DEED: James WALLACE Estate to John GINGRICH, 1829, Dauphin County, PA File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Barbara Rivas Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ Deed Poll Sheriff's Book 2, Page 83 Dauphin County Courthouse, Harrisburg, PA 4 May 1829 Henry Chritzman to John Gingrich Property of John Wallace Be it remembered that on the 4th day of May 1829 Henry Chritzman Esquire High Sheriff of Dauphin County acknowledged in open Court a Deed Poll conveying to John Gingrick a Certain tract of Land Situate in Hanover township Dauphin County beginning at a post on the Union Canal thence North 15 degrees West 11 & 6/10 perches thence by lands of James Wallace Dec'd. North 65 1/2 degree east 36 perches to a post on the Road leading from Sturgeons tavern to Stoufers Mill thence South 20 degrees East 14 2/10 percherches to the land of John Shaffer on the Union Canal then 70 3/4 degrees West 36 5/10 perches to the place Beginning Containing two acres and one hundred and forty perches Strict measure Sold b y Virtue of a Alia Ven. Exponas issued out of the Common Pleas bearing test 31st Day of January Last Pst and Sold for $150 as the property of JOhn Wallace.