Directories: Harrisburg City Directory, 1845, L - Z, Harrisburg, Dauphin County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Ray Rhoads Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ NOTE: Grouped by first letter of surname, but not necessarily in alphabetical order. Harrisburg City Directory, 1845, L - Z L Lamb William, keeper railroad bridge gate, 35 s. Front street Labille & M'Fadden, stone cutters, n. e. cor Fourth and Market sts Lawrence Wm. J., teacher, Walnut st, above Second st, s. s. Laubaugh Joseph, blacksmith, cor Third and Pine sts Laporte John, surveyor general, Buehler's Hotel, Market sq Lantel Peter, stocking weaver, North st, e. Capitol Lare Wilson, confectioner, 57 1/2, Market st Laid Elizabeth, Che'y alley, bet Fourth and Fifth sts Lawrence Maria, widow, 43 Market st Lanahan Edward, tailor, Rasberry alley, bet Walnut and Locust sts Leamy Lorenzo, tailor, n. e. corner Market and Front streets, residence s. s. Locust near Front street Lewis James, boot and shoe-maker, 60 s. Second street Lesley James, cashier Bank Pennsylvania, 18, s. Second st Lescure Joseph M. G., editor, 56 n. Second st Leubken H., baker, 14 s. Fourth st Leidy Daniel, wagon maker, Strawb'y above Huckleb'y alley, s. s. Leib Elizabeth A., grocer, 78 Market st Lewis James, shoemaker, 41, Mulb'y st Levan John, engineer, Baickb'y alley, w. s. near Third st Lewis Lawrence, laborer, 73 north Second st Lewis William, printer, Walnut st, bel Third Page 18 Lingle David, sr., lumber merchant, cor Front and Harris alley Lingle David, jr, brick-layer, do do Lingle Joseph, carpenter, second door from do Lingle John, carpenter, third do do Lingle Levi, shoemaker, s. s. Mulb'y st, 4th d from Second st Lintemuth Elizabeth, widow, s. s. Market st, near Fourth st Linn Samuel M., clerk, 11 Market st Looker Charles H., boot and shoe-maker, near Market and Canal sts Loyer Philip, stone-mason, 32 Paxton street Loyer George, sen., victualler, 94 Walnut st Loyer Henry, Geo. Loyer's sen Loyer George, brickmaker, e. Short st, n. s. Lochman W. H., 27 s. Second st Longsdoff Josiah, ostler, Blackb'y alley, near Third st Loyd Abraham, school teacher, River alley, bel Market st, e. s. Loy Mathias, carpenter, Walnut st, bet Third and Canal sts Long Joseph, morocco dresser, 70 Chesnut st Long Henry, clerk, 19 Market st Lotz Jacob, innkeeper, 63 Market st Longanecker Henry, printer, 27 Chesnut st Lutz Martin, druggist, Front above Market st Lutz Henry S., plumber, Blackb'y alley, above Third st, s. s., d. h. 69 Chesnut st Lutz Henry, painter, 47 Chesnut st Lukens Aaron, carpenter, Meadow lane, 5th d from Second st Lyne Henry, painter, Rasp'y alley, n. of State st Lynch Charles, keeper at furnace, Mrs. M'Quoid's, Market st M Main James, boat builder, Sixth st, bel Walnut st, w s Main George, boat-builder, Paxton street near the canal Martin James, commission merchant, 89 Chesnut street Martin James, jr., clerk, 89 Chesnut street Martin Philip, laborer, Paxton opposite Vine st Martin Perry, commission merchant, 24 s. Fourth street Martin Edward, baker, Mr. Fisk's, Walnut st Manahan Peter, laborer, North street, e. of the capitol Maxwell Jane, widow, Blackberry alley near Front street Maher Pierce, Catholic priest, Rasp'y alley n. of State st Markley Margaret, widow, s. s. North near Second st Mansfield Nathan, trader, Washington hotel Markley Jacob F., temperence hotel, cor. Locust St & Raspberry alley Magshuman Chas., laborer, m. w. corner Second st and Mary's alley Marshall Polly, Mary's alley near Meadow lane Magranahan John, laborer, Mary's alley near Meadow lane Marshall William, labourer, Dewberry alley s. of Market street Mesick F. J., German Reformed clergyman, 51 Cheznut st Metzgar Lewis and Wm, victuallers, Paxton street near the railroad Mertz John, taylor, n. Fifth near Walnut street Page 19 Metz Samnel., stone mason, State st. bet Front and Second sts, s. s. Meredith Ross, constable, Walnut st, bet 2nd st and Rasb'y alley, n. s. Miller Jesse, Secretary Commonwealth, 6 n. Front street Miller Conrad, cooper, Meadow lane 2nd door from Second street Miller John, laborer, Paxton street near the railroad Miller Henry, carpenter, 118 s. Second street Miller Francis, shoemaker., Meadow lane near Second street Miller Adam, stage.driver, corner Tanners lane & Cranberry alley Miller Joseph, tailor, Mr. Voglesong's, 33, north Second st Miller Frances, widow, 18 s. Fourth street Miller Charles, bookbinder, Strawb'y. alley, s. s. bet Fourth & Fifth Miller Xaver, boot and shoemaker, Washington Hotel Miley Jacob, messenger, Rasberry alley, below Chesnut st Michael Wm., laborer. Blackberry alley near Fourth street Michael Catharine, widow, 58 Chesnut street Mitchell John, teacher, Strawberry alley near Third street Mitchel Wm., teacher, State st, bet Front and Second sts, s. s. Michael Elias, laborer, Paxton, 4th door from Front street Mix Philip, machinist, Meadow lane near Raspberry alley Moore Elizabeth, corner of River and Harris's alleys Moore David, chair-maker, Markley's, Locust st Mooney Peter, brickmaker, s. Second st, above Paxton st Moony Ann, nurse, Cranberry alley, east of River alley Moyer Christian, laborer, Paxton street near the railroad Moyer Wm., victualler, 37 Mulberry street Moyer, widow, South st next door to temperance hall Moyer John, blacksmith, do do Moyer John, laborer, 70 s. Second st Morsch Henry, boot and shoemaker, Market st, above Fifth st, s. s. Morsch Jacob, boot and shoemaker, n. w. cor Walnut and Fourth st Moehla Adam, laborer, s. Second street e. s. above L. railroad Morton Edward, blacksmith, s. Second near Mulberry street Morton Robert H, boat captain, 104 Market st Montgomery Catharine, widow, 92 Markat street Montgomery Sarah, widow, 30, s. Third st Montgomery Samuel, clerk, Buehler's Hotel, Market sq Mogger Henry, cabinet-maker, n. Fourth bet. Market & Walnut sts Morgan Hannah, 79 Cheznut street Morgan James, sen, brlcklayer, 68 Walnut st Moser Fanney, Rarbara alley, below Second st Morse John, tanner and courier, 66 Market st Morrison M,, carpenter, Front st, bel South st Morrison Benjamin, scale-maker, n. Front, below Strawberry alley Mowry Mary, widow, 80 n. Second st Muench Charles F., loaf bread and biscuit baker 100Market st Murray Charles, gentleman, Canal st, bet Walnut and State sts Murray, widow, n. s. Pine near Third st Murray Sarah, widow, 25 north Second st Page 20 Mitchell David, clerk, 47 Chesnut street Murray'Wm. G., merchant, 25 north Second st Muskop Jacob, shoemaker, comer Seocnd and Paxon streets Munk Adam, turner, Second street, e. s. below L. railroad Mungum Daniel O.B., stone-mason, corner Blackberry & River alley Mullen Chambers, bottler, German's, 23 Chesnut street Myers Peter, shoemaker, Blackberry alley near Third st Myers Samuel J, carpenter, Second above North st, e. s. Myers Margaret, widow, 49 s. Third st Myers Wm., butcher, do do Mytinger Geo. L., tailor, 39 north Second st Mytinger Samuel,. tailor, 9 Market street M'C M'Allister John, gentleman, 15 s. Third street M'Allister Richard, attorney, Burk's row, n. Third street M'Cabe James, teamster, State st, near Canal st, s. s. M'Callum John, ladies' shoemaker, 30 South Second st M'Canna Patrick, back of the Arsenal M'Cartney Rachael, at Mrs. Nevins', Walnut street M'Carron Hugh, laborer, Second above North st M,Caully Stephen, bricklayer, Rasberry alley, n. s. above Market st M'Cabe Owen, State street, e. oft the capitol M'Cann Patrick, grocer, 76 Market st M'Clurg Wm., laborer, 47 Mulberry street M'Clure Wm., att'y, Market st, bel Third, n. s. M'Clean Wm., clerk, Third near Pine st M'Connel Charles, tailor, Franklin House, 47 Walnut st M'Cormick Daniel, stone-cutter, Second st below Pine street M'Cormick James W., att'y, 49 Market st M'Connel William, laborer, Fourth near the capitol M'Cord John, shoemaker, 41 Mulberry street M'Curdy J. K., druggist, 13 Chesnut street M'Curdy ______, machinist, Paxton street, at Mrs. Nill's inn M'Curdy Colin, printer, n. e. cor Third st and Strawberry alley M'Cumber Samuel and Lady Buehler's Hotel, Market sq M'Dermott Patrick, blacksmith, 79 Market street M'Donald Hugh, victualler, State street, e. of the capitol M'Elwee Robert, school teacher, s. s. Pine near Third st M'Elwee Margaret, widow, do. M'Farlane Patrick, laborer, s. Second street e. s. above L. railroad M'Gaughy Eliza, Raspberry alley, s. of Market street M'Ganghey Theodore, coach maker, Chesnut between Third and Fourth st, s. s. M'Glaughlin John, gentleman, 81 Market street M'Glaughlan Susan, widow, Strawberry alley, between 3d & 4th sts M'Goughy Andrew, laborer, Fifth near Walnut street M'Gonnigle Hannah, widow, near Market and Canal streets Page 21 M'Granahan Martha, Pine below Second st M'Guire Isaac, shoemaker, 24 Mulberry st M'Gee Bridget, Market st, s. s. near Fourth st M'Ilvain Hugh, printer, cor Locust st and Rasberry alley M'Kinley I. G., printer, 18 s Front st M'Keever Jesse, school teacher, 15 Chesnut street M'Kee John J., carpenter, s. w. cor, Strawberry &Dewberry alley M'Kinney Mordecai, att'y, Locust st, n. s. above Front st M'Knight George W., shoemaker, Pine st, bel Second st M'Millen Patrick, messenger, e. s. Second below State st M'Kenna Philip, gentleman, cor Fourth and High sts M'Kinney Henry, gentleman, 20 s. Fourth st M'Laughlin John, painter, n. Second st, above Pine st, w. s. M'Pherson C. W., druggist, 4 n Second st, d. h. Chesnut st near Front M' Reynolds Francis, Fenn's, Third below Walnut street M'Vey John, R R agent, cor Third and Pine st M'Williams Peter, printer, s. s. State between Front & Second sts M'Williams Elizabeth, widow, grocer, 84 n. Second st N Napey H., printer, 24 s Third st Nagle George, gentleman, 44 n Second st Newman Nicholas, victualler, Short st, cor Cranb'y alley Newman Michael, victualler, 92 Walnut st Newkirk Frederick, dry goods store, s. e. cor Third and Chesnut sts Nell Elizabeth, innkeeper, cor Vine, Paxton and Front sts Nieur George, victualler, River alley, near Mulberry st Nininger Anthony, victualler, 46 Mulbe'y st Nininger John, do do Nill John, collector at canal, cor Fifth and Market sts Nighton George, laborer, State st, east of the Capitol Nichols James, fireman, 74 Chesnut st Nivins Catharine, widow, Walnut st, s. s. near River alley Nolan William, stone mason, n. s. North between Second & Third sts Norton Mary, milliner, Market st, near Second n. s. Nugent Martha, widow, 17 s. Front st O Olewine Benj., tailor, n. s. North between Second and Third sts Olewine John, gardner, n. w. cor Front and North sts Orth John, merchant, n. w. cor Market st and Rasberry alley Orth E. L., physician, 41 s. Second st Orth George, shoemaker, 66 Chesnut st Orth Henry, carpenter, River alley, near Chesnut st Orth Leonard, do do do do Osler John, moulder, Walnut above Fifth st s. s. Osler John G., gardner, do do Osman William, carpenter, s. e. cor Walnut and Fifth sts Osman Charles, carpenter, Chesnut st near Fourth st Page 22 Osmer Sarah, widow, Locust st, n. s. bet River alley and Front st Ott L. N., artt'y, n. e. cor Walnut St and Rasberry alley Ott, George M., grocer, 14 Market st Oves Judith, widow, 78, n. Second st Ovington James, bricklayer, s. Front st, e. s. above Paxton st Owen Richard, baker, Fifth st, bet Market and Walnut sts O'Riley Martin, Walnut st, n. s. w of Short st O'Donnel Eleanor, milliner and mantua maker, 72 Walnut st P Pannebaker John, grocer, 83 Walnut st Parkey John, s. Third st, 2d door above Mulb'y st, w. s. Parkey Sarah, widow, do do do Parthemore John, gentleman, 39 Mulb'y st Parke Benjamin, att'y, 68 Market st Parkhill Wm., coach maker, Market st, n. s. bet Fourth and Fifth sts Pancake Peter, gentleman, 44 s. Second st Pancake Susan, widow, grocer, 12, Paxton st, d. h. 14 Paxton st Parker. G. S., forwarding and commission merchant, Chesnut st wharf, d. h. 70 s. Second st Peiffer George, weaver, North st, east of Second st Peffer Henry, clerk, Third st, 3d door below Pine st Petriken Henry, dept sec'y com'lth, Buehler's Hotel, Market sq Peacock James, post master, 7 Market sq, n. Second st Perkins Edwin, music teacher, s e cor State and Second sts Peoples John, engineer, 74 Chesnut st Peoples Robert, laborer, Blackb'y alley, near Third st Penn Elizabeth, Cherry alley, near River alley Percy Parsons, printer, Mr. Hogan's inn, Paxton st Philips Catherine, widow, 41 Mulb'y st Piper A. M., merchant, n. s. Pine near Third st Piper Geo., carpenter, Cranberry alley, bet 2nd st and Rasberry alley Piper Thomas, wood and coal dealer, State, near Canal st, s. s. Pittam _______, blacksmith, Rasberry alley, above Market st w. s. Pool Samuel, carpenter, 64 n. Second st Pool Albert C., printer, do do Pool David., att'y, 66 n. Second st Poorman William F., cabinet maker, n. s., w. of Fourth Porter David R., iron master, 84 MaIket st Porter James, carpenter, South st n. s. bet Front and Second sts Porter Margaret, widow, s Second st, e. s. 3d door bel Mulb'y st Pocknell Thomas, laborer, River alley, Griftith's row Poulton Joseph, gentleman, Walnut st, below Third st Power Louisa K., widow, cor Second st and Mary alley Prince Geo., innkeeper, n. w. corner Third and Walnut sts Pritchett A. R., clerk, Buehler's Hotel, Market sq Pratt C. & J., iron-masters, Wilson's hotel Putt William, millwright, Cranberry alley, below Second st Page 23 Putman Wm., bricklayer, s. w. cor Pine st and Rasberry alley Purviance Nelson J., auditor general, Buehler's Hotel, Market sq Purdy Hannah, widow, cor of Rasb'y and Blackb'y alleys Q Quick Alice, widow, Rasberry alley, above Market st, w. s. R Ramsey Alexander, att'y, near Court House, d. h. Second st, below Liberty alley Ramsey Archibald, laborer, cor Walnut and Canal sts Rawn Charles, att'y, 7 s Second st Pawn David, gentleman, 7 s Second st Raudabaugh Jacob, cabinet maker, Market st, n. s. near Canal st Rauch John, lumber merchant, Walnut st, bet Fifth and Canal sts, n. s. Rauch Frederick, bookbinder, s. Second st, w. s. bel Harris alley Rath Eliza, widow, 42 Strawberry alley Rau Mary, mantua maker, Cranberry alley, 2d door e. of River alley Reed David A., innkeeper, s. Second st, e. s. above Lancaster R R Reed George, boatman, s. s. Market st, e. Canal Rees Jerenaiah, auctioneer, n. e. corner North and Second sts Rees Cyrus, J., tailor, 120 Market st, d. h. back Reever Jacob, victualler, 100 s. Second st Reel Jacob, carpenter, 34 Paxton st Redabaugh Harriet, widow, Cranberry alley, 2d door e. of River alley Redabaugh Henry, tailor, do do do do Reisinger Rebecca, widow, n. w. cor Walnut and Short sts Reniker Joseph, carpenter, Blackb'y alley, near Fourth st Reidle Peter, shoemaker, Blackb'y alley near Front st Rehrer Thomas J., clerk, 2 n. Fourth st Reamshart Nicholas, butcher 40 Locust st Reiger Daniel, hatter, 58 Chesnut st Rhoads Nathan C., Cor Mary and River alley Rhoads John, merchant, n. w. cor Second and Market sts Rhoads Jacob, victualler, Neuer's, River alley near Mulberry street Rhoads John, laborer, Cherry alley, bet Third and Fourth sts Rhoads Daniel, laborer, Blackb'y alley, near Front st Riley Luther, physician, 43 s. Second st Rightmyer David, gentleman, n. s. State near Front st Rinehart Washington, laborer, Blackb'y alley, near Fourth st Riter James, tinner, 63 Market st Rickard Elizabeth, widow, s. e. cor Second and Mulb'y sts Rickard Daniel, blacksmith, south of Paxton st Rickert Thomas, tailor, 4 « Market street Richardson John, laborer, South street, e. of the capitol Robertson Thomas, trader, 86 Market st Royal J. S., printer, Strawb'y alley, near Third st Rogers Sarah, widow, 69 Walnut st Rogers James N., tinner, 24 Mulb'y st Page 24 Roaderman Henry, blacksmith, Fourth st, bet Market and.Walnut sts Roberts Joseph, blacksmith, n. Fourth st, bet Market and Walnut sts Roberts John, att'y, 46 Chesnut st Roberts John, att'y, Rasb'y alley, ab Second st, w. s., d. h. 46 Ches't st Roberts E. W., physician, 46 s. Second st Root Jacob, laborer, Paxton st, near Canal Root Wm., tinner, s. Second st be'l Market st s. s., d.h. 28, Mulb'y st Rudy Frederick, shoemaker, s. w. cor Second and Chesnut sts Rogers Samuel L., tavern keeper, s. e. cor Third and Walnut sts Rodgers A., architect, 79 Market street Robinson John, shoemaker, Mr. Bellman's, n. Second st Robinson Daniel, news agent, n. w. cor Market and Third sts Roby Thomas, teacher, 40 Strawberry alley Rodney John, saddler, s. Third st, e. s. bet Mulb'y and Chesnut sts Russell Andrew, printer, Walnut st, below Third st Rutherford Priscilla, widow, Mulb'y st, bet Second and Third sts, s. s. Rutherford W. W., physician, 6 s. Front st Rudy Jacob, waggoner, 54 n. Second st Rudy James, victualler, cor Tanner's and Cranb'y alleys Rupert Agnes, widow, Fifth st, 1st house above Market st Rupp Conrad, baker, Walnut below Third st, n. s. Russel John, carpenter, 70 s. Second st S Sayford Joseph, coach-maker, 32 s. Third street Sayford Augustus, carpenter, Walnut st, next door to the Exchange Sayford Wm., merchant taylor, Market between 4th and 5th streets Salade Israel, gentleman, n. s. Pine belowThird st Salade Charles, clerk, Locust st, bet Third st and Rrasberry ally, s. s. Sourbeck John, innkeeper, 47 Walnut st Sanders Jacob, 11 s. Third street Sanders John, boatman, 24 Chesnut st Sanders P., boot and shoemaker, 96 n. Second st Scott Polly, at John Seabold's, Second st Scott Henry W., printer, Resberry alley, e. of River alley Scott Frankin, weaver, cor River and Cranberry alleys Schott Jacob, grocer, Market st., between Fourth and Fifth sts s. s. Schott George J., constable, corner of Second st and Mary's alley Seese ______, widow, Front, above Mulberry sts Sees Emanuel, cabinet-maker, Mulberry, 1st door below Second st Seiler Dr. Christian, jr., s. s. Market between Third & Fourth sts Seiler Christian, justice of the peace, 48 Chesnut st Sedgwick C. P., attorney, 11 Chesnut street Sedgwick Ann, widow, e. s. Second above Pine st Sedgwick Amanda, widow, do do Selling George, stone-mason, e. s. Second above South st Selling George, painter, e. s. Second above South st Senate John, stone-cutter, Gibson's, Walnut street Page 25 Seltzer Rabecca, Widown, 57 s. Second st Seaton J. E., merchant, Buehler's Hotel, Market sq Seiler Daniel, gentleman, 48 Chesnut street Seiler Jacob, clerk, secretary's office, 56 Chesnut st Seabold Jacob, laborer, Dewberry alley near Market street Seabold John, blacksmith, Second street, e. s. above L railroad Seiling John, painter, 81 Walnut st Seig Samuel, tailor, 120 s. Second street Seig William P., carter, Mulberry, s. s. west of Second st Shearer Wm., laborer, s. s. Chesnut near Fourth street Shaeffer Rev, W; C., Lutherah church, 62 n. Second st Sheaffer Henry, cIerk, Wyeth's Drug Store Shaeffer Jacob, laborer, 10 s. Fourth street Shaeffer George, shoemaker, 38 Locust st Sheaffer Michael, plasterer, Walnut st. below Fifth, s. s. Shaeffer Theodore, printer, Strawb'y alley, between 3d and 4th sts Shirk Samuel, clerk, State street, e. of the capital Shiffler Christian, tanner, Fourth street, near the capitol Shillinger Christiana, widow, Canal between Walnut and State sts Shrewsbaugh Susanna, widow, Canal between Walnut and State sts Sheehy Roger, stone-mason, Strawberry alley, e. of Fifth street Shoop Daniel, merchant, corner Canal and Walnut streets Shoop Jeremiah, burr-maker, s. Second below Mulberry street Shartzer Samuel, laborer, e. of the canal above Market street Shoemaker John, porter, near corner Strawberry and River alleys Shoemaker Geo., gentleman, north Second st near Walnut Shoemaker Geo. J., gentleman, 28 n. Second st Shoemaker Mary, Raspberry alley near Meadow lane Shartle Mary, widow, 14 Market street Shartle Jacob, taylor, 14 Market street Shephert Alexander, tanner, Liberty alley e. of Second st Shreiner William, carpenter, e. s. Second above Vine st Shanklin Elizabeth, widow, s. s. State between Front & Second sts Shanklin John, clerk Har. Bank, res. bet Front and 2d, s. s. Showers Frederick, hatter, Pine below Second st Shade David, shoemaker, n. Fifth st. above Strawb'y alley Shade Benjamin, laborer, Second st, above Cranb'y alley Shade Christian, shoemaker, Cranberry alley below Second st Shade Geo., laborer, do do Shade Reuben, carpenter, do do Shellenberger D., taylor, 11 s. Second street Shealy Thomas, laborer, 67 Walnut street Shroyer G. W., printer, 65 Market street Shoener Jacob, shoemaker, s. side Market near Fourth street Shiff Norman, watchmaker, Second street e. s. above L. railroad Shutter John, laborer, Cranberry alley, below Second st Shannon John, auctioneer, 112 Market st Shannon Robert, merchant, 92 Market st Page 26 Shunk Fr. R,, gov'r, Front st, between Walnut and Market sts Shell Jacob, lumber merchant, 3 s. Third street Shott John, brick-maker, n. e. corner Raspb'y and Cherry alley Shooler Joseph, laborer, Market st between Fifth and Canal sts Sheetz John, farmer, corner Second and North sts Shutter Mary, Strawberry alley near Third street Simmons Lucy Ann, school teacher, Pine below Second st Simmons George W. chairmaker, 69 n. Second st Sickles J. E., Buehler's Hotel, Market sq Singer Samuel, grocer, 24 Chesnut street Singer & Seiler, grocery store, 39 s. Second street Simons John B., carpenter, 95 Market st Slough Ab'm., boatman, Strawb'y alley, between 4th and 5th. sts Slayer William, shoemaker, n. w. corner Fourth and Walnut streets Sloan A., cabinet-maker, 54 s. Second street Slayer Mary Elizabeth, widow, Strawberry alley, bet. 3d & 4th sts Sloan Samuel, blacksmith, n. w. corner third and Chesnut streets Slaysman John, laborer, s. s. Market street, e. of the canal Small Geo., teller Har. bank, corner of Front and Pine sts Small Jane, Blackberry alley near Front street Smull Henrietta, widow, Front, second door above Walnut st. Smith David, clerk, n. 4th st. between Market and Walnut-sts Smith John, stone cutter, s. w. corner Market and Fifth sts Smith Samuel, laborer, North street, e. of the capitol Smith John, laborer, South st next door to temperance hall Smith George D., s. s. State street, east of the capitol Smultzreed Conrad, s. Second street below Harris's alley Snyder William, book-binder and butcher, North st, near canal Snyder Susan, widow, 89 Chesnut st Snyder Peter, potter, corner of Fourth and Chesnut sts Snyder Geo., weaver, 93 Chesnut st Snyder Sebastian, Second st., above Pine st Snyder Solomon, laborer, Walnut between Sixth and Canal streets Snyder Charles A., justice of the peace, 8 n. Third st Snyder Isaac, blacksmith, s. Second street e. s. above L. railroad Snyder Daniel, potter, s. w. corner Chesnut and Fourth streets Snyder Elizabeth, widow, Ninninger's 46 Mulberry street Snowden James R., state treasurer, Buehler's Hotel, Market sq Solomon Geo., laborer, River alley near Chesnut street Springer Daniel, boatman, Walnut above Canal sts, e. s. Spring Joseph, grocer, 73 Market st Spayd Christian, gentleman, 78 Market st Sprigman Solomon, bookbinder, 41 Chesnut st Sprigman Henry, bookbinder, 45 Mulberry street Spofford Jacob A., printer, Front st, near State st Spearing J., clerk, Buehler's Hotel, Market sq Spalding Ira., gentleman, Buehler's Hotel, Market sq Speel John L., 3 Market sq n Second st Squiers Jacob, printer, Rasberry alley, below Second st Page 27 Stewart Henry, gentleman, n. w. corner Front and Walnut sts Stahl John, inn-keeper, 79 Market st Steese Benjamin, gentleman, Second st, above North st Stevich Daniel, grocer, n. w. corner Walnut and Fifth streets Stickle Catharine, widow, n. e. cor. Blackberry and Dewberry alley Stickle Samuel, hatter, between State and North sts e. of the capitol Stevenson John, shoemaker, State near Canal street Stoner Julia, school-teacher, 78 Walnut street SteckIy John, shoemaker, Cherry alley between Third & Fourth sts Stehley Jacob S., gentleman, 46 Walnut st Stehley Elizabeth P., widow, 10 Market street Stine Peter, blacksmith, German s, 23 Chesnut street Starkey Jane, Ann and Sarah, North st, e. of Second st Steen Charles, laborer, 47 Walnut st Strauss Christian, grocer, Third st, below Walnut st Strawman Daniel, plasterer, South st, n. s. bet Front and Second sts Stouffer John, carpenter, State st, bet Front and Second sts, s. s. Stees Rebecca, widow, Pine st, bel Second st Stine Susana, widow, Locust st, e. s. between River alley and Fronts st Stine ______, widow, Locust st, bet Rasberry alley and Second st Steaner Catherine, widow, Mr. Orth's, Market st Styers Jacob, Cherry alley near Second street Stants Elizabeth, widow, Mulberry near Second street Stees Jacob, laborer, s. w. corner Pine st and River alley Stout Mary, widow, corner of Front and Vine streets Stutman Samuel, carpenter, s. Second street e. s. above L. railroad Stutman John, carpenter, s. Second street e; s. above L. railroad Swartz Charles, plaisterer, s. s. State below Third Swartz Mary, widow, s. e. corner Second st and Barbara alley Swartz Samuel, patternmaker, River alley, above Locust st Swartz A. F., shoemaker, s. s. State between Front and Second sts Swartz Rachel, boarding house, 42 south Second st Swartz Frederick, do do Sweiler John, chandler, corner Blackberry and Dewberry alleys Swain Lewis, plaisterer, n. s. Pine near Third st T Taylor Andrew, clerk, 17 s. Second Street Taylor Robert, boot and shoe maker, s. w. cor. Second & Chesnut sts Taylor Benjamin A., carter, River alley, Griffith's row Taylor George, teacher, 56 south Second st Taylor Q. Adams, do do Taylor Mary, widow, south Second st between Paxton and Vine sts Tate Abigail, widow, Second st. below Liberty alley, e. s. Templin James R., moulder, Locust near Third st Tesch Lewis, laborer, Meadow lane, two doors from Second st Thompson Charles E., clerk, Buehler's Hotel, Market sq Page 28 Thompson Wm., shop keeper, n. w. cor South st and River alley Thompson Curtis, mill-wright, Second st two doors above Vine Thompson Walter, merchant, 7s. 2d st. d. h. 28 Chesnut st Troxel Augustus, hatter, s. s. North between Front and Second sts Thompson B. J, copper and tin.ware manufactory, 63 Market st Thomas David, pedlar, Raspb'ry alley, near railroad Thornton Joseph, Short street, east side Thomas John, blacksmith, 71 Walnut st Till John, boat-builder, 110 Walnut st Tomlinson Isaac, coach-maker, Walnut st, between 5th and Canal sts dwelling house, Strawb'y alley, near Fifth st Tomlinson John, Do do do do Toy Daniel, laborer, North st, east of the Capitol Townson Isaac, laborer, Paxton st near railroad Traub John, ostler, 89 south Second st Troxel John, laborer, cor of River and Blackb'y alley Tracv John, laborer, 96 Walnut st Truss Lewis, gardner, south Second st, two doors below railroad Tribill Elizabeth, widow, Paxton st near the canal Truss William, laborer, Vine st near Front Trullinger Susanna, widow, 54 south Front st Trullinger George, lumber merchant, cor. Paxton st and River alley Tunis Charles, boatman, Walnut, between Fifth and Canal sts U Uhler Frederick, tailor, 25 South Front st Umbarger Wm., inn-keeper and drove yard, cor. s. 2d and Vine sts Unger George, grocer, Walnut, above Canal st Updegraff Jacob, waggomnaker, n. w. cor Locust st and River alley Updegrove Richard, carpenter, State, near Canal st Utz John, laborer, n. Fifth st. above Strawb'y alley Utz George, laborer, 87 south Second st V Varnick Joseph, coach-maker, Strawb'y alley, near Third st Vance Elizabeth, widow, Third, bet. Cherry alley and Mulberry st Van Horn Wm. hardware merchant, 3 south Fourth st Van Riper Garret J., boot & shoemaker, Strawb'y, east of Fifth st Van Horn Susan, n. Second st below Pine st Vandanicar Joseph, laborer, Mulberry st, west of Second Varnes Mary, millener, Markley's, Locust st Verbeke Dr. James C, 43 Walnut st Verbeke Wm. K., merchant, 45 1/2 Walnut st Voglesong Jonathan, boat captain, 33 n. Second st Voglesong Jonathan, gentleman, n. e. cor. Walnut and Second st Vogleburg Jacob, German preacher, 104 south Second st Page 29 W Waber Fred'k W., music teacher, 17 south Fr6nt st Wade Ignatius, butcher, Market st, between Fifth and Canal sts Wagner Henry., tobacconist, 28 1/2 s. Third st Waggoner Elias, coffeemill.maker, n. 4th, bet. Market & Walnut sts Walter Joseph, laborer, cor South st, e. Capitol Walters Henry, sexton Luth. Church, Chesnut, corner Dewb'y alley Walser Matthias, victualler, River alley near Locust street Walborn Perry H., chair-maker, Blackberry alley near Front street Walker M. J., tailor, Markley's, Locust st Waltman Joseph, farmer, 85 s. Second street Walters Henry, gentleman, 82 Market street Wallace W. Q., clerk, e. s. Second above Pine st Ward Ebenezer, grocer, 75 Walnut st Watkins Mary, widow, baker, Market st, above Fifth, s. s. Watson Wm., keeper of prison, Walnut st Watson, Susanna, widow, s. Second street below Harris's alley Watson Alexander, painter, 42 Locust st Waterbury Isaac, tailor, Second st, below North, e. s. Weeber Philip, printer, n. Fourth, between Market and Walnut sts Weaver Mary, Mary's alley near Meadow lane Weaver Daniel, carter, s. Second e. s. above Paxton street Weaver John M., carman, s. Second st, e. s. near Paxton st Weaver Frederick, printer; s. Second st, e. s. next d to G. L. Church Weaver Peter J., laborer, south Second st., near Paxton Weaver Levi, boat Captain, Walnut, below Fifth st Weidler William, printer, Chesnut, second door from Front s. s. Weitmyer Frederick, tobacconist, 77 Chesnut st Weitzel Barbara, widow, Back above Strawb'y alley, e. s. Weitzel Samuel, wood and coal dealer, 13 s. Third street Weitzel John, grocer, corner Market st and Meadow lane Wetzel Charles, laborer, State, near Canal st Weltmer Joseph J., printer, 44 s. Second st Wells Mary, widow, s. s. Mulberry street between 2d and 3d streets Welker George, blacksmith, s. w. corner Mulberry st & River alley Wenrich Peter, tobacconist, Meadow Lane 3d door from Second street Wettmor John, jr., shoemaker, corner Second and Paxton, streets Wesfall G. W., Mulberry street, under Bethel church Wentz Solomon, blacksmith, e. Third below Chesnut street Wenrich George, flour store, 19 Locust st Wesfall Simeon, gentleman, south Second, bet. Paxton and Vine Weltmer Joseph, printer, 44 south Second st Wentz Jacob, collector, back of 72 Chesnut st Wentz Jacob, gentleman, 43 s. Third st Whitmyer Leah, widow, corner of Fifth st and Strawb'y alley Whitehill George, boarding house, Front st, 2d door from Market Page 30 Whiteside Ruth, widow, 53 Chesnut st Whidey Michael, 74 Walnut st Whitnight Joseph, boatman, North st, e. Capitol Whitman John, plasterer, 73 Walnut st Whitman N. C., clockand watch maker, 6 1/2 n. Second st White Mary, widow, s. Second w. s. above Paxton street White William, boatman, s. Second w. s. above Paxton street Whilcomb Wm., victualler, Neuer's River alley near Mulberry st Wharen John, stone-mason, Cherry alley between 3d and 4th streets White Ann, widow, e. s. Second above North st Wickert Mary, widow, seamstress, 19 Paxton st Williams Edward C., bookbinder, d. h. Third st, bel Walnut st, e. a. Wingart Mary, widow, 90 n. Second st Wier W. James, chashier Harb'g bank, dwelling same Wiestling J. M., physician, 8 n. Second st Wilt George, boat captain, Back alley, between Walnut st e. s. Wilson John T., ice merchant, Front st. near Market Wilson Hiram, machinist, n. e. corner Second and State sts. Wilson H.T., Do do do do Wilson M'Nair, shoemaker, State near Canal street s. s. Wilson Matthew, 97 Walnut street Wilson Robert J., waterman, Gibson's, Walnut st Wilson Gill, gentleman, Barbara alley below Second st Winebrenner John,. clergyman, Mulb'y st, bel Front st, u. s. Wingerd Elizabeth, widow, 90 Walnut st Wilson Thomas L., south Front st, below Mulberry Wilson H. T., machinist, corner State and Second sts Wilt Samuel, gentleman, 12 south Fourth st Wire Peter, carpenter, Walnut, between Fourth and Fifth.,streets Wilhelm Elizabeth, Cherry alley, between Third and Fourth sts Wingart Wm., chandler, Canal st, near Market Willis William, sr., laborer, corner Third and South sts Willis William, jr., hatter, do do Willis Augustus, do do Willis Abner, hatter, do do Williams Gad, gentleman, Blackberry near Dewberry alley Wiestling Geo. P., wood and coal merchant, 25 Walnut street Wilkinson Lewis, eating house, corner Third and Walnut sts Willmer John, Sen miller, Paxton street, e. of the canal Windsor Mary Ann, widow, Mulberry near Second street Wissel Elizabeth, Raspberry alley near Market street Wolf Jaeob,. stone mason, Raspberry alley near Meadow lane Wood Susanna, widow, n. s. South between Front and Second sts Wolfersberger Levi, merchant, Market near Second street Woodman James, gardner, Putman's, cor Pine st and Rasb'y alley Worley Jacob, laborer, 58 Chesnut street Wolf Adam, laborer, Wilson's hotel Wolf Samuel, n. Fifth st., between Market and Walnut sts Page 31 Wolfersberger Geo., dry goods merchant, n. e. cor Third and Market sts Worley Thomas, wagon maker, Paxton opp. Vine st,, d. h. back Wright Susan, widow, 22 south Third st Wright William, tanner, North st. between Front and Second Wright William, tanner, s. s. North. between Front and Second sts Wyand Wm., boot and shoemaker, 41 n. Second st Wyeth John, druggist, n. e. corner Market and Second streets Wyeth C. A., teacher, Markley's, Locust st Wyeth Francis, 42 n. Second st Y Yeager Christian, shoomaker, North street, east of Capitol Yeager Philip, carpenter, 48 south Front st Young Henry, carpenter, Second st below State Young Catharine, widow, Mulberry, three doors from Front sts Young Cyrus, hatter, 13 south Second st Young John,. victualler, 106 Walnut st Yoder and Miller, tailors, 15 1/2 Market square Yoder Daniel, tailor, Raspberry alley near Market st Youse Geo., gentleman, 6l n. Second st Yousling George, carpenter, south Second st. below Harris' alley Yousling Frances, widow, 102 south Second st Z Zimmerman Adam, farmer, 47 south Front st Zimmerman William O., carpenter, 49 south Front st Zimmerman Henry, painter, south Second st. bet. Vine and Paxson Zimmerman Frederick, painter, 118 south Second st Zollinger Elias, hatter, 13 south Second st Zollinger Elizabeth, widow, 24 south Third st Zollinger John, hatter, do do Zeigler George, gentleman, 15 south Second st Zeigler Jacob, lumber merchant, 55 south Second st Zeigler George V., do do Zeigler John, clerk, do Zinn Susan, widow, corner Fourth and Market sts Zimmerman Frederick, teacher, Front st above Vine Zoller Barnhart, victualler, Raspb'y alley, near Mulberry st Zouber Christophel, huckster, cor of Paxton st and River alley Zinn John, gentleman, 63 n. Second st Zinn George, grocer, e. s. Second above Pine st