DEED: Michael KINGERY to Christian BURGHOLDER, 1787, Dauphin County, PA File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Barbara Rivas Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ 1785 19 March 1785 Deed Book C-1 Page 154 Dauphin County, PA Michael Kingery to Christian Burgholder This Indenture made the Ninteenth day of March In the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty five Between Michael Kingery of Lebanon Township Dauphin County in the state of Penn. Yeoman and Mary his wife of the one part and Christian Burgholder of the Township and county and state aforesaid Yeoman of the other part. Whereas the Honbl. the Late Proprietories of Penn. by there Certain Patent bearing date the Thirty-first day of May in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and forty six for the Consideration therein mentioned did grant and convey unto a Certain Mich. Baughman his heirs and assigns forever all that Certain Tract of Land in Lebanon Township then Lancaster County aforesaid Containing four hundred and Twenty Acres and the allow. of six ____ ____ for roads & as in and by the said patent recorded in the office for recording of deeds in and for the City and County of Phil. in Patent Book A Vol 13 Page 66 Reference thereunto being had may more fully appease and Whereas the said Mich. Baughman and Catharine his wife by their Deed or Indenture bearing date the Eleventh day of March one thousand seven hundred and Forty seven for the Consideration therein mentioned did grant bargain and release and Confirm unto Jost Kingery his heirs and assigns forever a Certain ____ or parcel of Land it being a part of the above mentioned Tract of Land and is bounded and described by the lines as follow to wit Begining at a Black Oak and Extending thence by Vacant Land North Eighty five Degreees East sixty two perches to a post thence by Vacant Land and Land of the said Mich. Baughman North by East fifty one perches to a Hickory Thence East by South one hundred and Seventeen perches to a hickory Thence north by East twenty seven perches to a Black Oak Thence by Jacob Mummas Land South five degrees west one hundred & eighty one perches to a post thence by the same Mich. Kingery Land south eighty degrees West Three? hundred and twenty five perches to a post Thence by Vacant Land _____ _____ degrees _____ one hundred and twenty five perches to the place of beginning containing two? hundred and seventy? acres and the allowance of ____ ____ for roads ___ as by the said Deed or Indenture recorded in the office for recording of deeds for the County of Lancaster in B Page 499 ____________ By Virtue Whereof the said Jost Kingrey became seized and possessed of the above described __ Two hundred & ____ nine acres & ____ being so _____ seized and ____ ____ died intestate leaving issue to wit: John Kingery his eldest son John Kingery, Mary now the wife of Adam Burckholder, Ann the wife of M____ Wingart, Mich Kingery, Christian Kingery, Jacob Kingery, Barbara now the wife of John Myer to and amongst whom the said tract of land ______ and because the heirs at law ___________________ and whereas the said John Kingery & Magdalena his wife, Chris Kingery, Jacob Kingery and Fronica his wife, Peter Kingery & Mary his wife, Adam Buckholder & Mary his wife, M___ Wingart & Ann his wife by their deed & Ind. bearing date the twenty ninth day of May in the Year of Our Lord One thousand seven hundred & seventy six for the Consideration Therin Mentioned did grant bargain sell release and confirm unto the said Michael Kingery & his heirs and assigns forever all their several and ___ share and shares past? and ______ of and to a Certain Tract piece or parcel of land. It being a part of the __ described ________ two hundred and thirty nine acres and the allowances and as ____ and described by the _____ to wit: Beginning at a ____ of hickory in a line of John Baughmans land ____ _____ three degrees and fifty six perches to a hickory thence by ___ ____ north by east twenty seven perches to a Black Oak ______________ to South thirty five perches to a Black Oak thence by lands of Peter C W____ north ___ degrees west one hundred and eighty one perches to a hickory thence by to a ___ ____ by lands of John Heisey and Michl Kingery west ___ eighty degrees and two hundred and twenty six perches to a hickory and thence by the said Michael Kingery and Geo Miller? south six degrees east one hundred and twenty six perches to a stone Thence by the land intended to be granted to Chris. Gingery North sixty seven degrees east seventy four perches to a Stone thence by the same North forty three Degrees west twenty nine perches toa stone thence by the same south fifty six degrees east fourteen perches to a post thence by the same north eighty six? degrees East eleven? perches to a Stone thence by the same south thirty degrees East sixteen perches to a stone thence by the same south sixty one degrees east thirteen perches toa stone thence by the same south seven Degrees East sixty four perches to the place of Beginning Containing one hundred and eighty Acres and the allow. of six perches for roads and the said Deed or Indenture may ____ fully appear And Whereas the said John Myor and Barbara his wife by their deed or Indenture bearing date the Twenty eighth day of Nov. One thousand seven hundred and eighty ___ for consideration therein mentioned did grant bargain sell release and confirm unto the said Mic'l Kingery his heirs and assigns forever all ___ part or share right or interest in the above mentioned & described Tract piece or parcel of Land containing one hundred and eighty acres and the allowance of six perches for Roads ___ as by the said Deed or Indenture may more fully appear Now This Indenture witnesseth that the said Mic'l. Kingery & mary his (wife) for and in Consideration of the sum Eight hundred and sixty two pounds Ten? shillings Gold or Silver money of Penn. to them in hand well and truly paid by the said Christian Burckholder at and before the Ensealing and Delivery of these presents the receipt and payment thereof they do hereby acknowledge and themselves to be therewith well content fully satisfied & paid and thereof & of every part & parcell thereof do exonerate release and discharge the said Chris'n Burcholder they the said Michael Kingery and mary his wife have & each of them hath granted bargained sold allined enfeoffed & remissed released and confirmed and by these presents do and each of them doth grant bargain sell alien Enfeoff remise release & comfirm unto the said Chris'n Burgholder his heirs and assigns a Certain Tract piece or parcell of Land it being part of the above described tract of one hundred & eighty acres and the allowance and is bounded and described by the Lines as follows, to wit, Beginning at a stone thence by Land of Chris'n Kingery North sixty seven degrees East seventy four perches to a stone thence by the same North seventeen Degrees East seventy two perches to a White Oak thence by the same east seventy perches to a Black Oak thence by Land of Jacob Jordy North Twenty degrees West sixty three perches and a half of a perch to a stone thence by land of Mich'l Kingrey the Younger south seventy nine degrees West one hundred and seventy seven perches to a stone thence by the same and land of George Holtz south nine degrees East one hundred and twenty seven perches to the place of Beginning Containing Eighty nine acres and the allowance of six ____ for road Together with all and singular the houses, out houses, edifices, and buildings thereon Erected and Built, Woods, Underwoods, Ways, paths, passages, water, water courses, commodities, Emoluments, Hereditements, and Appurtenences whatsoever to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining & the reversion & Reversions, remainder & remainders thereof & of every part & parcel thereof and all the Estate right title and Interest whatsoever of them The said Michael Kingery and Mary his wife either in Law or in equity of in and to the same And all Deeds? E_____ & other Writings touching or conserning? the premises ____ or any part thereof now in the custody or possession of the said Mich'l Kingery or which he can or may come by with suit suit in law or equity. To have and to hold the said described tract piece or parcel of Land Containing Eighty nine acres and the allowance of six ___ for roads ___ Heriditements and premises hereby granted & released or mentioned so to be with the appurtences unto the said Chris'n Burgholder his heirs and assigns To the only proper use benefit & behoof of him the said Chritian Burgholder his heirs and assigns forever except a certain Water Privilage granted unto Mich'l Kingery Senior Under and subject to the Yearly Quit rent now due and hereafter to become due and payable for the hereby Granted Premises to the Chief Lord or Lords of the ____ thereof And the Mich'l Kingery & Mary his wife Doth Covenant & Agree for themselves and their heirs execs & Admins to and with the said Chris'n Burgholder his heirs and assigns by these presents that the said Mic'l Kingrey & Mary his wife their heirs the above Described Tract piece or parcell of Land Containing Eight hundred acres & the allow'n for roads & Heriditiments premises hereby granted and released with the appurtences unto the said Chris'n Burgholder his heirs & assigns against them the said Mic'l Kingery & Mary his wife & their heirs and against all and any other person & persons whomsoever anything having or lawfully Claiming or to claim the hereby granted premises or any part thereof shall & will warrant __ & defend viz these presents And ___________ the said Mic'l Kingery & Mary his wife & their heirs & all & every other person & persons whomsoever any thing haveing or Lawfully Claiming or hereafer to have Claim any ___ right title or _____ of in or to the hereby granted premises or any part or parcell thereof by from or under him them or any of them shall & will at any time or times hereafter upon the reasonable ____ and at the proper Cost & Charges in the ____ of the said Christ''n Burgholder his heirs & Assigns make and Execute & acknowledge all & ___ such ________ other Lawfull & Reasonable Act & acts Deed & _____ Consigned and assuranced? in the Law whatever for the further and better perfect assurances & Confermation of the above dsicribed Tract piece or parcell of Land Containing Eighty nine acres and the allowance Heriditiments and all and singular the premises hereby granted and released with the appurtencences unto the said Chris'n Burgholder his heirs & assigns forever as by him the said Chris'n Burgholder his heirs and assigns or by his or their Council Learned in the Law shall be reasonably advised? devised or required In Witness thereof the said Mich'l Kingery and Mary his wife have hereunto set their hands & seals the day & year first above writtin. Sealed & Delivered Michal Gingery (seal) in the presence of us Tho's Clark Mary (her X Mark) Kingery (seal) _________ _________ Received the day & year first above written of & from the above named Chris'n Burgholder the sum of eight hundred and sixty two pounds ten shillings in hard money gold or silver, It being the Full Consideration within ____________ To me paid in hand Witness Present Mic'l Kingery Tho. Clark Jefferson? _____ Dauphin County The ninteenth day of March Anno Domino 1780 Before me the subscriber one of the Justices of the Court of Common Pleas for the said COunty came the above named Michael Kingery and Mary his wife and acknowledged the above written Indentured to be their act & deed & desired that the same might be worded as such according to Law In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set myhand and seal the day & year just above written. Recorded Dec. ___, 1787 Jno Gloninger? (seal)