NEWS: Items from the Myerstown Enterprise, January 4, 1907, Lebanon County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Nancy Lorz Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ ELECTION OF OFFICERS Good Will Fire Co. The Good Will Fire Co. on Wednesday evening elected these officers to serve during the year: President, George D. Coover; vice president, William Martin, secretary, Paul Tice; financial secretary, P. P. Batsorff; treasurer, Frank Uhrich; trustees, Frank Yingst, Isaac N. Bahney, W. A. Huber; chief director, Frank Yingst; assistants, Alvin Brinder (sp?), Geo. Christ, L. C. Loose; engineer, George A. Martin; assistants, G. M. Uhrich, Wm. F. Martin, Francis Klopp; firemen, C. F. Walborn, R. J. Coover, George Christ, Harry Brecht; pipemen, David Stamm, Jacob Spangler, Charles Keeney, Wallace Uhrich, Welker Yingst, Levi Dierwechter, Calvin Potteiger, Charles Yingst; janitor, George A. Martin. The company decided to hold a fair in order to raise necessary funds, and a committee has been appointed to make necessary arrangements. UNITED AMERICANS The local order of United Americans elected the following officers to serve the current term: P.G.I., William Leibig; G. I., Clinton Wagner; V. G. I., Mary Line; G. C., Jerome Emerich; V. G. C., Victoria Barto; I. C., Susan Phillips; G. O. C., George, Eisenhauer; G. financial secretary, S. J. Wagner; G. secretary, Maggie M. Maurer; asst. G. secretary, Bella Katterman; treasurer, J. H. Maurer; trustees, W. H. Phillips, B. F. F. Maurer; representative to Grand temple, Bella Katterman. LUTHERAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL At a special meeting of the Lutheran Sunday-school Wednesday evening, the following officers were elected: Adult department, Supt., T. D. Frantz; assistant, Isaac Stupp; secretary, Frank Huber: treasurer, H. L. Corl; librarians, George Batdorff; assistant, S. D. Immer; organist, Maggie Stambaugh; assistant, Mary Smith. Primary department, Superintendent, Mrs. Isaac Stupp; assistant, Estrella McLaughlin; librarian, M. P. Batdorff. REFORMED CHURCH At a congregational meeting of the Reformed church Wednesday evening, the following officers were elected: President, George H. Horst; trustees, S. P. Beckey and Cornelius Loose; elder, Jas. Wagner: deacons, H. M. Gockley, Stanley Albert and Clinton Wagner. Ordination and installation of these newly elected officers will take place in connection with the regular services on next Sunday morning. PERSONALS James C. Raber and family of Reading, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Uhrich. Prof C. S. Kelchner and family returned from a visit to his parents at Fleetwood. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Batdorff left on last Wednesday for Lititz and surrounding towns visiting relatives and returned well pleased with their trip. Mrs. Harry Miller and son, Ira, Mrs. Clara Groff, of Freystown, visited at the home of Peter Bashore and Morris Batdorff on New Year's day. John Phillips and wife, of Burgoon, N.J., are the guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Phillips, at West Myerstown.