DEED: Christian KINGERY and wife to Christian BAUGHMAN, 1798, Dauphin County, PA File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Barbara Rivas Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ 1796 16 December 1796 Deed Book K Vol 1 Page 309 Christian Kingery & wife to Christian Baughman This Indenture made the sixteenth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and nintey six Between Christian Kingery of Lebanon township Dauphin County and State of Pennsylvania yeoman and Ann his wife of the one part and Christian Baughman of the same place yeoman of the other part Whereas the Honorable the late proprietarires of Pennsylvania by their certain patent bearing date the thirty first day of May A.D. 1746 did grant and convey unto a Michael Baughman his heirs and assigns forever all that certain tract of land situate in Lebanon township aforesaid containing four hundred and twenty acres and allowance as by the said patent recorded in the office for recording of deeds for the city and county of Philadelphia in Patent Book A Vol. 13 page 66(?) the 18th day of August 1746 Relation(?) thereunto being had may more fully appear And Whereas the said Michael Baughman and Catherine his wife by their deed dated the eleventh day of March AD 1747 did grant and convey unto Jost Kingery his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract piece or parcel of land it being a part of the above mentioned tract of land containing two hundred and thirty nine acres and allowance for roads __ as by the said deed or Indenture may more fully appear. By Virtue whereof the said Jost Kingery became seized and possessed of the said tract of land in fee and being so thereof seized and possessed died intestate leaving issue (to wit) John Kingery, Peter Kingery, Mary the wife of Adam Burkholder, Ann the wife of Martin Wingart, Michael Kingery, Christian Kingery, Jacob Kingery, and Barbara Kingery to and amonst whom the said tract of land recorded and became as heirs at law to their said fathers deceased And Whereas the said John Kingery and Magdaleane his wife, Michael Kingery, Jacob Kingery, Peter Kingery, Adam Burkholder and Mary his wife, Marthin Wingart and Ann his wife did by their deed or Indenture bearing date the twentieth day of May AD 1776 for the consideration therein mentioned did grant bargain sell release and confirm unto the said Christian Kingery his heirs and assigns forever all their several and respective share and shares part and purparts of into a certain tract piece or parcel of land it being part of the last above mentined tract of land and is bounded and described ty the lines as follows (to wit) Beginning at a marked Hickory corner thence by land of Michael Kingery North seven degrees West fifty four perches to a stone corner thence by the same North sixtyone degrees West thirteen perches to a stone thence by the same North thirtythree degrees West sixteen perches to a Stone thence by the same South eighty six degrees West eleven perches to a stone corner thence by the same North fifty two degrees West fourteen perches to a Stone corner thence by the same South forty five degrees West twenty nine perches to a Stone thence by the same South sixty seven degrees West seventy four perches to a Stone thence by the same South sixty seven degrees West seventy four perches to a Stone thence by the land of George Holtz South six degrees East sixtynine perches to a black oak corner thence by the same South eighty-six degrees East sixty five perches to a corner post thence by the land of John Baughman North eight degrees East fifty perches to a hickory corner thence by the same South Eighty three degrees East fifty eight perches to the place of Beginning containing fifty nine acres and allowance of six percent for roads p/c And whereas the said John Kingery and Magdaleane his wife, Christian Kingery, Jacob Kingery and Fronica his wife, Peter Kingery and Mary his wife, Adam Burgholder and Mary his wife, Martin Wingart and Ann his wife by their deed or Indenture bearing date the twenty day of May AD 1776 and John Myer and Barbara his wife by their deed or Indenture bearing date the twenty eighth day of November AD 1781 for the sconsideration therein mentioned did grant bargain sell release and confirm unto the said Michael Kingery his heies and assigns forever all their several and respective esate and estates shares and shares part and purparts of in and to a certain tract piece or parcel of land it being part of the above mentined tract of two hundred and thirty nine acres and allowance and is particular described in the last two deeds or Indentures mentined and containing one hundred and eighty acres and allowance for roads p/c as by the said deeds or Indentures may more fully appear reference thereunto being had. And Whereas the said Michael Kingery and Mary his wife by their deed or Indenture bearing dae the nineteenth day of March AD 1785 for the consideratin therein mentioned did grant bargain sell release and confirm unto the said CHristian Kingery his heris and assigns forever a certain tract piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Lebanon Aforesaid being part of the above mentioned tract of one hundred and eighty acres and allowances and is bounded and described by the lines as follow (to wit) Beginning at a hickory in a line of John Baughmans land thence by the same South eighty five degrees East fift nine perches and a half of a perch to a hickory thence by the same North nine degrees East twenty eight perches and a half to a black oak thence by the same South eighty four degrees East thirty four perches to a black oak thence by the land of Peter Witmore North eight degrees West one hundred and fourteen perches and a half of a perch to apost thence by land of Jacob Forry(?) South eighty nine degrees West forty eight perches to a black oak thence by land of Christian Burgholder West seventy eight perches to a white oak thence by the same South seventeen degrees West seventy two perches to a Stone thence by other land of the said Christian Kingery North forty three degrees East twenty nine perches to a Stone thence by the same South thirty two degrees East fourteen perches to a Stone thence by the same North eighty six degrees East eleven perches to a stone thence by the Same South thirty three degrees East sixteen perches to a stone thence by the same South sixty one degrees East thirteen perches to a stone thence by the same South seven degrees East fifty four perches to the place of Beginning containing eighty eight acres and allowance of six p/cent for roads etc as by the said deed or Indenture may more fully appear reference thereunto being had. Now this Indenture Witnesseth that the said CHristian Kingery and Ann his wife for and in consideration of the sum of three thousand five hundred and fifty pounds in real Gold or silver money of Pennsylvnia to the said CHristian Kingery well and fully in hand paid by the said Christian Baughman at and before the ensealing and elivering of these presents the receipt and payment he the said Christian Kingery doth hereby acknowledge and thereof and of every part and parcel thereof doeth acquit and forever discharge the said Christian Baughman his heirs and assigns by these presents Hath granted bargained sold aliened enfeoffed remised released and confirmed and by these presents they the said Christian Kingery and Ann his wife doth grant bargain sell alien release enfeoff and confirm unto the said Christian Baughman his heirs and assigns all that the above mentioned bounded and described two tracts pieces or parcels ofland the one containing fifty nine acres and allowance for roads etc. the other tract containing eighty eight acres and allowance of six percent for roads etc. Together with all Mills and all and singular the houses outhouses edifices and buildings thereon erected and built and all ways, woods, underwoods, waters, watercourses, meadows, orchards, Gardens, profits,commodities, advantages, emoliments, hereditarments and appurtences whatsoever to the same belonging or in any wise apportiaining and the reversions and remainders rents issues and profits thereof And also all the estate right title Interest use trust property possession claim and demand whatsoever of him the said Christian Kingery and Ann his wife of in and to the same or every or any part thereof And also all deeds evidences and writings touching or concerning the same or any part thereof and now in the custody and possession of him he said Christian Kingery or which he can or may combe by without suit at law or equity To have and to hold all that the above mentioned bounded and described two tracts pieces or parcels of land the one conatianing fifty nine acres & the allowance for roads etc the other containing eighty eight acres and allowance of six percent for roads etc hereditaments and premises hereby granted and released with the appurtenances unto the said CHristian Baughman his heirs and assigns to the only proper use benefit and behoof of him the said Christian Baughman his heirs and assigns forever (except a certain water priveledge heretofore granted by an Instrument of writing unto Christian Burgholder his heirs and assigns forever) And the said Christian Kingery and Ann his wife and their heirs executors and Administrators hdoth covenant promise and grant to and with the said CHristian Baughman his heirs and assigns tht he the said Christian Kingery and his heirs and all and every other person and persons his or their heris anything having or claiming in the said premises above granted or meant mentioned or intended so to be or any part thereof by from or under him them or any of them shall and will from timt to time and at all times hereafter upon the reasonable request and at the proper cost and charges of the said Christian Baughman his heirs and assigns make do and execute or cause and procure to be made done and executed all and every such further and other lawful and reasonable act and acts thing and things conveyances an dassurances in the law whatsoever for the further better more sure and perfect granting conveying and assuring of all and singular the said premisses with the appurtenances unto the said Christian Baughman his heirs and assigns forever as by the said Christian Baughman his heirs and assigns his or their council learned in the law shall be resonably advised devised or required And he said Christian Kingery and Ann his wife and their heirs the above described two tracts pieces or parcels of land the one containing fifty nine acres and the allowance the other tract of land containing eighty eight acres and the allowance and premises unto the said Christian Baughman his heirs and assigns against him the said Christian Kingery and Ann his wife and their heirs and against all and every other person and persons whatsoever lawfully claiming said hereby granted premises or any part thereof by from or under him them or any of them shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents In Witness whereof the said Christian Kingery and Ann his wife have hereunto set their hands & Seals the day and year aforesaid Sealed & Delivered in the presence of us Christian Gingery (seal) Thomas Clark Jann? Coufman? Ann (her X mark) Gingery (seal) Received the day and year first above written of and from the above anmed Christian Baughman the sum of three thousand five hundred and fifty pounds in Gold or Silver money of Pennsylvania it being the full consideration mone to me paid. Witness my hand Christian Gingrich Witness present Thomas Clark, Janes? Caufman? Dauphin County The sixteenth day of December AD 1796 before me the Subscriber one of the Justices of the peace for said county came the above named Christian Kingery and Ann his wife and acknowledged the above written Indenture to be their Act and deed and desired that the same may be recorded as such according to law In Testimony whereof I have herewith set my hand and seal the day and year first above written Recorded 12th June 1798 Thomas Clark (seal)