Christian Gingrich, David Gingrich, Samuel Gingrich, Cyrus Gingrich and Peter Gingrich for and in consideration of the Said Sum of one dollar to us in hand paid by the said John Gingrich at and before the Sealing and Delivery here of the receipt where of we do hereby acknowledge as well as for divers other good causes and value the considerations us thereunto specially ___ We each? and every of us hath devise? release and forever quit claim unto the Said John Gingrich and to his heirs and assigns All the estate and estates should presents and dividends right title into to property claims and demand Whatsoever of us the Said Elizabeth Gingrich, Henry Gingrich, John Gingrich Jr., Jacob Gingrich, John Shank and Mary his wife, Joseph Gingrich, Christian Gingrich, David Gingrich, Samuel Gingrich, Cyrus Gingrich and Peter Gingrich in law equity or otherwise however of in to or out of the above mentioned Tract of land with the appurtenaces Situate in the county of Dauphin aforesaid in the actual possession and ___ of the Said John Gingrich now being Together with all and Singular other the buildings improvements rights liberties ______ and appurtenances Whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining and the remains and Remainders rents issues and profits thereof To have and to hold all and Singular the premises hereby re___ and released or mentioned and intended so to be with the Appurtenances unto the Said JOhn Gingrich his heirs and assigns to the only proper use and behoof of him the Said John Gingrich his heirs and assigns ___ So that neither We the Said Elizabeth Gingrich, Henry Gingrich, John Gingrich Jr., Jacob Gingrich, John Shank and Mary his wife, Joseph Gingrich, Christian Gingrich, David Gingrich, Samuel Gingrich, Cyrus Gingrich and Peter Gingrich nor our heirs nor any othere person or persons Whosoever lawfully claiming or to claim by from or under us or any of us shall may or might at any time or times hereafter have claim challenge or demand any estate right title or interests of in to or out of the Said Tract of land hereditaments and premises hereby ______ and released or mentioned or intended So to be With the appurtenances or any part or parcel there of And therefrom Shall be untterly excluded and ___ ___ by these presents In Witness whereof we have here unto Set our hands and Seals this fifteenth day of May AD 1847 Sealed & delivered in the presens of us Elizabeth Gingrich seal Cathrane Suge? Jacob Gingrich seal Sam Hoffer Henry Gingrich seal George L. Hummel (presence at the John Shank seal John Phillips Signing of Christian) Mary Shank seal And Jos. Gingrich David Gingrich seal at the Signing of ( Christian ____ Samuel Gingrich seal of Cyrus Samuel Hoffer Christian Gingrich seal Joseph Gingrich seal Cyrus Gingrich seal Dauphin Coutny Before me the Subscriber one of the Justices of the peace in and for Said County personally came the above named Elizabeth Gingrich, Henry Gingrich, Jacob Gingrich, John Shank, and Mary his wife, David Gingrich, Samuel Gingrich and also in due form law acknowledged the above and foregoing Deed of Release as their act and deed and desired that the Same might be recorded as Such The said Mary being of full age and by me examined Separate and apart from her husband and the contents of the foregoing Deed of Release having first been made fully known to her declared that she did voluntarily and of her own free Will and accord Seal and as her act and deed deliver the Same Without any coercion or compulsion of her Said husband. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this fifteenth day of May AD 1847 Samuel Hoffer seal Dauphin County Be it _____ that on the Twenty first day of June Anno Domini 1848 before me John Phillips one of the Justices of the Peace in and for Said County came the above named Joseph Gingrich and Christian Gingrich and acknowledged the above Written release to be their act and deed and desired the Same mght be recorded as such according to law In Witness Whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this Twenty first day of June 1848 John Phillips seal Dauphin County Before me the Subscirber one of the Justices of the peace in and for the Said County came Cyrus Gingrich herein before named and in due form of law acknowledged the foregoing Deed of Release as his Act and deed and desired that the Same might be recorded as Such. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the 9 day of January AD 1852. Samuel Hoffer seal Recorded Sept 21st 1857