DEED: Christian GINGRICH & Ux to John GINGRICH, 1829, Dauphin County, PA File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Barbara Rivas Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ 1807 21 April 1807 Indenture Dauphin County Deed Book C-2-17 Christian Gingrich & Ux to John Gingrich (NOTE: The surname "STONE" might be "STONER") This Indenture Made the twenty first Day of April in the yar of our Lord One Thousand eight Hundred and seven Between Christian Gingrich of Annville Township in the County of Dauphin and in the state of Pennsylvania Yeoman and Anna his wife of the same Part and John Gingrich of the same Place Yeoman of the other Part. Witnesseth that the said Christian Gingrich and Anna his wife for and in consideration of the sum of Four thousand one hundred and ninety Pounds to them in hand well and truly paid by the said John Gingrich at and before the sealing and Delivery of these Presents the Receipt and Payment whereof is hereby acknowledged Have granted bargained sold released and confirmed and by these Presents Do grant bargain sell release and confirm unto the said John Gingrich his Heirs and Assigns a certain Tract or Piece of Land situate in Londonderry Township in the County of Dauphin and state aforesaid Bounded and Described as follows to wit. Beginning at a Post standing at the Creck thence by Land of Robert Hays South eighty seven degrees and a half East one hundred and thirty two perches and a half to a stone thence by Land of Patrick Hays North five degrees East seven perches to a fallen White Oak thence by the same south seventy four degrees and three quarters East forty four perches and a half to a Post by a Hickory thence by Land of Robert Coleman North eight degrees East seven perches and a half to a stone thence by Land of the Heirs of Benjamin Boyd deceased and Isaac Hershey North Nineteen degrees West two hundred and eighty six perches to a Post thence by Land of Isaac Hershey North eighty two degrees West eighty perches to a Post thence by the same and Land of Philip Fishburn and others south five degrees West two hundred and fifty eight perches to a Post thence by Land of Robert Hays North eighty five degrees and a half East twenty three perches to a Post and South five degrees West twenty three perches to the place of Beginning Containing Two hundred and twenty acres and one hundred and twenty four perches and the usual allowance for Roads It being the same two tracts of Land one of which containing according to the Original survey thereof, one hundred and fifty seven acres and the usual allowance for Roads and by Patent dated the 6th day of December 1742 Recorded in the Office for Recording of Deeds for the City and County of Phil'd in Patent Book A Vol 11 Page 5 granted unto William Morrison who with Margaret his wife by Deed dated 1st June 1750 Recorded in the Office for Recording of Deeds for the County of Lancaster in Book A Page 155 granted and conveyed unto Jacob Stone and Barbara his wife in fee? And the said Barbara Stone who became solely seized of the said Tract of Land by survivorship by her Deed dated the 4th March 1756 Recorded in the Office aforesaid in Book R Page 66 granted and conveyed Unto John Baughman in trust to and for the use of the children of the said Jacob Stone deceased. And the said Tract of Land was in pursuance of an Order of the Orphans Court Appraised and by the said Court alloted and confirmed unto Christian Stone eldest son of the said Jacob Stone deceased. And the said John Baughman the Trustee aforesaid and John Stone and Christian Bachman Guardians over the Estates of the minor Children of the Said John Stone deceased by Deed dated the 18th day of August 1764 Recorded in the Office for Recording of Deeds for the Count of Dauphin in Book D Vol 1 Page 47 did grant and confirm the said Tract of Land unto the said Christian Stone his Heirs and Assigns And the other Piece or Patch of Land also comprized and included within the lines bounds and limits above mentioned is the same Tract or Piece of Land which by Virtue of an application No 3099 dated the 8th of Feb 1768 containing about forty acres thirty two perches and the allowance aforesaid was granted & conveyed unto Ludwick Bretz who on the 12th day of May 1770 sold the same unto John Grosse who by his Bill of Sale dated the 20th day of April Anno Domini 1770 sold and conveyed the same unto the same unto the said Christian Stone his Heirs and Assigns And the said Christian Stone being so as aforesaid seized and possessed of the above described Tract or piece of Land died Intestate and his Administrators to wit James William Esquire and Christian Landis in and by their Indenture dated even with this Deed in pursuance of an Order of the Orphans Court of Dauphin County sold and conveyed unto the said Christian Gingrich his Heirs and Assigns Together with all and singular the Buildings and Improvements therein erected and being Ways Woods Waters Watercourses Rights Liberties Privilages Hereditaments and appurtenances whatsover thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining and the Reversions and Remainders thereof And also all the Estate Right Title Propery Possession Interest Claim and Demand whatsover of them the said Christian Gingrich and Anna his Wife both at Law and in Equity or otherwise howsover of unto or to the said Tract or Piece of Land and Premises or any part thereof To Have and To Hold the above described Tract or Piece of Land Hereditaments and Premises hereby granted and released or mentioned and intended so to be with the appurtenances unto the said John Gingrich his Heirs and Assigns To the only proper Use Benefit and Behoof of him the said John Gingrich his Heirs and Assigns forever. And the said Christian Gingrich for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators doth covenant promise grant and agree to and with the said John Gingrich his Heirs and Assigns by these presents that he the said Christian Gingrich and his Heirs the Tract or Piece of Land and above described and Premises against him the said Christian Gingrich and his Heirs and against all and every other Person and Persons whatsoever lawfully claiming the Premises or an part thereof by from or unto him them or an of them unto the said John Gingrich his Heirs and Assigns shall and will Warrant and ____ Defend by these Presents interchangeably set their Hands and Seals the Day & Year aforesaid. Sealed and Delivered Christian Gingrey Seal in the Presence of Isaac _____ Anna (her X mark) Gingrich Seal Jno. Glonenger? Received on the day of the Date of the above Written Indenture of and from the above named John Gingrich the sum of Four thousand one hundred and ninety Pounds Lawful money of Pennsylvania It being the full consideration money in the said Indenture mentioned Witness Christian Gingriy? Isaac _____ Jno. Gloninger Dauphin County Before me the subscriber one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas for the said County came Christian Gingrich and Anna his wife and acknowledged the above Written Indenture as and for their act and Deed and desired that the same may be Recorded as such. The said Anna being of full age thereto freely consenting the contents being first made known unto her In Testimony Whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the Day and Year aforesaid. 21 April 1807 Recorded June 3d. AD 1829 Jno Gloninger