OBIT: Sarah A. FLEMING, 1892, Harrisburg, Dauphin County, PA Contributed and transcribed by S. Palmer Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ Sarah A. Fleming. . . . of missions in our own and foreign lands was evidence by her prayers and her gifts which were constantly and cheerfully given. Not was she less interested in the cause of temperance, believing that intemperance is destroying the happiness of unnumbered homes. It was her pleasure to attend the woman's weekly prayer meeting, and unhesitatingly she asserted that its influence has been beneficial and added to her spiritual growth, and when absent from the city or prevented from attending, as the hour of meeting approached her heart turned to the little gathering and she yearned to be there. She enjoyed social, cheerful friendship and participated in the hospitality of friends, in whom her presence was always welcome. Her home was one of plenty but her frequent mission was to relive the sorrowing and cheer the lonely by telling of the love of Jesus and imploring His blessing to rest upon them. She solicited and received aid for the suffering, and with her own gifts and her own hands often supplied the wants of the needy. To Mr. and Mrs. Fleming were given three children. Two daughters died in early childhood. Mr. Samuel W. Fleming, with whom she made her home, survives his mother, who is now at rest, leaving to her friends the happy remembrance of her love and virtues. "They are gathering fast on the other side, The friends we have loved of yore; They have launched their bark on the shadowy tide, And entered the shining shore. From the church below to the church above, They are passing a glorious band, And the Father welcomes them in His love, To the joys of the heavenly land." Harrisburg Telegraph, Friday, January 8, 1892 NOTE: The top part of this obit is missing from the photocopy. Found Sarah A. Fleming's name in the 1880 census living with her son Samuel W. Fleming at 32 North Third Street, Harrisburg. Sarah W. Fleming was born about 1815 in Pennsylvania, both parents in Maryland.