MARRIAGE: Edward C. BUCHHEIT to Rose E. VOLLRATH, 1911, Lancaster County, PA Contributed and transcribed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Abby Bowman Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ Buchheit – Vollrath At high noon on Tuesday a pretty wedding occurred at the home of Mrs. Christiana Vollrath when her daughter, Rose E., became the bride of Edward C. Buchheit, a merchant of Indiana, Pa. Rev. H. N. Smith, of Delmont, performed the ceremony. The bride and bridegroom were attended by Mrs. Smith, sister of the bride, as matron of honor, and W. F. Buchheit of Allentown, brother of the bridegroom, as best man. The other attendants were Miss Anna Vollrath, as bridesmaid, and Mrs. Wm. Buchheit as bride’s matron. The ushers were Charles W. Johnson, of Uniontown, and James Fairbairn, of Utica, N.Y. Misses Miriam Vollrath and Eunice Smith, nieces of the bride, were flower girls, and Miss Esther Alcott Smith, a tiny niece, bore the ring. The bridal party marched in to the strains of the Mendelssohn wedding march, played by S. Z. Moore, organist of St. Paul’s Reformed church. “The Bridal Benediction”, by Sydney Lanier, was sung by Mrs. Smith, of Delmont. Among the guests present were: Mrs. Jacob Buchheit, of Sykesville; Mrs. William Warfel, of Norristown; Misses Elsie and Edith Doerr, of New Holland; Miss Mary Miller, of Lititz; Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Vollrath, Daniel Vollrath, Misses Christie and Julia Vollrath. The wedding breakfast was served in the private dining room of the Hotel Wheatland. Mr. and Mrs. Buchheit left for an extended trip through the East. They will be at home after July 10 at Indiana. Lancaster Daily Intelligencer, June 23, 1911